
Best Friends


"Just give me a moment," I placed kisses all over Demyan's hand as he sat there as red as a tomato. I had no idea who could show up at my house without any of my new security informing me. If it was family such as my brothers I would not be surprised because I had given them access; although now was really now the greatest time. 

I stood up then quickly rushed back into the house, past the kitchen and living room straight to the foyer. I opened the front door with an irritated scowl but when I saw who was standing opposite me my stomach churned. 

Wilhelm, my childhood best friend, held a bottle of wine as he casually threw his arm over his wife's, Denise, shoulders. Behind them was Jesse with his wife Emma and Simon with his wife Charlotte. 

"Why do you look so shocked to see us?" Wilhelm laughed as he let go of Denise to give me a hug, "Did you forget we were coming over or something?"

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