
Chapter 17

While Edward examined the 3 adventurers in more detail, Grégore spoke again.

"When I was told that a kid was strong enough to join the trip I didn't believe it, but seeing you I understand a little better Bhahaha!"

Following Gregor's words, Edward could only nod shyly, it seemed that the adventurer in front of him had already seen through his martial skills.

Seeing Edward's surprised face, Grégore couldn't help but laugh out loud, as if he were witnessing a comical scene.

"Bahaha, don't be so surprised little one, when you have as much experience as me you will be able to spot the strong ones too."

Edward was inwardly surprised by the ease with which Gregory had just read him, trying not to show it on his face he pointed his finger in the direction of his sword.

"Anyway, what kind of protection did Marius hire you for?"

"Bandits and thieves" Contrary to his expectations, it was not Grégore who answered, but Iza, the only girl present in the cart, while twirling a finger in her long brown hair, she replied in a voice without emotions.

"Oh… I see" Edward already knew the answer, in such a busy region, it's not the monsters the problem, but rather the humans.

Seeing that Iza was not going to elaborate on the subject, Grégore spoke again in a soft voice.

"Don't worry too much kid, this kind of attack is rather rare, in reality Marius didn't engage us, he transports us in exchange for protection if necessary, like for you it seems to me"

The three continued to discuss, Iza rarely intervening while Glyn seemed to pretend to be asleep, however his reactions while Grégore told stories about their group proves that it was only an act.

Edward learned a little more about his new traveling companions, as he Glyn and Iza had left their families very young, at 11 and 9 years old respectively. Grégore, older, became like a big brother to them by protecting them during their childhood.

Their group is like a family, united for over 10 years as B-rank adventurers, a rather high rank for a largely self-taught group.

So time passed while the group exchanged jokes, from time to time even Glyn intervened angrily at Edward or Gregore's comments.

Late in the afternoon, the cart finally stopped at the edge of a large lake, the sun will soon start to set, so it was time to find a camp.

As Edward stretched his limbs tired after the long journey, he looked around for the best place to camp, his years of hunting with Sylvano had long taught him how to choose the best place for a camp.

He wasn't doing this out of trouble either, Marius had earlier asked him and the members of the black rose to find a good place.

Noticing a place sheltered from the wind and on relatively flat ground, Edward walked towards Marius to show him the location.

A few minutes later, as he approached, he saw Marius and another man chatting in the distance, the conversation did not seem to be going well, the stranger raised his voice at Marius, anger and worry mix with his voice.

"Since I tell you to take this path! Why the hell do you insist on not listening to me!" As the man shouts louder and louder, drawing attention to himself, Edward sneaks up behind him ready to immobilize him at the slightest sign of violence.

"You will definitely regret this if you don't listen to me!" Unaware of his presence, the man continued to scream.

However, as he approached, Marius gestured with his eyes for him to step back.

Noticing Marius' action, the man turned to Edward surprised at not having noticed him before.


Seeing the young 7 year old boy with a sword at his waist, he clicked his tongue before heading back towards his carriage with a violent look directed towards Marius.


The man got into the cart and slammed the door shut.

A few seconds later, Edward turned his gaze towards Marius, a silent question written in his eyes, Marius sighed before speaking with a tired face.

"It's Jacob, he joined us a week ago, he and his son are sleeping in this carriage, he insists that we take another route towards the next town."

Marius massaged his temples with his hand while sighing. "The route he wants is faster, however due to the terrain it is much easier to ambush…"

Edward nodded, Jacob prioritizes speed while Marius wants to take the longest route for greater safety... In any case, that was what Marius seemed to indicate, however Edward felt that there was more to this story , Jacob's anger seemed excessive for the simple choice of which path to take.

Additionally, a slight trace of fear was present on Jacob's face as he walked towards his carriage.

Marius then turned to Edward "Sorry you had to witness that, anyway if you're here I assume you found a good place?"

Edward nodded and led the troop to the location he had found a few minutes earlier.

Later, when the sun had long since set, Edward was eating dry meat around a bonfire set up by Gregore.

Around the fire, the group of black rose adventurers and Edward had set up a makeshift camp to spend the night.

Around them, half a dozen other campfires lit up at night as the members of the trading party drank and laughed under the cover of night.

Iza, normally calm and cold, drank freely while singing heartily.

Taking advantage of the atmosphere, Edward quietly drank goat's milk in the company of Gregore, surprisingly the bear-like giant did not drink alcohol, he preferred to be fully conscious to protect his companions.

So the two drank goat's milk.

Out of the corner of his eye, Edward observed Jacob's carriage, the small light inside was the only proof of his and his son's presence.

"Said Grégore, I saw Jacob looking for food earlier, but I haven't seen his son yet, why doesn't he get out of the carriage?"

Grégore also looked towards the carriage with a thoughtful look. "I have never seen him either, perhaps he is ill, perhaps that is the reason why Mr Jacob is in such a hurry."

Suddenly, the carriage light went out, observing the sad carriage in the middle of the festivities, Edward remained thoughtful.

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