

after arriving at the door I open it, the person inside seems to notice that I open the door. and greeted me from the other room,

"Alex you're back early, is the store okay?"

the three people behind me become confused, because it sounds like a wife welcoming her husband back home.

"hahaha, no I just got helper to help me serve the costumer so I can close it early, well let's go in first I brought the helper here."

after saying that I walked into the house and Ritsuka, Mash, and Jeanne followed me inside, I then walked towards the dining room and let them sit around the table.

seeing them started to sit, I was thinking in how to deal with the commotion that will come later and started to sweet since it wouldn't be simple while also seating at the head of the table, while Jeanne sit on my right followed by Ritsuka and Mash.

"well Jalter how about you meet with the guest first while?" I tried to call for her so I can introduce her to everyone.

"ok wait a moment."

"so Alex you seem to enjoy your life in the singularity it seems." Ritsuka said with a cold expression on her face.

"Senpai please calm down, Sensei didn't do it on purpose." Mash is trying to calm the awkward atmosphere.

"so Alex who is this Jalte, please don't tell me it is the other me right." Jeanne said, after hearing Jeanne words Ritsuka become even more cold.

"well first before we start I want to say I am sorry."

"second it is not inte-" before I finish talking Jalter enter the room and saw the person gathered there.

"hmph so it's the foolish and naive me who came." after saying that she sat on my left side across Jeanne

"are you jealous because Alex is with me and acting like newlywed couple?"

hearing her words the three people across her showed varying expression, Ritsuka showing an expression of looking at a trash, Mash was showing a confused expression, while Jeanne expression is like a woman who discover that her husband cheated on her.

"Cough, Cough, how about we change the direction of the conversation first?"

"no, we need to decide it here now, Alex which one do you like me or this idiot Saintess."

"that's what you get, not only you are two timing, you also do it with the same person."

"ok let's hear it out Alex, what will you say?" Jeanne also look towards me.

"well, let's explain my excuse first, you see Jeanne your sister-"

"wait sister, what do you mean by that Alex?"

"she may look like you but she is not you, in a certain sense she is a different person, she has a different view, way, and response to everything, in another word, congratulation Jeanne you got a little sister in this singularity."

"so is that all you want to say?"

"I know you guys are mad so let me explain until the end, I only tell you guys why I am with her now."

I began explaining why with the tone of telling my reasoning, starting by the fact that the source of singularity was not Jeanne and it come from Gilles de Ray that wish to bring the ideal Jeanne, that's why I am with her so she can find other purpose rather then doing something that she herself don't understand.

"what do you mean by that Alex?, you think I am just an idiot who is manipulate by someone" Jalter become mad.

"then do you remember the time when you are a kid?, or do you remember anything beside me and the time you are burn in the stake?"

"are you pitying me Alex."

"no, you don't need any pity from me, I only try to show you the world and will let you decide after that."

"so since it has come to this, let me ask what will you do, will you seek revenge for what you don't even experience or will you try to see the rest of the world and help repair the singularity."

"you don't need to worry, I wont help this three in this event, even if you want to see the world burn I will not stop you now."

"yo-you, then why did you stop me from leaving when you first kidnaped me from Orleans, are you bored of me now since you found her." she point at Jeanne who is sitting across her.

"no, it means I failed to persuead you from doing something you will regret."

"then why wont you stop me?"

"because I can't, because my job is just to deal with anything that is clearly out of her league." I look towards Ritsuka and Mash.

"don't forget you are my servant I can order you anytime, what will you do if I order you to kill both of them." hearing Jalter words Ritsuka and Mash become tense and ready themselve to deal with her action.

when Jeanne was about to speak I hold my hand up to stop her.

"you wont and I am not that weak to let myself be control by a simple command spell."

"let me ask again what will you do?"

"if I win you need to follow me for the rest of your life." before leaving she said this while looking toward me.

"ok, but if you lose to them you need to listen to me."

after hearing my word she choose to wear her armor and leave the house.

"so what is that all about Alex?, do you like her or something."

"it's not like anymore it's care for her."

"then what about Jeanne?"

"it is care, to love is easy but to care for someone is hard."

"well probably you won't understand, after all Ritsuka is still a kid."

"you are not that much of different in age then me."

"what I mean is experience in relation, just like I care for Jeanne, I also care about you and mash, of course care in a different meaning, after all if I don't watch over you, you will suddenly become a lazy bum."

"hmph, so what do you mean by saying your care for Jeanne is different from us."

"Ritsuka is really insensitive, don't you understand what I mean?"

hearing my reply Jeanne who just listening started to blush.


A word of thanks to :

ReimAscart VictorWalker 0zymandias Hosea_6679 DeadCat5757 ThreshGasm Dream_More Gitbhang Luis_Contreras_248 Lion_KingSimp1 Phi0fany_11531 Unknown_Wizard SirFawzi Joshua_Gagnon ParallaxDawn kainebartz16 Kliuy2k Greddy_wolf. Saurian_mp4 BIMMM galks Dtrackt  Aphos  JJ123  GuessTheGender  Judy_Morgan_5854  Dtrackt  DAO_of_UmU  DanKress  jaden_cadawas  The_Trailer_Master  MaXsuL08  NordicRazor  Dragler  TAYROS_LINK  See_rer  Rose_BloodKill  jkrsa  Crystalsinger81  AltrEgo  jaden_cadawas  Parsakzz  King_8997 PureWhite248  AetherBlacklight  UchihaMadara  Akito_  Crystalsinger81  Atalyn_Navia  ChromeFate Aaron_Evangelista  Aamzazap  Ethan_Farias  Daze_Imaginator  Aozu  Rainhawk  True1ironDragon  DaoistgiCsfI  flavio_Sampaio_8936  noobmasterop1  Poseidon_M  NamelessDeity  Stling  Bored_Sailor  The_Enraged_Tumor 

for the Power Stone

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