
Chapter 114: Sealed In?!


Naruto's POV (Courtyard of Iron Arena - Land of Iron)

Naruto frowned as a massive form of sand completely buried Gaara, which formed a giant pyramid that filled half the field.

"Get your head in the game, lazy bastard!" Muri complained. He handled the defensive part of the Personal Atmosphere and constantly repelled the hastily formed golden blades that badgered Naruto as he observed the large, smooth pyramid of sand. "Hey! Seriously, this isn't nearly as easy as it looks!"

"Sorry, Muri." Naruto apologized, rubbing his head. "I hadn't expected him to retreat like that, especially considering my track record of punching through his defenses, ya know?" Suddenly, the pyramid writhed as dozens of massive tentacles of sand formed and surged towards them. Their massive size and number cast a shadow over both Muri and Naruto. "I'll help out here. Are you ready for a boost?"

Naruto did not wait for an answer as he drew Riptide, which shined with chakra before a tornado seemed to form around the blade. All the while, Muri worked tirelessly to deflect the constant barrage of gold from all angles. Naruto then began slashing slowly and with power. Each slash unleashed a massive howling line of wind, slicing through each tentacle of sand easily. Naruto marched forward, calling out the technique and preparing the final blow.

"Personal Atmosphere: Slicing Wind Currents!" Naruto called as he finished with a two-handed slash. This ended with a massive, thick line of twirling wind that slashed through each tentacle and collided with the pyramid. There was an enormous screech and boom as the two powerful techniques matched. So much sand was thrown up, and it momentarily blocked the sight of all present. An instant later, Naruto's wind cleared reve, leaving Naruto holding another iron cup, and he flew towards the pyramid. Now revealed there was a massive groove in it. Nearly reaching the center where Gaara was sure to be hiding. Naruto aimed for the groove even as it slowly sealed itself. Once again, the familiar sound of wind and iron slowly shattering filled the arena, and Naruto trusted his uninjured arm to use that powerful and destructive technique.

"Wind Style: Implosive Rejection!" Naruto called as the cup was once again overwhelmed by the captured wind and shattered, unleashing the storm upon the pyramid. Luckily, due to the weakened structure due to his previous attack, it drills through with ease. Gaara's screams could be heard as the wind tore down the pyramid from within. The redhead eventually shot out of the remnants of the pyramid, covered in cuts, bruises, and blood as he smashed into the ground. The force embedded him slightly into it.

Naruto, focused and unwilling to take chances, zoomed toward where Gaara landed. Feeling Muri enhancing his speed with wind making him even faster than before. He appears before Gaara with a raised foot prepared for a kick. Gaara had just managed to crawl out of the hole Naruto had left him. A small amount of sand and gold attempted to shield him. But Naruto empowered his blows with chakra and wind manipulation, and Naruto quickly smashed through them. Hearing a painful crack as his foot impacted Gaara's face. Gaara went flying up into the air. More sand and gold desperately attempting to catch up to aid him. Naruto watched as it did before he lowered himself to jump. He did so and, with Muri's aid and his own physical strength, shot off like a cannon. His speed was so great he surpassed the sand and gold with ease. Smashing his fist into Gaara's ribs and watched as the redhead spat out spit and blood in equal measure. Naruto knows better than to lower the pressure now. Gripped his arms around the waist of Gaara.

"I always wanted to pull this off in a fight," Naruto said cheekily as Personal Atmosphere forced him and Gaara to spin through the air as they fell back to the Courtyard. The spin increased the force of the hold, making the blonde smile as he prepared to finally break through to Gaara. "Here comes the tough love, brother! Naruto Powerbomb!"

"What in the universe is a powerbomb!" Muri asked as Gaara screamed out.

"Watch and learn!" Naruto yelled as the two impacted into the ground.

Naruto was on top, using the spin and fall to land a massive slam. Driving Gaara's upper body into the ground. The impact of such shook the entire arena. Even Naruto, from his relatively safe position up top, felt each of his bones vibrate with pain from the effects. Naruto had never done this to someone before; it was mostly just a daydream he often had. Naruto had never met anyone he was sure could survive, and he seemed cruel. Against Gaara, however, it would be the perfect nonlethal finisher.

