

" I'll take two short cake , one black coffee and one creamed "

The cash register dinged while calculating

" That would be 10 dollar and 18 cent please"

The lady pulled out her purse to pay

"This might sound inappropriate but God you look beautiful this evening "

The cashier blurted out to the person ordering, nervous.

Dressed on jeans and a big jacket, long black thick hair ,cute big light brown eyes . A round face and a nice body to complement her short stature .

"Oh my ?"

Smiled the customer then giggled , red chicks and ears . Some what adorable

" Thank. Your not half bad your self"

"Oh please, you've seen better day "

The cashier laughed mockingly at herself

"Did you come with a date?"

The cashier asked placing the customer order

"You could say that , I just hope she doesn't turn me down "

"Sorry, she?"

The customer giggled picking her stuff

"You can keep the change as my tip "

She smiled one last time before walking away. The cashier trailed the customer while she walked half way across the cafe towards the the entrance where a darked skin lady with a low bub haircut sat , her face light up the moment she sent her gaze on the thick haired lady who had just ordered from her. The moment she sat there hands intertwined and they smiled all through there conversation.


Called out someone from the back , the cashier turned to see her boss. His work shirt covering half his hairy belly and he smelled liked coffee grinder and olive oil.

"Your shifts over , you can pack up for the day"

"Yes sir, what about ronny?"

"His in the dresser, go change and head home alright "

"Yes boss "

Eve took of her apron with the cafe logo on it , CAFE SHACK written on her work t-shirt, she headed to the back and bumped into Ronny, tanned skined Ronny Rudove. Mr R&R of the surfing team in Malibu , tagged as the best of the best in his team but strike in second yesterday in the grand continental tournament.

They still made it to national but Ronny didn't take that in properly .

"The desk all yours my man "

She parted him

" See yah tomorrow Eve"

His voiced dreamed and gloomy. Eve felt sorry for him

" Don't beat yourself to much on yesterday man . You did good Ronny"

He shrugged then nodded

"Thanks for the support eve, ment a lot . Sorry I couldn't say that sooner"

"Understandable, but next time you shrug me off again you and me are gonna have some serious problems , you hear me "

"Loud and clear "

He chuckled

"I'll see you tomorrow"

Ronny nodded and left to give eve some privacy.

After she was done, she packed her bags and headed out the door to her truck . Having another shift in half an hour , eve quickly put her car in ignition and pulled back In a reverse.

"Let go of me Micheal"

She heard a familiar voice lashes out it was loader than she could recall, by the corner of the parking lott of CAFE SHACK.

Eve recognize the thick straight hair and pulled her car to a stop. The customer she served before struggled to let her hand lose from the guy that tugged on her. 6ft-3 , broad shoulder ,bald and very angry. Using her free hands she banged on his chest yelling and cursing at him.

The bub cut lady stood by the side line foundling with her phone

"911....yes ....my friend is being assaulted by the crazy lunatic...she needs.... MILLE!!"

The dark skin girl screamed charging in to the assaulter . He slammed Millie's head to the front bonnet of a car and lets go of her to faces the charging lady .

Hitting her , she staggers backwards before touching the ground then kicks her multiple times. Millie jumped behind him and gets him on a chuckle hold as he struggles to get her off him .

On the floor now lies the dark skined woman groaning and in tears her phone was still on by the side cracked.

"Hello , miss can you hear me , hello? miss??"

But she was to pained to respond back, she sobbed ever so slightly.

The assaulter succeed on getting mille off him and rammed her to the car again, blood began to drip down her forehead.

"Your coming home with me even if I have to pull out every strand of your hair while dragging you "

"I hate you "

Millie screamed from the bottom of her guts , her veins Poppin out her neck and forehead. she scratched his large hand that where intertwine with her hair, he held her by a chunk.

"I lost everything because of you , I pray you fucking go to hell like your brothers you lunatic, your a monster you hear me "

Now he was furious

He turned her around and punched her by the face and again. Dragging her by the driver's seat he bashed her head to the glass forceing a crack.

Releasing her to the ground her body slops, still conscious she groans, blood drooling down her nose and mouth.

"That will teach a whore like you to never go against me . I own you , your my property, you belong to me ."

He kicked her , she cries and roll over. Going for a second time he lost his vision , his head dealt heavy and on his knees he fell, hitting the ground head first .

"Sorry buddy we might need a permit for that "

Eve stated holding a iron rench on one hand and dialing 911 on the other .

"Hello.... Yhh we need an ambulance and some cops at Entic street ... No by Malibu beach... The on that has a freaking cafe close by ...yeah that one. Two injured one unconscious... Um assault....no am a bystander... alright thanks."

Eve looked over at Millie and bent over

"Hey ? , Hey miss can you hear me?"

She groaned the opened her eyes slightly

"N...Na..Nadia, wh...where is she ?"

Eve looked behind her , the dark skined lady laid motionless. Eve rushed over her to check her plus.....

"Still breathing "

She thought then rushed back to Millie

"When the cops come tell them everything"

Pressing a hankey to her lips

"Your friend is fine and the big guy is gonna be out of it for a while, at least to the cops get here . Just file a report and your gonna be fine"

Millie nodded and took over the hankey on her lips.

With that eve rushed to her car , starting it again and drove off with the assurance she going to get fired from her night shift.

"Fuck am so freaking late."

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