

The shouts of "Welcome back, Sydney!" filled my ears as I stepped out of the car. I was taken aback by this unexpected and warm welcome. Everyone was gathered outside, their faces beaming with smiles. I glanced over at my mum to see if she was witnessing the same scene or if I was just dreaming, but her equally surprised expression, hidden behind a smile, confirmed that this was real.

Isabel, unable to contain her excitement, had her face pressed against the car window, eagerly taking in everything that was happening. She even had to roll down the window louvers to get a better view.

Mabel stepped forward with a large bouquet of flowers. "Here," she said, presenting the bouquet. "From all of us."

I fought back the overwhelming surge of emotions and responded with a grateful smile. Raising my voice to be heard by everyone, I exclaimed, "Thank you so much, everyone!"

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