
Elope and hide

We stayed up on the roof all night. I made the choice to keep vigil while letting my brother rest. I held onto the rifle because it was strangely soothing. Leo started to move, so I quickly looked over.

I responded, "Morning," as he scurried over to me. I leaned against his shoulder as he sat down.

Do you believe that we will ever lead normal lives? I started crying after Leo asked. I was aware of the solution and was certain that it wasn't what he deserved.

"No. To ever live like the rest of the world, we have too much power. Standing up in front of Leo, I exclaimed, "We are so powerful, they called me princess. You deserve a life, but it isn't possible any more. I'm sorry.

He said, "Sarah, it's okay; I don't care," as tears slid down my cheeks.

Ethan walked in my direction and said, "Babe." He comforted me by encircling me in his arms. I swear you'll live a typical life.

I muttered, "The only way is to go to the council," as he nodded. But there are undoubtedly guards on the way to stop us for Benard.

As an SUV approached the structure, Ethan remarked, "You and your brother are strong enough to get there safely." "Our ride is here." We descended the steps and arrived at the SUV. As we rushed down the road, I jumped in while still holding the rifle. To get to the council, we had to go across the nation and into Canada. The journey there would take some time.

I softly muttered, "Ethan, I love you," as he put his hand on my calf. Before pausing, we reached Washington. As Ethan's phone rang, I left.

He said, "Hello," as I approached him.

The voice on the other end abruptly stopped me in my tracks: "Ethan, we gave Benard your location."

Why on earth would you aid them when they are Lycans? Ethan demanded, using the phrase "Lycan" that made me cringe.

We no longer need to defend you because you quit the coven. She added as he hung up, "We made a pact to save our people in exchange for locating you.

"Before we leave, we just have a day at most to spend here. Ethan warned us as we entered the restaurant, "Once we start driving, we won't be able to stop any longer since they will know where we are going. Leo, Ethan, and I sat next to each other.

"What else can I get you?" A girl, no older than fifteen, inquired.

I leaned against Ethan, and Leo said, "Three cheeseburgers and three sodas." After placing his lips on my head, he put one arm around my waist.

I looked up at Ethan, and he continued, "Just a little longer, and you will have the protection to live a normal life."

I said, "I know," as the sensation of his lips on mine ignited the Lycan within me. As the food arrived, he retreated. I devoured it quickly since I was starving. I didn't take any of Ethan's fries until I had eaten my entire meal. I kept stuffing my face, and he started giggling.

"Enough already?" I stared at him, and he questioned me.

I mutter, Sorry, wolf appetite," dumping his fries. While I wasn't going hungry, I was far from being satisfied. We walked to the SUV after paying the check. The flat tires caused me to freeze. I pulled my revolver swiftly and pushed Leo behind me.

"What?!" I indicated the tires, and he requested He became more tense as Ethan surrounded us with a wall. As Nate and five other skilled fighters emerged from the shadows, I gasped.

"Nate?!" Ethan's eyes darted between us as I yelled.

"Come with us, or I'll make sure your little witch suffers slowly!" He roared as I experienced unfathomable terror. I slowly aimed at Nate. It was either us or them, even though I didn't want to.

"Leave Nate alone!" As Ethan stood firmly next to me, I snapped angrily.

He responded, "Can't do that, princess," as Ethan put down the shield. Before the final two moved at us, I shot two rounds into his chest and then downed two more men, one on each side. The first one took the gun I was holding. I punched him in the stomach while I fought to keep the gun under control. As I fired a cartridge into the other gun that lunged towards Ethan, he let me go. The rifle dropped into the street and abruptly slammed me to the ground. When the first guy grabbed me and flipped me onto my back, I stumbled toward the pistol. I struggled to get away as his arms were encircling my neck.

He laughed, tightening his hold around my neck and obstructing my airway. "I get to kill a royal," he said. As spots began to flood my vision, my lungs begged for some respite from the air. Leo took off while aiming the gun at the man.

Say, "Get off my sister!" He snapped, allowing his feelings to overwhelm him.

"Or what?" you ask. My brother fired three shots at the man, who was laughing, before releasing his hold on me. I wriggled out from under him while choking as air entered my lungs once more. Ethan came running over and encircled me with his arms.

My brother shouted, "Oh my god, your neck, Sarah," as I gasped for air. Ethan turned to stare at my neck, pain visible in his eyes.

I screamed, "I'm fine," as I stood up, looking at my bloody, scraped hands. I apologize for failing to capture the last man.

You are a murderous machine. With a delight that frightened me, my brother said, "You dropped four people in two minutes. Who was my brother becoming? What became of the kind youngster who just thought about me? Was he abusing his newfound power? The only thing I was certain of was that I had to prevent him from turning into the monster everyone believes we are.

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