

At times, your seemingly calm life can turn into a soap opera.

Rachel's POV

"Look, it's my celebrity roommate," Debby announced, the instant I stepped foot in our hotel room. She was sat cross-legged on her bed. Hair falling on her shoulders as she was clad in a simple white thin strapped blouse and red booty shorts.

"What nonsense is she spewing?" I queried in a low tone which was still high enough for her to hear.

"I heard that," she scoffed and picked up her phone from her side.

"It was for you to hear," I rolled my eyes and dropped my weight on the mattress. A satisfied groan left my lips as I moved to a lying position.

"Bitch," she muttered under her breath, prompting me to send her a pointed glimpse. She grinned in response and spoke, "Anyway, you are trending on social media. Or atleast a photo of you is."

"What?" I asked in alarm and quickly moved my body to sit up.

"You haven't checked your phone today?" Debby interrogated, her face full of astonishment.

"No wonder I got plentiful notifications when I put on my mobile data to check our email but didn't bother to glimpse at them," I explained, eying her warily. "What is this all about?"

"You are causing a ruckus, especially on Instagram." She scrambled off her bed and rushed to throw herself of on mine, both of us bouncing a bit at the force she did it with. She handed me her unlocked device, "here."

My attention diverting from her position to the iPhone 11 in my palm, I moaned in irritation as I spotted a slide of photos the cameramen back at the location site took of me and Lorenzo when he held me tightly.

What stirred me wasn't the photo, rather it was the person who posted it, Lorenzo himself. "So this was what he was doing while he was on his phone on our drive to his hotel?"

"You went to his hotel room?" Debby's lids widened as she questioned.

"We had a few things to discuss," I relayed. "However, that's beside the point."

"Yeah, we'll get back to that later," Debby wiggled her brows and tapped her phone. "Have you read the comments?"

"Most of them are wondering who you are," she continued before I responded and loaded the comments. "Some of them are guessing other celebrities or actresses. Although this is the most shocking."

"What is?" I interrogated as she took the device from me and swiped on the screen for some seconds.

"Look, this all stirred from a comment asking if that's a wedding band or engagement ring," Debby elaborated as she placed the phone in my hold. On the screen was one of the pictures posted, nonetheless a red circle was drawn around his left ring finger where there sat a diamond crested wedding band.

Out of instinct, I lifted my left palm to my view, my vision zeroing on the ring on my fourth finger as I focused on it for the second time. It was made of a gold band, a shiny and heart shaped diamond resting in the middle.

"Wow," Debby clamored, taking hold of the hand I was peering at. "How much do you think this ring is worth?"

"Shit, I'm in trouble," I inhaled and shook my head off gloomy thoughts that wanted to creep into my mind as tears gathered in my eyes at the beauty of the ring. I cleared my throat and turned to Debby. "Unlock it."

Debby did and I was met with the photo again. I read the caption out loud. "Our actor boyfriend has caused a stir with this photo and questions have been rising. Who is she? Where did she come from? Is she an actress? Despite all these, one thing is certain. Lorenzo is spotting a ring. Though it is yet to be confirmed if it's a wedding or engagement ring."

"Oh shit," I let out.

"Your life is just about to be a soap opera," Debby smiled at me as she retrieved her phone.

I gaped at her in wonder as she continued to grin. "Sometimes I wonder why you are my friend."

"You love me," she declared and tilted her head to stare at me pointedly.

"What?" I asked in confusion.

"I'm thinking of how to make a disguise for you," she confessed and my eyes widened. 

"No, no." I shook my head rapidly. "You would do no such thing. Even if the situation arises, I'll be the one to do it. You are not a designer for a reason Debby."

"Shut up and give me your phone," she uttered, stretching a hand my way.

"Why?" I inquired, throwing my legs off the bed.

"I need to make some calls," she informed.

"Why not use yours?" I implored, now in a standing position, phone in my palm.

"Should I tell you the reason?" She proposed, her vision set on me in a weird way.

"You know what? Don't," I blurted suddenly changing my mind as I dropped my phone on the bed. "Take it, I need to shower anyway."


I scratched my scalp as I dragged my flip flop clad feet along the tiles. Lids half opened, a yawn left my lips while I made my way to the bathroom.

I shoved the barrier open with my weight and leaned on the sink as I inhaled and exhaled large puffs of air, in hopes to shake off my slumber. Gaping at my reflection in the mirror, I spotted a drool on the side of my lips, inciting me to snort.

It turned into a laugh as I imagined what people would think if they saw me that way hence I was now a public figure. Switching on the faucet, I splashed cool water on my face, the moisture enough to wake me.

Flipping it off, I dried my face with a towel and halted as my eyes caught sticky notes on the wall beside the mirror in Debby's cursive handwriting.

Don't look for me, I'm out.

In case you are curious, I got invited to a bonfire by that guy of last night. 

You should remember him if your brain isn't scrambled.

I scoffed, nonetheless a smile on my lips as I plucked if off the wall and went to read the second red paper.

If you wonder why I didn't invite you it's because I wanted to.

However, you looked tired and in need of rest so I let you sleep in.

You've had the craziest 24 hours of your life so it's only right to get some shut eye.

Full on smiling, I plucked the second one off and squeezed it before throwing it in the trash as I exited. Don't get me wrong I was touched and honored by her courtesy and the notes so throwing it away had nothing to do with how I felt about it.

