
Enemies Strikes

After Yuuto calmed down and got his emotion back control. Nawin and he trained the whole night trying to improve the blond's power and control. Yuuto decided to abandon the quest on destroying all the Excalibur, now he is focused on the man who is responsible in the Holy sword project and bring him to justice so his friend can finally rest in peace.

The two boys bonded close in training and now consider each other close friends even though the Makasha might not show it that much.


Nawin and Yuuto clash their swords, the forest shake from every strike the two swords contact, "You're getting better Yuuto" Nawin smirk, the blond smirk back. He summons another sword and dual battle against the Makasha, forcing the him to go on the defense. Nawin puts more power on his sword and strike Yuuto with more force breaking one of his swords then kicks him in the stomach, sending the blond flying backwards and lands to the ground.

Yuuto gets up and dash toward the Makasha, summoning another sword, flames ignite from the blade, "I been meaning to see if this work" Yuuto shoot a fire ball toward the Makasha, he then spins his other sword sending a tornado blast, the two attack forms and merge creating a giant, wide wave of flames speeding toward the Makasha.

Nawin whistle in impress seeing the flames coming toward him, he dispel his sword and raise his right hand "Ice Glacier Storm", Giant wave of ice fires from Nawin right palm. The two attack clash, trying to overpower each other then it suddenly erupt in a explosion. When the smoke clears there is a giant crater between that two.

Nawin looks at the blond to see him on his knee, panting "That was a smart move Yuuto" the Makasha praise, appearing beside the blond "That's enough training, you definitely gotten stronger" he comments and helps the blond up "I am sure you will reach balance breaker soon".

The blond takes a deep breath and smile "I'm surprise you haven't reach Balance breaker yet Nawin-kun" he admits 'I'm starting to wonder the same thing' Nawin thought. "Well anyway, thanks again Nawin-kun for everything" Yuuto raise his fist, the black haired smile and raise his own then two bumps their fists.

The Gremory symbol appears beneath the blond "See you tomorrow Nawin-kun" Yuuto said then teleports away. Nawin sigh looking at the now destroyed forest. "I never knew you were such a smooth talker Nawin-kun" A voice said, making Nawin turns and is shock to see Sayomi leaning against one of the trees, smiling teasingly at him.

"What are you doing here" Nawin glares at her and start releasing some of his power, making the silver haired smirk "Oh Nawin-kun don't need to get hasty, I'm not here to fight" She reply, raising both her hand up. 'Sairex release 30 percent of the restriction seal' Nawin order, Sairex obeys knowing nothing would change the black haired mind.

Sayomi suddenly felt Nawin magic tripled making her eyes widen slightly 'Right now his power is at least between low and mid Ultimate class devil' The silver haired thought looking at the Makasha red eyes which is full of hatred directing at her causing a smirk to form on her lips.

"I guess we can have a nice little dual" She comments and stretch her muscle before walking toward the black haired and stop a few feet away from him. The two stare at each other a minute then dash at one another. Nawin throws a punch which Sayomi caught easily, the whole ground explodes from the force of the punch.

Sayomi squeezes Nawin right hand making the black haired wince slightly, he then open his left hand, a red orb forms "Red Flame Cannon" Sayomi release his hand and dodge the red ball, as she dodge the attack, Nawin use the time and kick her in the side, sending her a few meters back.

Nawin sends a dozen of shadow lance toward the silver haired. Sayomi raise her hand in the air and swipe all the lance away, shattering it into pieces 'What was that?!', Sayomi sees Nawin shock face "Oh so you're wondering how I stop all that lance well" She points her hand toward the black haired.

Nawin suddenly felt a force sending him back crashing into some three, Sayomi then raise her hand in the air, sending the black haired up in the sky "Down you go" Sayomi smirk bringing her hand down causing Nawin to shoot down, slamming into the ground.

The ground explode, Nawin gets out from the crater, Sayomi smirk seeing the black haired heavily bruise form. "It will take a lot more than that to defeat me, vampire". Nawin point his index and middle finger up in the air "Black Coffin" black box form around the silver haired, red spear appears surrounding the box.

"Hmmm interesting technique, and gruesome" Sayomi comment, seeing only dark space inside the box, the silver haired swipe her arm to the side, the box creak and shatters and Sayomi is able to see black haired shock expression.

"Is that all you got?" She ask stretching her arm and yawns, "No I still got more" Nawin brought his index finger down. Sayomi looks up to see the red spears shoot toward her, smoke erupt as the spears impact. Nawin didn't take any chance, he fires blue flames burst toward the silver haired, the flames exploded and melts everything it touches.

"huh, huh, huh" Nawin pants, feeling his energy drain 'Damn does spells took a lot out of me' he drops to his knees trying to regain his breather. The black haired looks up at the blue flames surrounding the area, burning everything in its way. "Now that's was hotter than the red flames" Sayomi walks out of the flames unwound. Nawin curse trying to get on his foot, but the silver haired appears in front of him and kick him in the face, sending him crashing to the ground.

