
Chapter 6: Journey On

The following morning, before anyone in the village was awake, I ran around doing my Daily Quests. I'm strong, I'm smart and I'm fast but my body is still the same.

My stats reflected on my stature, giving me a height equal to an 8-year-old and muscles tough as wood. My body is good and my mind is great.

But I would rather not go into the penalty dungeon with my skills and age. If this is the same dungeon from Solo Leveling then the monsters there must be crazy strong, stronger than the Grimm here.

Maybe one day I'll conquer that dungeon. Not now, but soon.

"Haaa..." Just then my reward was here, giving me a small amount of experience and 1 stat point. "I wonder when the quest will get harder? I've grown stronger from 3 months ago and yet it's still the same."

Perhaps it's my level that's holding me back. Despite the time spent here, I'm only [Level 6] and my strongest opponent is only the Alpha Beowulf. I don't think it's my level that's holding me back but rather my age.

In the eyes of everyone, I'm still a child. Perhaps the system also saw me as a child and wanted to grow my skills and improve my body first. 

"Well, I suppose this is fine. I have time until the cannon starts... When does it start again? What year am I in anyway?" Guess I'll find out sooner or later. 

I head back to where Ivan and his gang are and prepare for another journey. When I where we were going, they mentioned a kingdom I am unfamiliar with.

Where is Mistral?


The planet I'm standing on, breathing air on, and living on, is called Remnant. The planet has 4 major Kingdoms, about the size of a megacity. There is Vale, Atlas, Vacuo, and Mistral. What makes these kingdoms different from the rest is the culture, power, and academies for Huntsmen.

Vance, Helen, Ivan, and Melina form a group called "VIHM". They've been together ever since the Huntsman Academy. 

"What's Mistral like?" Even though we're still taking the cart back, it has been a lot faster without cargo holding them back. But it's still a long journey to go to Mistral.

"Well..." Helen spoke. "It's very beautiful. Mistral is situated around 2 mountains. We used every part there to build homes, market, and even our Huntsman Academy."

"Wow. The mountains there must be huge if a city can have all those and still have space." If having 2 mountains counts as a Kingdom then they must be huge. Not Everest huge but big enough to support a large population. "Even the base of the mountain? I imagine that's where most of the homes are."

Melina lightly laughed but my [Haki] is telling me something is off. "Well, yes. Most of the homes but it's not a good place for you, little Esther."

"Why's that?" This time, Ivan spoke up.

"That's because the base is filled with... bad people." His tone when speaking. It felt hateful and disdainful. Like the place there, it shouldn't be there. "Mistral is equally beautiful as it is ugly. Esther, promise me that you won't go down the mountain there, ok? There are some... nasty people there."

"But why? Why are people nasty there?" I guess homelessness and poverty are still prevalent in other worlds.

"That's a question everyone also wants answers. Us included. Just promise me that you won't go down there, alright?" Ivan seriously asked me. His sincere tone made it all the more prevalent in the place.

"Alright. I promise." Well, I don't have a reason to go there. I won't go seeking death so early in my life.

Ivan nodded as we continued our journey.


"Little Esther, are you sure?" Melina asked and I nodded.

"I am. I wanna become a Huntress. I want to become strong." I said with conviction. My skills are purely combat-oriented and I would encounter more enemies as I grow stronger. Why not make this as my profession?

"But there's a lot of jobs that don't involve Grimm. Why not become an officer? Or a baker? I don't want you to waste your life-fighting Grimm every day." I can see her unwillingness in her eyes.

It seems she's seen the dark side of the job and wanted to persuade me to pursue her career. Wonder how that happened?

Si vis pacem, para bellum. " Meline didn't understand what I spoke so I translated it for her. " 'If you seek peace, prepare for war.' I'm not stupid to think peace stays forever. I want to become strong to protect myself from the Grimm. So even if I choose another job, I still want to train to be a Huntress. To protect others who can't protect themselves."

It seems Melina is struggling with the topic. Her face is scrunched up in different ways before releasing a sigh. "I can't change your mind?"

I shake my head.


"No, no, you got it wrong. You should plant your feet more, dig into the dirt." Vance pointed out as he dodged to the side. "I like that you keep on the offensive and making distance but do it too much and your opponent will take the initiative instead. Find your flow."

I nodded as I continued attacking him. We stopped on the road for a quick rest and I asked Vance for some pointers on swordsmanship. I'm not using [Haki] but solely relying on my nanites' construct of the sword. Instinct and power can only do so much against a seasoned warrior like Vance. 

We continued this dance for a while before calling it quits. In the end, I did gain a skill from it.

