
The Exam Results

""How is Felin-chan, Leaena-san?""

"She still hasn't woke up, Vier-chan, Mifumi-chan."

It's already been three days since Mifumi-sama and I woke up after we collapsed from fighting the Black-Weretiger monster.

Mifumi-sama and I were discharged from the Infirmary the next day we woke up. We thought that Felin would also wake up soon. But even after waiting another 2 days, Felin still didn't wake up.

"Is Felin going to be alright, Leaena-san?"

"What's with that worried look, Vier-chan? Old man Danboro said that my Felin-chan is going to be okay, right? Her Cat-san is just keeping her asleep so my Felin-chan can fully recover."

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