Naruto eyed Gaara suspiciously. The redhead's eyes were seemingly empty. His skin was covered in bruises and cuts, and unlike before, it didn't seem to be healing. Even his sand seemed still.

"That's a powerbomb! What a barbaric technique! Never pull that again, you bastard!" Muri commented exasperatedly. "Couldn't you have just slashed or punched him?"

"Oh, come on, it wouldn't have worked!" Naruto complained. "Besides, tell me that didn't look badass!"

"I suppose it was rather novel." Muri said with a shake of his head. "And he is breathing, well done su-"

"To be fair, that didn't work either…" Gaara interrupted the two. Gaara's stance was weak and loose, his eyes bleary and unfocused. Yet his smile was sharp and broad, as if he had no reason to be fearful. "Naruto Uzumaki… you more than I ever could've hoped. I was wrong about you… But before accepting such a request, I must insist on one more battle. A more honest one…"

"I'm pretty sure this is over. You look half dead, ya know?" Naruto said cautiously. He was confident the fight was over but knew better than to lower his guard.

"Like I said, let's begin in earnest," Gaara continued. "Let's fight as we truly are; consider it a favor from you, brother." Suddenly, chakra exploded from Gaara in an insane amount, the pure force of which cracked the ground and threw dust and small stones.

Naruto flinched but faced Gaara down grimly, determined to end this here.

Gaara started to laugh as his incredibly killing intent grew even more robust. Naruto could see those of weaker constitution in the crowd faint from it alone. Before, it felt as if Gaara may kill anyone who bothered him and enjoy it. Now, it felt like he would kill anyone and would be thrilled.


"No way, brother." Naruto replied with ease. "I intend to beat you with my own strength."

"You won't have a choice, my dear brother… it begins now!" Gaara's laugh turned pained as a startling transformation began to take place. His skin became coarse and dry looking like patches of sand in constant motions. Lines of blue shined and hummed with pure chakra. The new skin seemed to even grow over his face and clothes. The whites of his eyes darkened as his irises became golden, and his daze became even more crazed.

"SHUKAKU NOW THE TIME HAS COME!" Gaara cried, his voice shrill and wild. The calm facade he had maintained was discarded in his elevated state. With a powerful pulse of chakra, a pale yellow barrier wrapped itself around the Courtyard, seemingly cutting off everyone, even Kakashi, who had been standing outside of it to avoid debris. "THE FINAL TEST BEGINS NOW, BROTHER!"


Rasa's / Narrator's POV (Kage Box of Iron Arena - Land of Iron)

A large pale tan translucent barrier shimmered formed around the courtyard. The dome had capped off the arena, slicing through anything between it and the match. Kakashi nearly was cut in twain as it formed, slicing off the courtyard with a quiet hiss.

The barrier was see-through, only adding a slight tan tinge to the sights within. It shimmered every now and then, pulsating with chakra as it did. The entire thing had a presence, filling the surrounding air with a thick foul chakra.

Perhaps sensing something was amiss, Kakashi jumped to the rim, cutting off the audience from the courtyard. He stared at it incredulously before firing off several kunai and shuriken at speed most couldn't see. Each bounded off it harmlessly, not doing any noticeable damage. Kakashi nodded before he reached into one of his many pouches and removed a kunai with a tag tied to it. Like the others, he threw it, clearly showing it was a Fuijutsu tag. But like the other, the kunai bounced off the barrier, the tag not reacting in any way. Clearly, the man was frustrated; as he lowered his stance and braced his arm with his other. Chakra and lightning surged around his hand as he powered up the technique. Kakashi wasted no time; he blurred forward and slammed his creation into the dome. It fizzled out the instant it came into contact, having no effect whatsoever. Kakashi jumped back narrowly, avoiding coming into contact with the barrier.

"What on earth is that?!" A asked incredulously. "What purpose could this serve?"

"Perhaps a setup for an attack?" Onoki mused calmly.

"No." Rasa interrupted their musing stand at his feet and with a flex of chakra, grains of gold shimmered off him and condensed into a thick strand that flowed around him. Despite his calm facade, he felt a naked panic fill him. This may very well ruin everything! "Pakura!" He roared.