"Now now, as I said I'm not here for a fight" Sayomi puts her foot on the black haired chest. She grins looking down at the Makasha "How does it feel Nawin-kun? being powerless" The black haired glares at her with his red eyes blazing in fury. Suddenly Sayomi shoulder burst in blood, shocking the two.

Sayomi look at her shoulder seeing a baseball size hole in it, she looks back at the black haired 'I sense no one else here, it must be from him, but he seems shock' "I guess you still have some hidden power in you Nawin-kun" Sayomi smirk. Nawin look at her shoulder as it starts to heals in accelerating speed. "Tell me are you immortal?" Nawin ask, his eyes change back to its usual brown self, "Yes as a pureblood vampire I have immortality" Sayomi reply.

Suddenly a giant red ball fires toward the silver haired forcing her to let go of the black haired and jumps back, crossing her arm as the ball explode. Nawin felt himself being lift making him opens his eyes to find Sirzech carrying him on his shoulder.

"Sirzech" Nawin whisper, the crimson haired puts the black haired down, smiling at him "Sorry I couldn't get here sooner Nawin-kun" he apologize. Sirzech turn back and see Sayomi walking out from the smoke with half her body burnt, "I didn't expect someone like you to show up Sirzech Lucifer" Sayomi creak her neck as her wounds start healing.

"But I think I've already made my point" The silver haired glance at the Makasha "I'll be leaving now, I'm sure you don't want to battle in this kind of place anyway" Sayomi said grinning then points her index finger and poke the air, a portal rip through the air to show only darkness inside with some bats flying out from it. Sayomi turns to the black haired "I'll see you later Nawin-kun" She smirk walking into the portal as it shuts behind her.

'That was no normal portal, it's almost like it rips through space and time' Sirzech thought, he turns his attention back to the black haired who is now unconscious. Sirzech picks the Makasha up and teleports away.


Sirzech appears in his office and lay Nawin down on his coach, "Sirzech-sama I hope you-" Grayfia walk in and stop immediately seeing the black haired condition. She walks toward the Makasha and kneel next to him. "Who did this?" She asks her husband.

Sirzech stand up and sighs "It's the same person you encountered, I did learn one thing from her, is that she a pureblood vampire" he said, shocking the silver haired "But they are suppose to be extinct, there may be some vampires out there still but we are sure all the pureblood are gone" "I thought so as well, but it seems we are wrong".

Sirzech walks to his desk and take a seat "This could be a problem… Pureblood have the power to create their own army if they wish to and their just as powerful as a Satan if not more" Grayfia stand up and walk toward the crimson haired "Is she trying to turn Nawin-sama to a vampire" She said "It's possible but why haven't she done it by now? you said that she attacked Nawin-kun before right?" The silver haired nod remembers the last encounter with the vampire herself.

"She had two chances to turn him but she didn't, it must be something else or she's testing him" Sirzech cross his arms trying to think of others possibility on why the silver haired vampire would want the Makasha. "Sirzech" Grayfia call, snapping him out of his thoughts.

He stands up and to see the black haired is awake, "Nawin-sama how are you feeling?" Nawin turns to the silver haired, looking at her blankly then closes his eyes. Sirzech study the black haired current condition 'Why is he unresponsive? His eyes seem… blank'.

"Grayfia we should give him some alone time, we also have to meet up with Ajuka" Sirzech says making the silver haired sigh and nods. "Get some rest Nawin-kun" Sirzech said then walks out the office with Grayfia following behind him. "Are you sure it's wise to leave him alone Sirzech?" the silver haired ask. Sirzech turn to his office door and puts up a barrier "This barrier will protect him just in case anything happens" Sirzech said.

Time Skip

Nawin is currently replaying the battles in his mind a dozen of times over 'Why am I so weak?' 'Is this really all I have?' 'How can I protect does I care for if I'm this weak' suddenly an image of all the Occult club member and his sister dismantled bodies appear in his mind, making Nawin clench his hands "I need to get stronger much stronger" he mutters.

"Is Power what you crave?" A voice said, making Nawin glance down to see a black snake slither up his chest, it raise it head to look at him with its grey slit eyes. "Well Makasha, is power what you want?" The snake repeats in deep feminine voice. Nawin could sense great power in the snake that is lying in his chest, it's almost overwhelming him, feel like it could crush him like an insect if it wants to.

"… Yes, I want more power" He reply making the snake chuckle deeply, "I will grant you the power you crave for but just a taste of it…. If you want more you will come to me". The snake glows and start changing into a human like figure, when the light died down Nawin sees a young girl with long black hair that reach down to her hips and gray eyes. Her ears are pointed tips, her face held no void of emotion but he could see interesting running through her eyes, her attire consist of a black Gothic Lolita fashion.

Nawin looks at the grey emotionless eyes, they held endless of power, the power that he needs and wants, he knows that this person in front of him is dangerous and powerful. The girl move her head close to Nawin's neck, she opens her mouth showing her sharp fangs.

