
I Don't Know


From the moment I climbed out of my lantau bronze Range Rover sport, Kelly was standing there with a bright smile and a takeaway coffee cup in her hands as she held her iPad.

"I thought I told you not to get me coffee," I sighed as she handed me the cup with a cheerful hop.

"I figured you would have forgotten." Which I had but that was not the point.

I took a sip and thanked her as we walked to the elevator. "Why are you so happy today anyway?" I quirked my left eyebrow and looked to her.

She even looked much more polished than how she usually was. Do not get me wrong, Kelly took great pride into how she represented herself as my assistant but today she seemed to have gone full out. Her brunette hair was brushed back into a flawless neat bun, her face had light makeup on as her red lipstick accentuated the red lady suit she wore with nude pump heels.

"You even have makeup on," I grinned, "Is there a new employee in the building you have decided to snatch?"

She rolled her eyes, "Can't I just doll myself up for my boss? Am I not allowed to look pretty?"

I pursed my lips and looked down to her. She looked incredibly suspicious as the back of her neck had turned red and the tip of her ears as she constantly avoided my gaze.

She was up to something and I knew she would give it up soon.

"Have the meetings been set up?" I asked her after I had taken another sip of my coffee as we walked through the hallways to get to my office. It was eerily silent today as most of the offices were completely empty.

It was a rarity in Coleman Enterprise that there could be barely anyone in the office, especially in the directors department. I had been working my way up here for the past eight years and not once had I seen it this quiet.

Kelly barely seemed to pay attention to that though as she tapped on her iPad but was never fully able to answer my question.

"Kelly, did you hear me-" I let out a scream as a loud chorus of 'Congratulations' echoed throughout the room of the finance department. I almost dropped my coffee but managed to hold onto it as my heart hammered into my chest.

Our normally modern, glass and metallic office had been converted to look like a mini party set up. The desks were moved to one side of the office as multiple catering tables were planted around the large space with an array of food.

A bar had been set up with waiters already waiting. A large black banner with 'Congratulations Ethan' written in gold was spanned across one end of the ceiling to the other as golden confetti fell from what looked to be miniature canons.

I looked around the space with large eyes as all the directors, managers and subordinates happily cheered and clapped for me. What caught my attention was Uncle Edward, Uncle Yavok and Uncle Vasili who stood in the centre of the room with shirts that had my face printed on them.

"What's going on?" I breathed as I tried to calm down my racing heart.

"You've been promoted," Uncle Edward cheered. His long curly hair had been tied up into a messy bun whilst he wore black trousers with white sneakers. His caramel skin covered in freckles was sun kissed from his recent holiday to Monaco with Uncle Vasili who unlike his husband looked as pale as always.

Uncle Vasili whose platinum blonde hair was let down, matched the shirt with black skinny jeans and combat boots. Uncle Yavok; Uncle Vasili's older brother, whose platinum hair was braided into two French braids; which was his distinctive look, wore a black suit with the shirt with my face on it replacing his button up shirt.

"Promoted to what?" confusion was seeping through my voice in waves as Uncle Vasili hopped over to me to give me a beer.

He threw his arm over my shoulder and squeezed me tightly, "To CEO, Eth!"

My jaw almost hit the ground as I felt light headed. "W-what do you mean?"

"I've decided to retire," Uncle Yavok's commanding voice burst through the room as he came to stand next to me and also threw his arm over my shoulders. I was nestled between the two extremely strong Russian men as I looked at Uncle Edward with large eyes.

"And we decided if there's one person who has earned running our company it is you," Uncle Edward beamed as his British accent floated through the room. "You're the new CEO of Coleman Enterprise."

I had to cover my heart with my hand as I indicated to Kelly to take the cup from my hand. "But what about Vasilisa?"

"She's decided she's not ready to take over something this big," Uncle Edward chuckled, "She's going to be taking over Kelly's job actually so she can shadow you more."

"I've been promoted to a manager," Kelly squealed, "Who knew all your coffee runs could have gotten me this?"

"I don't know what to say," I was practically trembling from the news.

Uncle Edward still the richest man on earth and Uncle Yavok one of the top ten simply by being the CEO of the multi-billion pound company. It had been my dream to work for Coleman Enterprise ever since I had entered high school back in New Zealand.

Plus the fact my father was best friends with Uncle Edward exposed me into the business field early on. Originally I planned on becoming a farmer like Pa but that changed when I realized the extent of work Coleman Enterprise did.

That being in involved in one of the biggest companies in the world would insure that my name would be remembered for decades to come. All the work and sacrifices I had made for the past ten years had all been worth it.

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