Pakura appeared suddenly, her green and orange hair bouncing at the speed. Her head bowed respectfully as she dutifully waited for her Kage order.

Rasa felt dread grow throughout his body. But perhaps he worried for no reason; if it didn't, it'd make it clear how much trouble this was to the others. Save Rasa some time, time that would possibly save this situation. Gaara had always been a wild card, but one Rasa had believed he had it entirely in hand. He would ensure he tightened the leash after this incident.

Assuming Gaara hadn't doomed them and started the next Great Ninja War.

"Pierce that barrier," Rasa ordered.

Pakura merely nodded.

Hiruzen and Mifune both rose from his left. Mifune had reason to ensure things went peacefully. His intervention had been expected. Hiruzen, as well, had his own soldier down there. But Rasa felt some panic when A rose as well. Surely A, sensed the potential for violence and never being one to avoid such was likely exciting. "Now!" He hurried Pakura along. The loyal woman nodded again grimly as she set her hands into a sign, ready to do his bidding. The Kage, up and moving, was suddenly blocked off by two massive walls of gold. Rasa flinched when A smashed a fist through, even more so when Hiruzen's staff and Mifune's blade did as well.

But his stall tactic worked. Pakura barked out her jutsu triumphantly. The woman was likely beyond pleased to be of use to him. Rasa watched with a smirk as her jutsu activated, ensuring his attempt was successful.

"Scorch Style: Twin Propulsive Blast!" Pakura called out desperately. Two orbs appeared under her foot, carrying her from the ground below them and starting to lift her up from the ground. An instant later, the orbs pulsated, and a small explosion sounded off. The entire arena shook as the two booms went off at this explosion. But Rasa paid no heed to it, watching as the twin explosions shot Pakura off like a rocket. Rapidly propelling Pakura toward the dome, she smiled as she drew close and began making more hand signs.

"Scorch Style: Great Steaming Explosive Blast!" Pakura roared; as she did, several orbs formed around her, merging into one giant that writhed with energy that seemed to heat the air around it. Steam snaked off of it and gave its surroundings an orange glow. "My Kazekage has ordered this barrier down, Gaara! You forget your place!" Pakura lectured. With that, she shoved her hands toward the barrier. Sending the giant orb spiraling toward the barrier. Several shinobi and samurai alike cried out in surprise and fury. But none of them could move to intercept it or stop it meaningfully. But it was clear such an action was seen as criminal.

Rasa would usually brace for such a powerful attack, but his suspicions were confirmed when the orb collided. Instead of the powerful, fiery, and sudden explosion it traditionally produced, it merely hissed as it seemed to fade into the barrier. Slowly but surely, it disappeared entirely into the barrier, even the heat and steam fading into it.

"Explain yourself!" Mifune roared as he marched in front of Rasa. His usually relaxed but stern face was not stretched and contorted by rage. He had not bothered to sheathe his katana. In fact, he had the point of the blade thrust squarely in Rasa's face. "The gall to interfere with this match, as a Kage no less! You may not simply act as you please because your blood battles below. To disrespect the rules so brazenly is a mark on our very honor! You'll find we extract quite the toll for such insolence!"

He likely would've continued his endless rabble, likely giving Rasa a headache. But luckily, he trained his men well. Pakura burst into the box, facing down Hiruzen and A with a determined scowl. Mifune glanced over at such, allowing Baki to also dive into the box. Zooming through the air with a blade of wind in hand, he slashed at Mifune. The samurai readily reacted and blocked the strike, though the force made him slide back.

Rasa glanced around the room at the tense atmosphere. Mainly to ensure no further attacks happen. But the room was still as some of the brightest minds in the world debated what this moment meant. It was fortunate; despite his strength and the considerable talents of Pakura and Baki, they could not hope to survive a full-blown fight. Even the older samurai was someone to be wary of. He had never seen someone deflect Baki's Wind Blade. Yet alone so casually.

"If you offer me a moment to explain myself instead of killing me, you may find I have answers that suit your questions." Rasa offered to the room calmly. Such likely seemed absurd to them but he had learned confidence had a way of ensuring people listened.