With Sirzech

"Seems like everything is going as plan, I wonder if Nawin-kun will be happy with it?" Sirzech wonder out loud, walking back to his office with his Queen/Wife. "I'm sure he will be happy Sirzech-sama" the silver haired reassure.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHH" A sudden painful scream echo through the hall making both Sirzech and Grayfia rush to the office. The crimson haired blast the door away and runs in, when the two reach the office they finds Nawin pass out on the floor, his body full of sweat and he's breathing rapidly. Grayfia rush to the Makasha side and lays him back on the coach, she place her hand on his forehead "He's heating up, but how is he sick?".

Sirzech walk next to Nawin and find some kind of mark on the black haired neck 'That wasn't there before' he examined the mark closely, it have flames like pattern forming into circle, inside the circle there is a dragon type-like wings. "Grayfia take care of him, I need to talk to someone about this" Sirzech said.

Suddenly the mark glows purple making Nawin screams in pain, holding his neck, Grayfia chop the black haired neck, knocking him out. The silver haired turn to her husband "You should hurry then Sirzech" she said, the crimson haired nod and teleport away.

Occult club

Things have been crazy in the Occult club, in the morning Xenovia appears battered and pass out in front of the door. When she is healed up she told them that she and Irina got attack and she was the only one who was able escape while Irina is taken with their Excalibur's. The blue haired also told them that the Rouge fallen angel that attack them was Kokabiel who is one of the leaders of the Fallen angel or Grigori as they call it.

More bad news came when Lucy and Asia burst in the club saying that Nawin is missing and haven't come back since yesterday. Rias decided that they should deal with the Kokabiel first considering leaving it be will cause bigger problem in Kuoh.

Sona and her peerage also got involve with the situation. Xenovia takes them back to where she and Irina got attack, when they reach the destination, they found Irina lying on the ground battered and unconscious. Kokabiel reveal himself stomping at Irina head.

Issei charge at Kokabiel and fires his Dragon shot, Kokabiel easily deflect it with his light lance. He declares he will destroy Kuoh academy along with the heiress of Gremory and Sitri with that he will start the Second Great War.

Present: Kuoh Academy

Rias and her group with Xenovia joining them, they all look to see Kokabiel sitting on a throne that floats mid-air, as he stare at the group with a wide sadistic grin. "I see you finally decided to show up, a shame Sona Sitri decided to stay behind and make this Barrier" Kokabiel said, glancing up at the giant barrier surrounding the entire Academy, preventing the battle to go further or get any human involve.

'Seems like Nawin Makasha isn't here, I guess she must have begin her plan' Kokabiel thought looking at the Gremory group. Freed appear with a man short, bespectacled elderly man with gray haired and mustache, wearing a priest outfit. "Valper Galilei" Yuuto mutters glaring at the man who is responsible for the Holy sword project.

Valper grin at the blond "Oh look if it isn't one of the test subject that was about to escape" he said making blond summons his sword. "If you're going to fight him to I might as well join but against him" A voice said everyone turn to see Lucy walking toward the group looking at Freed who grins sadistically at her "Oh is nice to see you again Devil, we can finally end the postpone match that you where so lucky of surviving" the silver haired laugh, he opens his coat showing all the Excalibur's swords. He grabs the Excalibur destruction.

Lucy cross her arm looking at the silver haired emotionlessly "If you expect the outcome to be the same like last time then your mistaken" She smirk, blue fire explode behind her, her right eye shine golden while her left eye stay normal sky blue. Yuuto dash toward Valper but Kokabiel appears in the way blocking the sword with his light lance "I can't let you kill him since he is still useful" he glances back "Valper do your part" he order making the elderly man nod, smirking at the blond.

"Freed is time" Valper said, the silver haired curse and give his coat to Valper "Soon the Excalibur will be complete" Valper smile darkly. "You prepare the plan and tell me when you need the last part, for now I will have some fun with her" Freed grin sinisterly and charge toward the blond Makasha.

Lucy look at the former exorcist charging toward her with no alarm, the blue flame shoot toward the silver haired. Freed dodge all the flames and raise his sword ready to strike the blond, before his blade could contact the blond, flame erupt in front of her stopping the sword "You can't touch me" Lucy state as the flames blast Freed back, making him fly back a few meters while his chest and hand got slightly burnt from the flames.

"Yuuto come back" Rias said making the blond nods jumping back from the Fallen angel. Kokabiel grins at the group "It's only a matter of time Gremory" Kokabiel summons a giant light lance and stab it into the ground "In thirty minute this whole area will be destroy, every second this light spear get's stronger and will obliterate this whole Academy five times over" Kokabiel laugh, shocking the group.

"Fine then we will end this battle before it happen" Rias eyes glows red, as she release her power to the fullest. Kokabiel smirk seeing the dark red aura releasing from the Gremory "Fine then let's see if you and your group can entertain me for a while"

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