[Skill: Footwork] Level: 1

[Footwork: Steady as the Mountain]

[Your legs are your greatest muscle. Improve them to better your form and attack.]

[Activated: Increase offense by 5%]

[Note: Can increase rate with level up.]

[Cost: 5 MP for 10 Minutes]

"Not bad kid. We might make you a fine swordswoman. Not as fine as me but you'll get there."

I rolled my eyes and relaxed. Having a teacher isn't bad and Vance knows what he's saying. Looks like his previous blunder has upped his awareness since I did not see him slip up during training.

"Thank you." Still, I appreciated him teaching me this. "Can we try again? I think I got the hand of it already."

Vance nodded, his feet apart and body hunched over. In a burst of speed, he was on me but my newest skill was activated and I jumped away in the nick of time.

As my feet touched the ground, I did another burst towards Vance and my sword arm was coming down from above. Vance blocked it with his knives with sparks flying nearby.

"Alright, I'm impressed. Not many can absorb information as fast as you. You might be a prodigy if this keeps up."


"Hey, what will I do when I get to Mistral?" Ester asked the Huntsman on the road. "Are you gonna send me off to an orphanage or something?"

Ivan, the leader of the VIHM, looked at his partner and nodded. Seemingly acknowledging the question. "We want you to meet with someone with an offer."

"An offer? About what?"

"You'll know once we arrive, which should be right about... now." The view changed for Esther as she took in the sight.

Twin large mountains lay in front of her, with numerous buildings built all around the mountains. The afternoon sun gave off a scarlet-orange hue to the place and made it more enchanting. 

She might have dropped her mouth as Helen closed it up.

"Welcome to Mistral, Esther."


Now that I think about it, my friend told me that the later seasons of the show revolved around this place. Anima it was called and Mistral controlled the place.

I tried watching it but didn't follow through because of recent news about the show's creator. (RIP: Monty Oum) And instead of continuing, I stopped it all in all and went about my life.

I only heard snippets from my friend and the internet but nothing much else. 

So I was pleasantly surprised about Mistral and its Eastern design and architecture. It felt like a mix of Japanese and Chinese designs, all melded into one with an Indian color scheme.

"Esther. We're leaving now." I turned my head towards the Huntsmen and hurried my way there. "We'll explore Mistral all you want. Right now, we have to meet someone."

"Who is it?" I asked.

"Who else but the Headmaster of Haven Academy?" A Headmaster? Why him?

"Who's that?"

"Our Headmaster, Professor Leonard Lionheart, is in charge of the Haven Academy and Huntsman Guild here in Mistral," Ivan explained. "He's also the one who will determine if you have what it takes to become a Huntress."

Oh? I suppose in his position of power, he can do that. Not to mention that he's the leader of the Huntsman Guild here as well. What a mountain of responsibilities. He must be strong.

We reached our destination shortly after. Haven Academy. It was bustling with young and old adults with some wearing, I'm assuming, uniforms while others were in armor like Ivan and the others.

And so we reached our final destination. In front of the long corridor was a set of doors closed. Ivan knocked on it before a voice called out to him.

"Come in." The doors opened and I could see Professor Lionheart.

He is a young man with tanned skin, brown clothes, a brown cloak and mantle, and a hair so bushy I almost mistook it for a mane. Or I think it is a mane because I saw a long tail from behind him that looks like a lion.

I suppose this is a good opportunity to test out my [Observe].


Name: Leonardo 'Brave' Lionheart

Age: 29

Race: Faunus

Level: ??? (Above users Level)


Str: 148 (+50)

Int: 266

Agi: 113 (+50)

Sen: 149 (+50)

Lck: 100


Alright, not bad stats for a Headmaster. Especially the [Intelligence]. But what are those plus marks? System?

[Explanation: Lionheart is a Faunus. Depending on the type, a Faunus' can have improved stats as a natural buff.]

I see. So they call Beastmen Faunus here huh? I wanna see a cat girl.

"Ah, Team VIHM. How did your mission go?" Lionheart asked heartily as we entered the room. His eyes roamed towards them and to me for a split-second.

"As explained on the Scroll, all clear. Apart from Vance's blunder, we delivered the materials and have safely arrived home." Ivan reported. 

"Excellent." Lionheart turned his gaze to me again. "I assume this young girl is the one you explained. The one with a strange Semblance?"

Ivan nodded. Looks like this is my queue.

I stepped up from the others and gave my greetings. "My name is Esther Marie. I am 5 years old and have been living in the Anima Forests for 3 months before saving Vance. Hi, Professor Lionheart."

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

ArenFera_1870creators' thoughts
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