The view outside the window indicated it was night and so I pondered on how long I'd been asleep as I strutted to my bed, my body in simple wear of loose fitting red and yellow striped shorts and a red crop top.

After Lorenzo and I had cleared things up, he had ordered in some food which I ate more than half the portion. I didn't know I was that hungry till I saw the food, though I wasn't to blame, the events of the past evening till then was enough to make a person crazy.

I had gotten to our hotel room full, and after my shower I was off like a light.

My knees hit the frame of my bed and I hissed in pain as it snapped me out of my head just as I was about to ponder on the kiss we shared. It was unexpected, short, and shocking, nevertheless it was mindblowing, toecurling and had me hungry for more.

'Close Friends' by Lil baby started playing which alerted me to my phone that had the screen flashing hence it was my ringtone. I plopped on the bed and lifted it off the sheets only for my hand to freeze as I recognized the picture on my lockscreen.

I could swear I wasn't the one who set it as I raked y brain till the time I clocked off to sleep. The culprit was certain. It was Debby thus she was the last one who touched the device.

Staring back at me was one of the selfies Lorenzo and I took, or should I say the ones he forced himself into. It was the first one as it showed him grinning in my shoulder while my fingers were in his hair, a weird expression on my face as I tried to push him away.

The noise my phone was emitting stopped and I realized I had spent the last minute gaping at the lock screen, an unknown smile dancing on my lips.

The song came on again and I focused this time to see the name flashing on the screen as Dad❤️.

Panic took over my being as many scenarios ran wild in my head. It wasn't that he never called but judging by the situation I was in, the call could mean a lot of things.

Just before it stopped ringing for the second time I summoned courage and swiped the screen to connect the call. "Hello?"

"Sweetheart, how are you?" My mom's soft voice responded and I grinned, missing her.

"Hey mom," I called out, adjusting my posture on the mattress. "I'm fine, how about you?"

"I'm good darling, how are things over there?" She asked. "Oh wait, I forgot you are on vacation, how's it going?"

"It's going fine, crazy but fine. Vegas is really beautiful, especially at night," I narrated, my gaze getting drawn to the window as I spoke. "Where's Dad? I know you are using his phone to call."

"I'm here Nne (an endearment)" his gruff voice responded to my query. "How is Vegas? I hope you aren't doing anything out of the ordinary?"

That was his own way of saying "I hope you aren't doing anything stupid." I held in a sigh so as not to give anything away thus judging from my situation, it was already too late.

"Oh shut up," Mom chastised. "Vacations are for doing things out of the ordinary, isn't that right sweetie?"

'Oh mother you will be surprised by the out of ordinary things I'd done in just a few hours of being in Vegas,' I said in my head and feigned a chuckle to which she giggled in response.

"So, are you in your room now? Also, where's Debby? I don't hear her near you. Heck, I don't hear anything near you," Mom rambled and I laughed genuinely at the concern hidden in her words.

"I'm in my hotel room, I was tired after our flight yesterday so I slept the whole day in," I murmured, slight guilt poking my conscience at the lie I dished out, though most of it was partly true. "Debby on the other hand went to a bonfire."

"That girl should learn to stay at a place," Dad grumbled and I rolled my eyes.

"I'm here angry that Rachel didn't go with her and you are here mumbling nonsense," Mom responded angrily to his words as she took the words right out of my mouth by saying. "You are always the one who has been rambling about Rachel finding a man, so how is it possible if she's cooped up in her room when she's supposed to be on vacation?"

"Hey sis," the voice of my little brother Richard came as the voice of my parents arguing dimmed a bit. I suspected he had taken the device away from mom.

"How many times must I remind you that it's rude to do that to your parents?" I cautioned in response, despite the fact I was glad he did. 

"Oh shut it, you are happy I did," he retorted and I snorted, not answering because I knew it was the truth. "Anyway, did you see Lorenzo Caden's recent post?"

I stilled at the question as I raked my mind for some sort of reply. "Yeah," Mom's voice shouted in the background. I wondered why I thought it a good idea that my family knew about my crush on Lorenzo. "I think he's gotten another girlfriend."

"Not girlfriend, Fiancee," Dad chipped in and I let out a silent groan. "The picture posted by one of the blogs circled out the ring on his fourth finger."

"It could just be an accessory," Mom argued. "Youths this days do weird things."

"They looked intimate in the picture," Richard uttered. Dad on the other hand supported. "Exactly."

"She could be his sister," Mom argued. Through all these I was quiet as the usual family banter went on until Mom asked. "What do you think Rach, you are his number 1 fan, only a few degrees left to be his stalker so tell me, who is it?"

My phone vibrated in that instant. Knowing that they must have heard it through the connection I jumped at the excuse. "Um Mom, Dad, Richard, will talk to you guys soon, I just got an email I need to reply to."

"You are on vacation, you are not supposed to--"

"Bye Mom," I said in a loud tone while I heard Richard murmur in the background, "I can't help but have the feeling she's someone familiar."

I put an end to the call and breathed a sigh of relief as I placed my phone on my lap and shut my eyes as I aimed to collect my thoughts. The device vibrated again and I plucked it from its position.

Unlocking my phone I saw a message from an unknown number. However, when I read it, I didn't need to guess who it was from as the sender was revealed.

'Evening wife🌚

Clear your schedule tomorrow, I've got plans.'

I will definitely appreciate your thoughts and comments my sweets.

Let me know what you are thinking


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