

Mrs. Anderson began by introducing the topic of the day – the concept of chemical equilibrium. She explained that in chemistry, equilibrium was a state in which a chemical reaction reached a balance between the reactants and products. It was a dynamic state where the forward and reverse reactions occurred at the same rate.

She drew diagrams and equations on the chalkboard, illustrating the principles of Le Chatelier's principle, which described how a system at equilibrium would respond to changes in concentration, pressure, or temperature. As she spoke, she tried to foster an interactive learning environment by encouraging questions and discussions. But the students, who weren't still reminiscing about Friday's party, were busy talking about it with their friends. 

"How about a hands-on experiment to illustrate the concept of chemical equilibrium?" Mrs Anderson announced, in an effort to bring the class' attention back to the lesson. "Get into pairs and we'll begin," 

The anticipation in the classroom grew palpable. Anything was better than non-stop lecturing in chemistry. Plus it would be the perfect opportunity to properly gossip in the name of 'discussion'.

"Persephone," Mrs. Anderson called. "You'll pair up with Asher this time,"

Perse exchanged a confused glance with her lab partner, Josh, who had been her steady partner for most experiments. 

"But I've always been Perse's partner," Josh said, and the class turned their attention to them, all of them eager for the next round of drama. Anything involving both Josh and Asher was bound to stir up trouble.

"Well not this time. You're pairing up with Tyler for this experiment,"

Perse's brown eyes widened with a mixture of surprise. She turned to face Asher, who was sitting at the back of the class, his dark blue eyes holding an enigmatic expression. He was clearly taking it way better than Josh was.

"Are you serious?!" Josh slammed his fist on the table, causing Perse, and a couple of other students, to flinch. 

"Josh__" Mrs. Anderson narrowed her eyes in warning.

"Nobody else is switching partners but I'm required to? That's bull___"

"J, don't!" Perse elbowed him in his side discretely, begging him to stop. But Josh wasn't having it. It was enough that he had to be in the same room with Asher, and more than enough that he was being separated from being lab partners with Perse. Pairing up the two was crossing a line. It only made him hate Asher more. 

"This isn't fair! Out of all the people you could pair Asher with___ it had to be Perse! Why can't it be somebody else?!"

"Because I said so!" Mrs. Anderson didn't have to raise her voice for the agitation in her voice to be detected. An uncomfortable spread in the room as everyone avoided looking at Josh and the professor__ all the while still trying to look at their expressions. "Now switch!"

His eyes briefly met Perse's, conveying a mixture of surprise, frustration, and agitation. His annoyance was evident as he turned to glare at Asher. Perse heard Josh mumble a bunch of curse words as the two gathered their lab coats and equipment and moved to their stations__ Perse with Asher and Josh with Tyler.

The chemistry lab slowly hummed with activity as students at various lab stations conducted their experiments, the tension in the air gradually dissipating.

"Hey," Perse greeted, settling on the seat beside Asher.

"Your friend sure has a flare for drama," Asher commented, oblivious to Perse's greeting as his gaze focused entirely on Josh opposite them.

"Something else the both of you seem to have in common," Perse said, putting on her lab coat.

"I'm nothing like him,"

"Or so the both of you keep saying,"

"I'm not!"

"Cool," she nodded dismisevely, not wanting to have that debate with Asher. "In any case, Ii had rather not get involved in whatever it is the two of you have going on,"

"And what do you think that is?"

"Nothing good that's for sure," Perse shook her head. "Now get dressed doll___ we have an experiment to carry out,"

Asher chuckled, shaking his head. He didn't comment on the fact that Perse had called him 'doll' but it brought a smirk to his face. 

With their lab coats on and safety goggles in place, Perse and Asher began the chemistry experiment, their assigned task to illustrate the concept of chemical equilibrium. 

Perse, with her precise and methodical approach, carefully measured one of the colorless solutions, her gloved hands moving with dexterity. She was clearly experienced in laboratory work, and her proficiency was evident. Asher, though not as seasoned in the realm of chemistry experiments, watched her every move with an attentive expression.

"How was the rest of your weekend?" Perse asked as she transferred the solution into a flask.

"Eventful, as always," Asher shrugged as he handled the other solution, a focused look in his dark blue eyes. "Yours?"

When the two solutions were combined, a subtle change in color occurred, indicating the shift in chemical equilibrium.

"It was okay. I had fun hanging out with you," Perse smiled softly remembering the brief moments she had spent with Asher that past weekend. Their gazes met briefly.

