

Vehicon Pov:

Two vehicons are seen walking throughout the large corridors of the Decimator noticing guards patrolling each and every nock and crany of this ginormous ship.

Jeice:(the Vehicon from the previous chapter)"Wow look at this place it's a fortress."Jeice waves his hand around and waves at his best friend (Burter the other Vehicon from the last chapter) and quickly jogs towards him and Burter sighs and quickly tries to run away but is stopped by Jeice "Heya mate it's been a been a couple of Orbital-Cycles since we left Cybertron I'm so excited imagine all the things we could see" Burter looks at Jeice and responds "Jeice this isn't a luxury cruise this is the mission the most important mission of are entire lifes don't lose focus of that and always stay on guard." Burter emphasises this point by poking Jeice in the chest a couple of times, Jeice looks at him with a pout or as close as a pout a vehicon can do "Come on mate i know that but you have to have come on you can leave guard duty for a little bit and join me and the boy's in the training room we think Lord Galvatron is coming and it's always a treat to watch the poor fool's that try to beat him." Jeice looks at Burter pleadingly and after a few moments Burter sighs and nods "Fine it's not like anything bad could happen" as they start walking towards the training room Jeice squeals and grabs Burter and drags him down the corridor.

(1 Mega-Cycle later)

Burter and Jeice are standing in the crowded training room that looks like a gladiatorial arena and they see heavy vehicon's flying in all directions and they see Lord Galvatron instructing a handful of vehicons "No no no you got it wrong copy what I'm doing move the right arm with the elbow to the right then use the left to grab the other's helm and smash it into your knee if you have a blade or any weapon you can incorporate it into these movements this is the building blocks of what i call CQC close quarters combat what i am teaching you is one of the best way's to incapacitate a enemy now practice between yourselves and when you go to your bunks think of way's to incorporate CQC in battle and write me a 500 word essay on the principles of CQC." We see them nod and practice.

Jeice taps Burter's arm and looks at him with a smug expression "See i told you mate Lord Galvatron has been teaching all of us and look how badass it was." Burter nods "Fine i agree do you want to practice this as well." Jeice looks surprised and nods, as they go off to practice and learn CQC we see thousands practicing and learning CQC.


Galvatron Pov:

So it's been a month since we left Cybertron and my paranoia has been increasingly pounding by brain like a jackhammer going off while having a hangover, it's been too quiet nothing of importance has happened no threats no one not even the Galactic Council organic rodents whenever we even get close to there systems they run and use some bastardised space bridge technology that they probably got from one of the many colonies of Cybertron that was probably wiped out due to the Rust Plague i know their planning something i know for a fact that the only threats to me out here are the rouge Decepticon factions that splintered off from Megatron but i doubt the organic vermin could convince them to attack this ship.

Oh goddammit I'm using common sense for the Decepticons and with what I've managed to get from old decepticon files from the great war the Decepticon Justice Division may exist there were rumours of them during the Great War and possibly Overlord that mad bastard.

I've got to prepare even if they don't exist i can't let the possibility of them destroying everything I've built Tarn won't join me and i don't need him i have Drachen my perfect little boy but Overlord i don't need him alive but getting him back to Shockwave to improve the PBM'S and then start the transition of all vehicon's to PBM'S yes yes that's brilliant, I'm drawn out of my thoughts by a vehicon nervously trying to get my attention "Sir you need to see this, a fleet of unknown warships have entered the system and are approaching rapidly." He points to a holographic display, ok 45 ship's of different sizes and makes those goddamm "Filthy Galactic Council of organic filth, soilder open communications and get ready for battle." The vehicon snaps a crisp salute "Yes my lord." And gets to work.

I sit upright and wait a couple of seconds before my holographic display shows a disgusting alien looks like if a predator and a klingon had a child as i wait for him to speak i quickly use the inbuilt scanners on the ship to identify any weakness i hear a cough "This is Adrimal Yagi You are not welcome here Cybertronian you will leave this space or you will be destroyed." He smirks "And it will be a shame to see your race fall into extinction the once mighty Cybertronian's fall like the dog's that are." Hahaha so arrogant as they always are i look into Yagi's eye's my red optics blaze with the fury of a thousand suns as i signal to open fire "You believed we were gone,while you grew weak and stagnant we grew stronger you believed we were weak but now we have returned the Decepticon Empire is back and you are dust." As i see the Adrimal ingulf in flames i signal to have what i said and what's happening broadcast on every communication and holo screens in their Council the rest of the fleet get systematically destroyed their screams fills the lines i can almost taste their agony but i see a couple of ships attempt to leave not on my watch "Soldier activate the Interdiction field they will not leave here alive." I see the soldier nod, good now they won't attack Cybertron or me.

As i see the stragglers get picked off i sit back and let a smile grow on my face now I've announced my presence to the galaxy and now the game's afoot.


The Nemesis Warship Location Earth:

As the Decepticons are awaiting Megatron's return from deep space many have been bored and one lucky or unlucky vehicon picks up a transmission from the other side of the galaxy he quickly runs to Starscream who is currently standing on the bridge of the Nemesis attempting to copy Lord Megatron's pose is interrupted by a vehicon.

"Commander Starscream I've caught a transmission from the Galactic Council you need to hear this sir." As he plays it Starscream's face grows more and more shocked and terrified as the message ends Starscream looks at the vehicon "Who else has seen this" the vehicon looks confused but answers "Only me sir i thought it be prudent to alert you first." Starscream nods and puts a hand on his shoulder "Good we don't need hysteria to take the ship good work soilder I'll remember you." The vehicon looks happy until the end as he goes to question he feels a sharp pain in his chest he looks down and sees Starscream talon like hand in his chest blue energon dripping it hitting the floor "W...hy" the vehicon falls limp the light fading out, Starscream rips his hand out and quickly wipes his hand on the vehicons body and smirks "Because when Lord Megatron returns i will be greatly rewarded and i can't share credit with a vehicon think of my reputation." As Starscream wals away he doesn't notice Soundwave who recorded the entire thing.


I think this chapter did well i really enjoyed writing the Galvatron bit this chapter but i hope some of you could recognise where i got the CQC bit from if you didn't it's fine it's from Metal Gear Peace Walker specifically the bit were in the opening were we see some msf training.

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