
Chapter 10: Tension Builds

Ino's POV (Training Ground of Team Seven)

Ino panted harshly, it was the only thing she could do. Kakashi, after their spars, had split them into groups working on what he considered their weaknesses. The main thing holding the blondes back was poor taijutsu. Well, he said Ino's conditioning was poor as well. Ino knew this was the case. She had always been lax in training but never quite realized how far behind she was. Kakashi had decided the best way to get them up to snuff was... to beat the tar out of them. Even with Ino and Naruto teaming up and pulling out as many tricks as possible. They were unable to mount any real offense. Kakashi merely evaded it all, countering them with a smile that somehow shined through the mask.

Ino had done her absolute best. But she collapsed after eating dirt for the tenth time. To her shock even after everything today Naruto seemed to not be tired. If anything, Naruto kept swinging and charging with even more ferocity. Seemingly desperate to land some kinda solid offense. But with a palm thrust to the blonde's face, the Uzumaki collapsed. Kakashi watched, seemingly waiting for the blonde to stand like some kind of undead menace. Ino took the chance to glance over at Neji. The Hyuga was slowly walking forward towards an also walking (though much more casually) Kakashi. Each step seemed to take every ounce of pride Neji had. He took one slow difficult step, two, and the third landed. The rest of his body shortly followed his feet. Kakashi looked over and nodded at this, then with a quick series of hand signs shot a small stream of water to revive Naruto. Ino had stifled a chuckle when the blonde popped up seemingly no longer exhausted.

"Fi-, fitting you passed out. A failure like yourself is deserving of the dirt." Neji said even exhausted, choosing to take a shot at the blonde.

Naruto oddly smiled at this. Before he charged at the Hyuga. Neji even tired as he raced forward as well. Kakashi sprinted forward to stop the two. Throwing himself between the two. This did little to stop it, Neji snaked a fist through Kakashi's guard to punch the blonde in the face. Naruto didn't seem to mind tanking the blow and catching his fist. The blonde then yanked Neji into Kakashi causing the Jounin to wrap him up while he had the chance. Naruto merely smirked, grabbing Kakashi's vest and managing to lift them both into the air.

"I don't care if it's bad teamwork! No one looks down on me like that! And if you're not gonna get him to stop, screw you too!" Naruto said. Ino for the first time in her life hearing true rage in his voice. He then threw both men into the air. Easily reaching ten feet and rising. The feat of raw strength baffled Ino.

Kakashi seemed to relax in the air. "You may have a point. You certainly aren't much better for losing your cool. But Neji Baka does need to learn how to play nice." The Jounin said as they reached the apex of their flight now twenty feet in the air.

"WHAT DID YOU CALL M-" Neji started but was interrupted when Kakashi shifted him to the bottom of their situation. Kakashi's weight rested on top of him.

"Need a soft landing, you understand." Kakashi informed happily. The two then crashed into the ground. Cracking the ground below due to the impact. Neji seemed dazed, barely reacting as the Jounin lifted him. "Alrighty seems he needs some gentle love. But I see now this may need to run its course. Naruto and Neji will spar one week from now. I assume this is fine with you Naruto?"

"Damn straight!" Naruto replied with his signature smile.

"Perfection, we're done for today. You two make sure each other gets home. I worked you hard so make sure to walk a bit to work off the aches. Yes, it will help, no you cannot skip it."

"Yes, sensei." The two young adults echoed from the ground.

"Ah I think I don't hate you twooooo~" Kakashi sang merrily. Before he and the downed Hyuga poofed away with a blast of smoke.

"I'll admit he's damn good but I hate that man." Ino complained. Naruto kipped up and started stretching.

"No doubt he's an ass, but that was some real training. Not even ma kicks my ass so thoroughly." Naruto said, walking over to assist her. But she shook her head casually rolling backward to her feet.

"You're not lying but still. A young maiden is a fragile thing." Ino said with a smirk.

"I saw you eat one of the most painful-looking uppercuts I've seen earlier, and responded by trying to headbutt him." Naruto retorted dryly. "Honestly I thought you were some princess type but I suppose you're some kinda tomboy."

Ino's smile nearly grew before she snatched his ear. Yanking him forward.

"Care to repeat that joke?" She said darkness seemingly dripping from her tone.

"Ouch! Ino! NO, STOP! I'm sorry!" Naruto called out trying to escape her wrath.

"Then tell the truth." The woman replied sweetly.

"That's your a" Naruto nearly whimpered when his ear was tugged sharply. "Ok! You're super feminine and beautiful!" Ino released his ear with an airy chuckle.

"You only had to say I'm a Kunochi. Though I'm glad to know you think I'm beautiful." Ino said smugly walking ahead back towards the village. Naruto sighed at this but followed.

Naruto pondered his day during the silence. He didn't regret picking the fight with Neji. It bothered him when he insulted him. The jabs at Ino turned bothered to pissed. The final straw being for the blonde is the lack of a reason for the hate. But if the blonde was being honest he knew the spar of the two coming would be difficult. Neji's speed was absurd. He seemed to somehow match Lee's speed without weights. Hell, the blonde wasn't sure who was the more skilled combatant. Naruto doubted even with his clones and tanto he'd be able to contest the Hyuga head-on. He'd commit to hit-and-run tactics. Perhaps his mother would be able to assist with some extra training.

