
Nicole And Tessa

Nicole looked at her mother, who begged many times to obey her words. He strongly disagreed with his mother's decision which was not in line with his.

"But I'm not interested, Mom," Nicole snapped.

"Who else, if not you, Nic? Papa is sick and doesn't know when he will recover!" Margaret said sharply.

"There's Trudy, the person who always handles the company, Mom. Not once, never!" Nicole stepped out, leaving the luxurious house that, for the last four years, she had rarely missed. Nicole had just returned from Holland to finish her studies.

He chose to go to a coffee shop. Nicole ordered coffee and surveyed the people who seemed to enjoy their lives. He wasn't excited at all.

The waiter came to serve Bara's order, and he stirred the coffee with no taste at all. His mother has called repeatedly. Desperate, Nicole immediately turned off her cell phone. She was fed up with the many demands that suddenly fell on him.

"Hi, Nic," said the man who suddenly came. The man sat in front of him and ordered food. "You haven't heard from me in a long time; why don't you come home?"

Jack knew that his friend had suddenly come home and contacted him even though he had graduated three months ago.

"Talkative!" he replied. His gaze was blank. He cursed his increasingly complicated life. Nicole thought her freedom would be more comprehensive because he had returned to Singapore.

"I'll go first," Nicole said, leaving Jack, who was used to his best friend's behavior.

"You introvert!" he grumbled.


"Madam, the transfer meeting will be held in three days," Trudy handed the document to the woman, who was still beautiful despite adding four heads.

Margareth read a document that she didn't understand at all. She just flipped through the copy, looking confused.

"Find Nicole and force her here!" Margaret's order made Trudy confused because Nicole was a person who didn't like being forced, and it wasn't easy for her to do what people said, even her mother.

Trudy withdrew and checked the location of her master's only child. The man who had not returned from last night made Margaret angry at the behavior of her beloved son.


When are you coming home, Nicole?" asked the woman who gaped at Nicole, who suddenly stood up in her apartment. The door closed simultaneously as Nicole entered and immediately fell on Amanda's body, one of the women in her life. Her anger made Nicole's lust flare up.

Amanda was used to the man's attitude now on top of her. Nicole started kissing Amanda's neck, making her groan.

"Nic, are you okay?" Nicole was silent and still enjoying a woman's body which made her lust increase.

Amanda just resigned herself to Nicole's behavior, and her body was carried into the room. Nicole started to open the thin lingerie worn by Amanda, who was still looking at her, confused.

"Ahh! Stop, Nicole. Slow down." Amanda's moaning voice excited Nicole even more, and her hands touched Amanda's forbidden parts.

Nicole woke up, glancing briefly at the woman still sleeping naked. He no longer felt the pleasure he used to enjoy from the woman beside him.

Finally, he pulled the blanket to cover Amanda's body. Maybe the woman has often had intercourse with many men because it feels normal.

"I'll go home first," there was no answer because Amanda was still asleep.

Nicole came home, and her mother immediately slapped her son, making Nicole shocked because he didn't know what he had done to make her mother angry.

"How dare you sleep with a woman, Nicole!! That bitch got to you, didn't she?!" Margaret snapped.

Nicole was silent, surprised that her mother knew what Nicole had just done all night with Amanda. Was Nicole being followed by her mother's messengers?

"Aren't I free to do as I please?" she replied.

"Tomorrow is the handover, and you have to come. It can't be changed," said Margaret.

Nicole just gave up and returned to her room, slamming the door. It doesn't matter if Margareth catches up with her or not.


(5 years ago)

"I love you, Amanda," Nicole looked at the woman still enjoying a glass of wine in her hand, not caring about Nicole's words.

Amanda walked into the middle of the party club. Away from Nicole, shaking her body, and several men were already near her, enjoying Amanda's beautiful body. Amanda stared at Nicole from a distance, for Nicole was too good for her, and Amanda had been dubbed a mercenary woman.

Nicole kept silent, watching Amanda being treated like that, she had once hit the man about to kiss Amanda, but the woman hated her even more.

"This is my job, Nicole!" Nicole couldn't stop thinking about why Amanda didn't accept her love and chose that way of life.

"I don't want to ruin your life, Nic!" Amanda said to herself.

Nicole still remembers the incident where Amanda is still the woman he loves. And now Amanda started approaching Nicole a few months ago when Nicole was still in the Netherlands.

Even though Amanda is still a paid woman, Amanda wants Nicole and thinks Nicole still loves her.

"Why has Amanda changed so quickly?" Nicole asked herself.


The day of welcoming the owner of the company, she made Nicole fed up. Even from the morning, her mother had prepared a luxurious and, of course, expensive suit for her son.

Nicole glanced briefly, without speaking, and immediately got into the car heading to her father's office. The vehicle he was riding in suddenly stopped abruptly.

Damn it! What kind of bad luck is this?

"Sir, it looks like the car broke down," said Hendrick, the family driver. Nicole was indifferent and saw a deserted street with no taxis passing by, she ordered a cab, but it didn't connect.

Isn't Singapore a developed country? Damn it! The phone is lowbat!

Nicole got down and looked left and right, and maybe a vehicle was passing by. From a distance, he saw a woman pedaling a bicycle.

"Stop!!!" the woman almost bumped into Nicole.

"You have eyes, don't you?" Tessa snapped.

Nicole studied the name identification hanging around the woman's neck. 'Alana Tessa Willona.'

"Borrow your bike. I'm in a hurry," the man instead took out five red notes and immediately scattered them on the street.

Tessa, shocked because an unknown man pulled her bicycle, tried to pull the back of the bike, making Nicole unable to walk.

"Go!" Nicole shouted.

"No! It's my bicycle!" Tessa refused."

Nicole pushed Tessa and immediately pedaled quickly. Hendrick even shouted at his employer, who was determined to cycle to work.

"My goodness, Miss! Miss is okay, right?" Hendrick helped Tessa up.

"Who was it? Just play with force!"

"Ummm, miss..."

"Ah, okay, sir, I'll go first, okay? Near the end of the road, there is a repair shop. I'll stay first, sir! Excuse me."

Tessa left Hendrick and rushed to his office. Today was the welcoming of the new company leader, and he didn't want to be late and get fired for arriving late.

Arriving at the office, everyone looks neatly lined up. Tessa immediately enters the line.

"Tessa, are you late?" asked Julia, one of her friends in her office.

"Yes! What was the intruder in the street just now?" Tessa said, annoyed.

"Thank you for participating in welcoming the new company leader. And at the end of the event, I would like to introduce Mr. Nicole Alex Noutter's only son, who will replace Mr. Noutter. Please come in," said Trudy loudly.

The door opened and revealed a manly figure and a handsome face.

"Good morning, I'm Nicole, and I will be your new boss, thank you!" said Nicole briefly.

Nicole surveyed the entire assembly hall with a cold gaze. His hands hid in his trouser pockets, and he wore a navy blue suit with a matching tie.

Hundreds of employees were amazed to see the face of their new boss, who still looked young and handsome.

Tessa's eyes widened when she saw her new boss, who had taken her bicycle by force this morning. Even though he is rich, why did he even take his bicycle?

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