

Zane's POV


Anger is a wildfire raging within, an inferno of heated emotions consuming reason and restraint. It starts as a flicker, a spark of irritation, and then intensifies into a roaring blaze that engulfs your thoughts and actions. It's a surge of adrenaline, a rush of blood to the head, a pounding heart. It tightens your chest, clenches your jaw, and tenses your muscles. It's a tempest of frustration, resentment, and indignation, threatening to breach the levees of composure.

And that was what I burned with as soon as I set my eyes on the man. 

I didn't remember his name, no, but I remembered his pale and unnatural features to a fault. I remembered how he had broken my legs and shoved me aside as he descended on my sister first, and then my mother, their shrieks loud enough to rip my eardrums. 

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