"There is nothing to discuss!" Mifune roared as he lowered his stance, appearing to be readying himself to charge the group. "You have broken the rules of this establishment and the trust given to you. This is a grave offense in the Land of Iron." He warned.

"I always wanted to see that samurai go all out. Besides, the Kazekage here did act out of line." A remarked merrily. Conflict that did not involve him or his forces was always welcomed. It served to weaken his enemies. Rasa kept in mind the man seemed keen on such.

"Now, now," Hiruzen objected with forced calmness, standing between Mifune, A, Rasa, and his guards. "It cost us nothing to hear him out." The man turned and offered a harsh glare, filling the room with killing intent. "That being said, it had better be a good explanation for this nonsense of my own men being risked!"

"Ah, such conflict reminds me of home." Yagura chimed in whimsically. "A hero survives off of conflict."

Rasa sighed as he marched forward to stare at the barrier surrounding his son and his son's foe. His mind whirled to earlier days as he started his explanation. Rasa hoped to explain that this may offer him insight or, more honestly, time.

"As I'm sure many of you are aware. Jinchuriki are human weapons made by sealing a tailed beast into a human. Though we create them in many ways, their inner workings and mechanics are mysterious. Not to mention things like long-term physiology, the psychology of jinchuriki, and even the limits to their power. Through war and testing, we'd all like to pretend it didn't happen, but it allowed us to make various discoveries regarding them. One that was most recently discovered was that each jinchuriki seems to have unique abilities. It is different for each beast and notably is only present in jinchuriki form. The tailed beast never shows use of it, suggesting it is the bond between human and beast that produces this. It was the Cloud who discovered such." Rasa started.

"Aye, we discovered it late into the life of one of my own jinchuriki." A agreed. "The ability was something else."

"Indeed." Yagura said with a smile. "I, too, have access to such an ability. Though I question what this has to do with any-. Oh, how interesting…" He finished with a smile.

Rasa frowned but continued on anyway. Recognizing he was in a delicate spot and needed to get out of it before anything else. "Well, I actually made the discovery myself years ago. See, on the night of my son's birth, I had arranged for the best care possible. Nurses, doctors, guards, anbu, truly the best of the best. It was necessary; I had given Gaara his beast before his birth. Meaning it was due to be a difficult and life-threatening process. But all was going well; my wife was strong-willed. And despite the great pain and stress she was in, as well as the complications from my meddling, she was doing well. Gaara was nearly delivered flawlessly until a hiccup was had. Birth from a perspective of a child is a traumatic and stressful situation. Some infants even suffer some of the effects of trauma from such. Gaara must've been similarly spooked. Suddenly, the barrier we saw before us was erected around my wife and son. The nurse holding onto my wife lost an arm as the barrier cut through it. Even more, unfortunately, it had managed to wound my wife. This barrier was the same dome you see before you now. I, enraged and fearful for both my wife and son, attempted to bypass the barrier using all my might. It was unsuccessful, and I was forced to watch helplessly. Giving birth and bleeding profusely, without the aid of help or medicine, my wife delivered my son. But in the process, she lost her own life. I was enraged by such, and once I stopped weeping, I sought to avenge her. I hired assassins and killers alike to take care of Gaara. I couldn't do it myself, even I don't wish to kill my own spawn. However, he lived, and despite using it that night to kill my wife, Gaara never displayed the ability again. I assumed he did not even know he had it. Surely, the beast did, but that was no concern. Or so I had thought; it seems either he learned to wield it or Shikaku informed him."

"So he used it just now. I don't see how that is worth risking the life of my Genin." Hiruzen complained, marching closer. His gaze had not softened.

"Think about it, old friend. My son has hidden this ability and revealed it in a match he seems quite keen on," Rasa egged on.

Hiruzen shook his head in disbelief. "He's using it to trap him? For what purpose? It hardly hinders Naruto in any true way." He asked.

"He intends to use the power of his beast, potentially unleashing him. It wasn't to keep Naruto in. It's to keep us out. He intends to kill or more than likely torture the Uzumaki and does not wish to be interrupted." Rasa explained. "To stop an international incident due to my son's impulsiveness, I hoped Pakura's powerful bloodline would free them. But it seems it will take more."