She was the one who had been doing most of the talking, but she was happy that Asher listened keenly, and occasionally asked questions. Either he wasn't big on conversations and bonding, or that was just what he was like__ cold, a loner, and occasionally detatched.

He had talked briefly about his little brother, who Perse found out was a young boy aged 10 named Carlos. It was evident to Perse that Asher loved his little brother, even though he didn't say it directly. He mentioned his mother, who he said had dedicated her entire life to take care of him and his brother. Pride shone in his eyes when he talked about his mother, despite how much he tried to hide it.

But he didn't, not even once, mention his father. And Perse didn't pry. She learnt that it was best not to if he didn't bring it up himself.

She talked about her mother, and how eager she usually was to embarrass her. She talked about Josh, and how the two became friends. Asher had occasionally rolled his eyes, displeased that he had to sit down and hear praises about Josh-he knew a side of him Perse seemed oblivious to- but he didn't interrupt, and he didn't retort. She mentioned that her father was a police officer, which, for some strange reason, Asher found funny. He didn't bother saying the reason behind it__ even though Perse tried to get it out of him.

They made a study schedule, and Perse gave Asher her timetable, so he'd know when she had classes, clubs, and when she was free. Asher promised to do the same on Monday. After ordering more coffee, and later grabbing a burger on their way out, the two went on their seperate ways. 

"Is that so?" Asher smirked, the pride shining in his eyes was hard to conceal. "I knew you'd eventually fall for me,"

"I just said that I had fun, nothing about me falling for you___ though someone clearly did,"

"Oh?" Asher said, his eyebrows raised in silent curiosity. "Let me guess__ Maya?"

Perse diverted her gaze from the experiment to cast Asher a meaningful look. "That's a rather on point guess,"

"She approached me before class," Asher shrugged nonchalantly, like it was the most insignificant thing he had to deal with all day.

"And?" Perse persisted. She couldn't help wanting to know more. Her attention was piqued.

"And what?" 

"What did she tell you? What did you tell her?"

Asher stopped what he was doing and gazed at Perse. Her brown eyes were wide with curiosity, her lips slightly parted in anticipation. Asher couldn't help the wide smirk that graced his lips staring at this incredibly curious, or nossy girl. Maybe a bit of both.

"Are you jealous cheer squad,"

"Jealous?" Perse scoffed, shaking her head dismisively. "Don't be ridiculous,"

Perse returned her attention back to their experiment, adjusting the temperature of the system, while Asher manipulated the pressure. It was a collaborative effort, and they worked in synchrony to achieve the desired changes. The results were evident as the colors shifted once more, underscoring the principles they had learned in class.

"You have no reason to be jealous," Asher said after a while, a hint of a smirk playing on his lips as his face reflected a playful expression. "Because I__" he began, then leaned closer to Perse. She felt his breathe on her neck when he whispered in her ear. "Am. Yours," He said it so casually, Perse was taken aback.

Asher's smirk widened when he saw how flustered Perse was. And he felt satisfied at how red her face got. 

Perse cleared her throat, and chuckled nervously. She could feel herself heating up, either because of the proximity between her and Asher, the closed windows in the room, or Asher's breath on her neck. She had to take several deep breaths to snap herself out of whatever trance she was in.

"We should__ we should finish this,"

"Finish what?" his voice was husky and low, and Perse body temperature shot up again. "This chemistry between us? I agree,"

"Finish this experiment," she tried to sound firm, but her voice was barely a whisper. She turned to look at him, his blue eyes, normally filled with darkness Perse was scared to explore, was now swimming in amusement and playfulness. She could tell he enjoyed messing with her. 

"Your 'charm' may work on Maya and the rest of the bimbos in this school, but not me," she whispered confidently, her face inches from his.

"Bimbos?" Asher chuckled. "Is that what you're calling your friends now?

"It's what I'm calling everyone who would fall for you,"

"Geez cheer squad, talk about hurting my feelings,"

"I had no idea you had any,"

"I do. It's just hidden behind all this muscles and masculinity," Asher flexed, and Perse giggled softly, shaking her head in resignation.

"I have no words Asher,"

"I've rendered you speechless?" he wiggled his eyebrows.

"Not in a good way playboy," she said. "Now we have to finish this experiment," She broke eye contact, returning her attention back to the chemicals. Asher nodded, studying her carefully before sitting up straight.

As they completed the experiment, Persephone and Asher compared their observations and recording their findings. Neither of them noticing the enraged glare that Josh had been shooting in their direction. He had seen their entire interaction... and he was not happy!

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