"Naruto?" Ino asked, her tone was again its usual sound. "Do you think fighting Neji is the for the best? He seems strong and has a mean streak to him."

"No doubt. I've dealt with his kind before. He might not be a terrible guy, but he needs his ass kicked. Teaches humility or something or other." Naruto answered cockily.

"Not sure that logic tracks." Ino replied skeptically. "Aren't you worried he's gonna hurt you?"

"I mean guess that would suck. But I try not to worry about that stuff. My ma always says it's better to just try, worrying about failing won't stop you from doing so. It's worked well for me in life so far." Naruto explained.

"I guess, I'm just worried about it, I suppose. If you lose, Neji will be insufferable. Honestly, his performance was crazy. I didn't think anyone was that far ahead. Not in our year at least." Ino said her voice was slightly softer.

"Listen, let me tell you three things about Naruto Uzumaki! I won't quit! I'll work hard! And always win when the chips are down! Ya know? Consider it a promise I'll straighten out Neji! " He said with a wide smile beaming towards Ino.

"Whatever you say, runt." Ino retorted. Though if she was being honest, something about him, when he stood firm like that, was endearing.


Kakashi's POV (Training Ground of Team Seven)

Kakashi and Neji appeared landing in a tree some distance away from their training ground. Neji quickly climbed to his feet attempting to leave. But tripped and fell as a rope suddenly wrapped around his ankle leaving him upside down. Neji swelled with embarrassment and immediately raised his upper body to free himself. Leaving him open to a second rope attack that quickly bound his arms to his sides. Leaving the angry prodigy effectively helpless, hanging upside down.

"Sorry about that, ne." Kakashi said his voice casual yet with an unmistakable edge to it. "I figured you might try something foolish. And just happened to want to try out my rope ninjutsu."

"Free me now! Jounin or not, you can't treat me like this!" Neji screamed, his composure completely shattered.

"Firstly, whether you like it or not, you are now my subordinate. If I consider you insubordinate, your career would end early. Maybe I am a mere Jounin, but you'll find few as well-tapped as I. Secondly, team dynamics can be difficult, but from what I can see neither Ino nor Naruto has done something worthy of your ire. Yet especially with Naruto, you seemed determined to pick a fight. Now I'll cave in this one time and give you as you wish. But you may regret that decision." Neji scoffed at this. "Thirdly and most importantly though. I will not allow you to treat your teammates this way. They may not have your combat prowess. But both of them have inherent use. Ino's clan allows her unique skills great for information gathering, ambushes, and various more subtle aspects of kunoichi life. Naruto has a unique versatility with his shadow clones, information, backup, manual labor, human shields, and even literal bombs. Together you all should be able to tackle any mission coming your way. But only as a cohesive team." The Cyclops lectured.

A sigh could be heard from the restrained man. Some of his tension seems to have faded from Kakashi's speech. "I know there's wisdom in your words. I am being incredibly unfair towards them. I admit this to be true. The woman I find easier to forgive, at least she knows. But Naruto? He pushes for the very top. The very apex of the shinobi world a Kage. Despite his mediocrity, despite his lack of talent, despite even my confrontations, despite it all he stands firm! Seemingly intending to defy the fate of one like him." The young man's voice seemed drained at this.

Kakashi felt a spike of anger toward Neji. But with years of experience working to keep him calm, none could tell. Besides despite what the blonde was, Kakashi had a duty to train them all, not only in combat or the ninja arts. But as people too, just as Naruto's father had done for him. "One's like him?" He asked his voice to be much smoother and cool than his mind.

"There's no doubt he's a hard worker. He's friendly and personable. His desire to succeed and his refusal to quit can even be inspiring. But it's his ignorance that wounds me. He has yet to learn that fate is a burden we all carry. That we cannot escape the boxes we were placed in. Merely try to accept the meager future ahead." Neji said.

"You've given up. It angers you that he hasn't." Kakashi replied simply.

"Tch call it what you wish. Accepting one's fate is not surrendering, merely the reality we have been dealt with. I will show Naruto and Ino this next week. I believe that deep down to my very core. Surely a man with an eye that is not his own may be able to understand that the world is cruel and unforgiving towards those who live ignorant of the rules."

"No doubt about that. But in life, I've met those who challenge these rules. Who manage to overcome overwhelming odds with nothing less than guts or will." Kakashi countered.

Neji scoffed again before managing to free his hands and release himself from the ropes. He landed on the ground gracefully. He cocked a look at the Cyclops. "Perhaps you're right. I suppose Naruto will have a chance to prove your point. But I've yet to see anyone defy fate. And Naruto Uzumaki is destined to fail." At this, the Hyuga surprised Kakashi by vanishing in a poof of his own.

"So he knows the body flicker huh? Sensei I have faith but I'm not sure he can overcome this. Hopefully, he can find a path in the week I gave them." Kakashi said quietly, feeling as if the father in question was gazing at him that very moment. Kakashi would offer a little help. Just to be sure the right one wins.

Unsurpisingly our two hot blooded and stubborn males are clashing. In such a way it's clear that the time to settle such will come. Can Naruto prove to Neji his worth? Or will Neji prove to be too much for him? Next chapter we take a look even more characters. The world is a large place and is always moving. Thanks for reading! Peace~!

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