
Chapter 162: Everyday Ends! Pt 11


Sasuke's POV (Northern Mountains of Irminsul - Terra)

Sasuke trekked through the icy gust of winds mechanically. Each flake of ice and snow pattered against his face felt like a needle stabbing into it. And based on the frequent and audible complaints of Muri, even the protective coat of a beast could not fend off the blizzard that raged. So cold the beast was that it had wrapped itself around his neck. Sasuke could not afford to use his heating jutsu to keep them warm now, they were journeying to another clan that would likely be violent. Sasuke could not afford to be wasteful with chakra. As such he allowed the cuddling, besides it did generate extra heat for him. Though he would never admit to enjoying it slightly.

"Kami why would any foolish creature live in these cold lifeless peaks! Everything looks the same, smells the same, sounds the same! Not to even mention the cold! My entire being is numb, my soul frozen, even my descendents will be born chilled! Are you listening to my raving?! Nevermind I can feel your annoyance! I am blessed to have a summoner unlike you!" Muri ranted with utter fury. Sasuke had read of some people who became irritable in extreme heat or cold, and supposed it wasn't limited to humans. But Yuno could be quite the whiner when agitated, so Sasuke ignored such with practiced ease.

Spleen Feaster was silent like Sasuke, but the Uchiha suspected it was due to dread. While Muri was distracted with his misery it seemed Spleen Feaster was ruminating over Sasuke's ploy. The Uchiha could admit it was less than ideal, certainly less than moral. But Sasuke was tiring and if he wanted to guarantee a smooth interaction with the next clan he would need a gift of sorts. Even the Uchiha had no wish of exterminating every clan he ran into.

"Sasuke! We're drawing close to the Moon Bear Clan's home base. Please tell me you're not going on another murderous rampage. You realize that's no true way to solve your problems, right?! I mean seriously you humans are infuriating, how does a fool create therapy for humans only for them to ignore it! Maybe if you didn't, so many of you wouldn't be psychos!"

Sasuke felt a grim smirk grace his face as they marched over the peak of a snow bank and saw his destination. While the ranting was annoying it made the journey go by quicker. And he had spotted a sign they were almost done.

A rough giant wall marked some sort of settlement. A flag with a moon on it confirmed it was the home of the bears he seeked. The wall was assembled out of frozen trunks of trees, as if they had been ripped from the ground and stabbed into another spot. Ice seemed to somehow be utilized to hold the trunks together. Flags with moon emblems were raised over the wall to let it be known their identity. 'A massive fort built with rough materials… well surely they'll be more accommodating than the "Bloodthirster Clan" At least they seemed civilized.'

Spleen Feaster seemingly realized such as well. The beast writhed in terror, desperate to get free before being hand delivered to his enemies. Muri seemed to notice such and Sasuke could feel the animal tense, however it mattered little. Until the Uchiha could guarantee the safety of Yuno he would do what is necessary.

Sasuke and his crew of reluctant furry friends drew close to the fortress in tense silence. The fortress had what seemed to be a large entrance, but the Uchiha couldn't help but notice it seemed crammed full of ice. He only briefly pondered how to get in before he heard two roars in sync.

Two massive shapes leapt over the wall and fell before the trio. Muri and Spleen Feaster screamed in terror as Sasuke merely looked over the bears. Even on all fours, each of the creatures was easily three meters tall. They were covered in black thick fur, their chest bearing (not on purpose I swear) a pale colored symbol that Sasuke supposed did look like something like a crescent moon. Their faces were also highlighted by the same pale fur.

"We are New Moona and Wax Moone of the Crescent Moon Clan," an apparent female bear said. "We see you seem to want to visit our home." We would ask why you intend to do so," the bear named Moona asked.

"That being said, we know of the trouble you brewed with the Bloodthirster Clan. I Moone of this great clan will not allow you to do such here." Moone declared.

"I am no enemy of yours, nor do I wish or intend to cause you any grief. However, I am on a dire mission. As such, I intend to check your home and question you regarding any humans you may have encountered, only for peace of mind. However I am insistent, and likely will not take no for an answer." Sasuke explained.

"We are glad you mean no harm." Moona spoke happily.

"However we cannot allow you to merely march around our home. It would be shameful and surely you recognize the risk with a violent degenerate like yourself." Moone countered.

"I figured you may not be so keen." Sasuke admitted with ease. "However I have it on good authority that this gift of mine may smooth things over." Sasuke raised the panicked Spleen Feaster to the bears.

Immediately Moona seemed to drool, while Moone seemed somewhat stunned.

"You may have heard I caused a ruckus at the Bloodthirster Clan cave. But that would be an understatement, I not only kidnapped their leader, but I single handedly wiped out their primary hunting pack." Sasuke spoke with a smirk. "I heard the two of you are bitter enemies, and this saying where I come summarizes it best. The enemy of my enemy is a friend." Sasuke replied with ease. Despite his body language however he was tense, the exhaustion weighed heavy, but Sasuke was ready to fight them if needed. Muri seemed content to be silent, not liking the situation but recognizing its wisdom. Though Sasuke could feel a slight unnatural breeze around them.

Moone and Moona seemed to argue over the information for a few minutes. Before they faced the Uchiha with what seemed to be the bear version of a poker face.

"We shall allow you to see our leader and provide you with lodging for the night. Regarding your demands for information and the ability to search within our home, that will be our leader's choice. We only offer you such kindness due to the gift you offer." Moone spoke.

"But we won't do it unless we get the bastard!" Moona chimed in hatefully.


However Sasuke and Muri merely nodded as the Uchiha tossed Spleen Feaster to a cruelly smiling Moona. The four then walked up to the ice-filled doorway.

"Watch this, Uchiha," Muri whispered into his ear. "If things go south, you must remember their unique ability."

Sasuke rolled his eyes but watched intently as Moone approached the ice and nonchalantly placed a paw upon it.

There was a massive cracking sound, a split appearing in the ice, before with a deafening grinding the massive blockade of ice seemed to split in half and merge into the walls. Once fully done effectively opening, it was clear it functioned as what Sasuke figured they'd call a "door".

"Welcome to the home of the Crescent Moon Bears~!" Moona excitedly sang as the odd group marched into the icey fort. Sasuke somehow not flinching as the ice blockade sealed behind him. 

Here we are better late than never as they say. Hope you enjoy and have a good day! Peace~!

AfroLordcreators' thoughts
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