"I still fail to see the issue." A chimed in. "Why does it matter that it is within the rules of the exam?"

"The exams no longer matter," Rasa said bluntly. "My son wouldn't have sealed them off unless he believed we'd interfere. Even Kakashi's interference wouldn't have inspired such a harsh measure. I suspect he'll use the full power of his beast if need be, however. Despite the rules, I believe the blood of a jinchuriki by another may create some turmoil."

"I hold no true hatred for jinchuriki." Mifune said with a frown. "I hold them in pity, wretched beings they are. But to allow any creature to unreasonably die on my watch would shame me and my men. The price we extract for such would be costly." He warned.

"No need for your price." Jiraiya roared as he and Tsunade joined the group facing Rasa. "Should my student be killed because you're maniac of a son, I'll kill the both of you."

"He's a perfect jinchuriki?" Yagura asked with a smile. It served Rasa well, however, as it momentarily shut down the tension in the room. If ever leaked to any Kage, such news would be valuable enough to spill blood for.

"Not truly, but due to his… declined mental state, he is better attuned with his beast than most jinchuriki," Rasa answered honestly. The information being told was valuable, and usually, he'd never give such away with the ease he did. But such was unavoidable with the situation Gaara had created. Best to seek their aid and avoid further complications.

"Regardless, it would be best if we solved the issue first. Waiting may be costly." With this, Rasa snapped his thumbs. Pakura and Baki jumped toward Rasa, landing on a golden disc and hovering in the air. Rasa mounted his own. "As I said earlier, I am not sure this barrier can be breached. It would be best if we combined our efforts. The exams are not worth the trouble this could spell for the Elemental Nations." Rasa said quickly. The three shot off before anyone could question them, shooting into the air above the center of the dome barrier.

"Jiraiya, come on!" Tsunade roared as she leaped from the box and raced toward the barrier. She hadn't needed Jiraiya right behind her as they faced the west side of the barrier.

Jiraiya yelled out to the group. "It's best if we attack it from all sides! A series of simultaneous and widespread powerful attacks may be able to overwhelm it!"

As they did so, Mifune followed, leaping out in a streak of silver as they leaped to the east side of the barrier. He dropped into an absurdly low draw stance as he sized up the obstacle.

"As if I would allow one of mine to suffer on their own," Hiruzen remarked as he raced to face the north side.

A growled at the happening as he faced the south side of the barrier, furious. His men had been utterly shown up, and now a mere Genin had attempted to seal him off! No such insolence could stand!

The violent and now terrifying fight below shocked the crowd into silence. Gasping loudly, shocked to see so many infamous and powerful shinobi suddenly on the move. Each moved with such speed most shinobi and civilians alike could barely process their movements. Instead, they appear to be surrounding the dome. There was a nervous chatter as this carried on before the shocked silence returned as Onoki floated above the orb and loudly coughed. His voice was deep and loud, making the arena shake, obviously from using some jutsu.

"This damned jutsu, I can never tell when it-" Onoki muttered to himself, seemingly unaware of his jutsu working. Before he flinched, subtly smirking as he saw the audience seem to relax slightly, the humorous mistake allowed them to calm down. "Anywho!" Onoki continued heedless of the humor as if ashamed and bashful. "We need to stop this exam; we will dispel this barrier post haste and deal with these troublemakers. There is no need to fear or panic. The Five Kage are here and guarantee your safety." Onoki explained.

The crowd was silent as such. Even to the native Iron people, the word of a Kage or world leader was nothing to take lightly. But most could not help the anxiety slowly pooling. Everyone had heard tales of the power of jinchuriki. None wished to see it firsthand. However, if the Five Kage were to keep them safe…

The crowd roared in approval.

Rasa watched this all as he and his two most trusted men prepared their attempt to stop his son's plot. Seeing the barrier reminded him of the night his wife had died. The same pale glowing orb that had stopped him that night again sought to thwart his plans.

It would not.

Man with these shorter chapters this fight seems massive! Anywho Gaara has yet another trick up his sleeve, one that spells doom for our favorite blonde! Not too much to say here, just tired after work. Thanks for reading, support if you care to, and Peace~!

AfroLordcreators' thoughts
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