
Predictions of the Future

 The Hao clan had recently grown in power and in the Three Suns star system, it could be said to be among the top most powerful factions. This was a fact that had rubbed may people the wrong way but power was all.

The Hao Clan had its ancestral home in the Superior mountains on Eneh.

The Thunder Emperor did not think about the power of the Hao Clan. Even with their new power, they were too weak to go up against the Thunder Emperor who was constantly becoming more powered. With each breath he took, his power increased since he was always cultivating. Even when sleeping and shitting, he would be cultivating.

Since he came to the Three Suns star system, his power had increased many times over and it was still increasing especially now that he could clearly see the laws. In each place he looked, he saw the laws, their effect on the world and how they brought everything together. This knowledge constantly increased his comprehension.

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