
Chapter Twenty - I'm the boss

My wait at the salon was endless, it took ages for me, Cherry was taking so long. We had a very important dinner to attend and both Alex and I had forced Cherry to come here for a light makeover.

Not that it mattered to me, after all, Cherry was the prettiest but I didn't want her to feel out of fashion when she meets other women at the party.

And now, I really felt the wait at the salon was long, which was actually not true since I have just waited for only thirty minutes. The truth was that I couldn't wait to see the new Cherry.

It was the first time she was getting a professional makeover and the first time she would be dressing extravagant, she always dressed simple and natural, looking so pure and cute.

I exhaled and checked the time again.

"Sir, I'm sure she will soon be done," my driver said, he must have noticed how anxious I was.

"I'm here already. The makeover and hairdressing section felt like forever to me," I heard Cherry say when the car door opened.

I couldn't take my eyes off her when I saw her, she was freaking hot.

With her hair worn up, perfect makeup, red ball gown and heels, she looked more than a queen.

"Andrei, Andrei," she snapped her fingers in front of my face.

"I would never go for a makeover ever again, it's suffocating and these earrings, they are so heavy. Andrei, I wonder how those classy women survive," she said, desperately waiting for my comment.

"Cherry, you look so stunning. I feel like..., " I was saying but then she placed her finger on my lips to keep me quiet.

"Don't say more," she said and smiled.

"I wanted to say you look just pretty and I feel like the makeover was a waste of time, what where you expecting me to say," I said ironically, then bit my lip to hide my laughter.

"Just pretty? Me? The makeover was a waste of time?" I could hear her disappointed voice say. 


"Don't speak to me, you're so annoying, aren't people supposed to look prettier after a makeover? If I look just pretty now, then I did I look before the makeover?"

I was so enjoying this. 

"No wonders you forced me for a makeover, it was because you felt I wasn't looking good enough," I heard her sob.

The game had completely changed.

"Cherry, did you actually believe me?" I quickly comforted.

"No I didn't, I know I'm super pretty, everyone complimented me inside, I just played along with your act," she said and I gave a scowl.

"Of course,you're the prettiest, and you look even more prettier now. And that's why you have to stay close to me at the party, I don't want other men looking at you," I said officiously.

"Yes sir. So what you mean is that I look so pretty that I'ld be the limelight at the party?"


"So, this makeover inconvenience was worth it after all?"

"Of course."

"So you're still saying I'm not pretty without makeup?"

"Didn't I just explain to you that you are so so pretty, when have you become this narcissistic?"

"See,you're lucky to have me, I'm way prettier than you, I'm the boss here," she said with a pout and smiled.

"I'm just kidding, you are very handsome. But I'm the boss, only me," she added and I smiled.

"Of course, only you are my boss."

"Andrei, I'm nervous, this is the first time I'ld be attending a very expensive and classy party."

"Don't be nervous, you are also very classy, don't forget you're the CEO of global tech's future wife and don't worry, I won't leave your side at the party," I said and she smiled.

"Who says I'ld marry you," she said and I quickly looked at her.

"Come on, don't be so serious, husband." She said and we smiled.

Cherry's POV

We finally got to our destination and Andrei opened the door fo me. He took my hands in his and we walked slowly towards the big building. It was the fiftieth birthday party of one of the most prominent business men in town. He specially invited both Andrei and me.

This same man, Mr Tan was also one of the investors we hoped to get for VIDA. So, Andrei and I had to come.

I was nervous because all the CEOs of various companies and their partners were invited.

I tried to ignore all worries I was getting both physically from the heels and earrings, even financially as I walked into the magnificent building with Andrei.

"Don't eat or drink anything at this party," Andrei whispered to me.

"Got it."

We showed our invitation card to the bouncers at the entrance and we were let in.

The hall was stupendously decorated, it was the most beautiful interior design I had ever seen. We got a lot of greetings as we walked into the hall.

"Good evening, Mr Laurel, nice to see you," people greeted as we walked in.

"Good evening, Mr Tan," Andrei greeted and I knew instantly that he was the celebrant.

"Good evening, happy birthday," I greeted too.

"Good evening, thank you for coming and you're welcome," he said to Andrei.

"Your fiancee looks gorgeous," he added.

"Thank you," Andrei said and then we walked away.

"I'm already being addressed as fiancee without an official engagement," I complained to piss Andrei.

"Come on, don't be mad, my queen," he said and I smiled.

I looked around the crowded place, there was absolutely no one I recognized here. Several women in expensive clothing approached us and both Andrei and I greeted.

"They own the largest skincare brand in town, they are all siblings," Andrei whispered to me.

Andrei and I took a seat away from the crowd but it didn't stop the many people coming to talk to Andrei.

"Cherry, stay here, I'ld be back in a minute," Andrei said and walked towards the group of businessmen at one end. They chatted and chatted for minutes, and when he was down with them, others came.

"Hi, I'm Elizabeth, owner of Flames hotels."

"I'm Catherine."

"And I'm Danielle," some women came to me and introduce themselves.

"I'm Cherry," I replied.

"You're Mr Laurel's girlfriend?" Catherine asked, she was tall, slim and quite beautiful.

"Yes," I replied.

"You're very beautiful, I must admit, but how come Mr Laurel chose you? I don't know you? I mean what business do you do?" The one called Danielle said and it was quite offending, I mean, I don't even know them.

"I work at global tech."

"So you're just an employee? Holy craps! I heard the rumour but didn't believe. So Mr Laurel chose an employee after rejecting someone like me?" Danielle asked and with the look on her face, she didn't like me.

"Danielle, no matter how hard one try to make a pig glitter, it would still go back to the swamps where it belongs.

She might have seduced her way to his heart but she's just a lowlife, she would soon return to the swamps she came from," I heard a voice, Stephanie's voice say.

I turned to look at her, she was wearing the same gown as mine. So Stephanie was here too? Of course she would be, after all, she owns that biggest fashion industry in town.

"Stephanie, what took you so long? And your gown? It's the same as hers." Elizabeth who was quiet since said softly to Stephanie.

"This gown was imported from France and there are only two made, one is mine any the other can be gotten from the designer, hers must be fake," Stephanie mocked.

"Have you ever heard of the saying "a fool is better than one who's wise in his own eyes?" I don't think you're the fool here," I said proudly and Danielle laughed, I could see Stephanie's face turn red.

"Watch your words, Cherry," Stephanie commanded.

"Stephanie, I know you're intelligent, you probably must have heard of the word "modesty", this is a party so try to be modest, don't embarrass yourself here," I said and she took the seat closest to mine.

There was silence between us and I could feel the tension, Stephanie was obviously annoyed. I looked around for Andrei but couldn't find him.

A waitress came with wine and Elizabeth took a glass. She took the glass, and just as she was about to take a sip, it slipped from her hands and poured on my dress because she was also seating close to me.

I was almost sure it was intentional.

"I'm sorry, it just slipped," she apologized and I was sure it was also pretentious.

"My dress," was all I could say.

"She already said she was sorry, are you going to make a fuss about it? Remember this is a party and we have to be modest," Stephanie ridiculed and then I was sure it was planned.

I stood up and headed to no where in particular, I was looking for the washroom. I walked into the washroom when I finally found it and began cleaning my dress.

That Stephanie, I'ld definitely get back at her, who does she think she is? This dress, my dress, the dress Andrei gifted me, fake?

The stain the wine caused on my dress could only be removed by washing, so when I wiped it with my handkerchief, it dried but was still visible.

"Wait, I heard a familiar voice say when I walked out of the washroom towards the hall. It was Brandon.

"You again?" I asked surprised. I was shocked even more when I remembered the promise I made to him the last time we met. We got to the hall together and he sat adjacent my new seat.

"So we meet again? What are you doing here?" He asked.

I did another search with my eyes for Andrei but couldn't find him.

"My fiance and I were invited," I said fiance to keep him away from me.

"Remember, your promises the last time we met,"

"Hmm... What's it?" I asked pretentiously.

"Your name."

"Brandon, by the way, why are you here?" I asked changing the topic.

"My company was invited."

"Which company?" I asked inquisitively.

"You still haven't told me your name," he reminded. From the look of things, he was very cunning and I don't know why but I had this strange feeling around him, I felt he wasn't worth trusting and I didn't want to give any details about me.

"I know you don't want to tell me anything about you and don't worry I won't ask anymore, it's okay. I just want us to be friends," he spoke.

"You're explicit," I replied and he smiled.

"Cherry," I heard Andrei call and I turned back to look at him.

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