
Conflict And Insanity

(Before I begin this chapter, I would like to apologize for not posting any chapters over the past two days because, you see, my friends, I fell into the pit that is the newest Spider-Man game, and now that I've managed to complete the game 100% and achieved the platinum I shall get right back to writing although I do have to say it's a fantastic game especially when you get to play as *Bleep* and fight *Bleep*.) 

Entry 158:

The battle is both ugly and beautiful, a symphony of grace and carnage as I see Nobu (Avenger) tear her way through the men that had come to take over the city in the distance. Her laughter both enthralls me and terrifies me. 

Karna skillfully uses his spear to move through the men like a fish moves through the water. Mash watches his flank as I defend Ritsuka, who is playing this like a first-person shooter.

She's using the silver horn that I gave her to disintegrate Roman soldiers left and right as I simply take out my spear and keep the approaching soldiers at bay, but eventually, their numbers begin to fall rapidly as the enemy commander says over the fighting, "Receptum! Vive contra falsam imperatricem pugnare!" (Retreat! Live to fight against the false Empress!)

His soldiers then flee as Nero's soldiers cheer for their victory, and as we gather, Nobu has just finished crushing an enemy soldier's skull. Karna looks displeased as Artoria takes Excalibur from another soldier's chest.

I look to Ritsuka and ask, "Are you alright?" I see her look disgusted as she looks ready to throw up and her adrenaline falls as she comes to terms that she just killed normal men. She looks up at me and says, "No, but this is the job. Besides, I can't look weak in front of Nobu Onee san."

Said woman looks at Ritsuka and smirks, saying "It is all right to not feel good about one's first killing as while it seems I enjoy the pain as well as inflicting it on others, I reserve it for my enemies as in this life it is kill or be killed." I nod along with Ritsuka as we go to meet the umu empress of Rome.

I give a bow along with the others as I say, "It is an honor to meet you. These are my companions that seek to aid you in your fight." The Empress receives our greetings but looks at Artoria oddly as she asks, "Are you related to me as we look quite similar?" Artoria then says, "No, we are not, but while it is odd we share similar faces, it does show our innate beauty."

The Empress then says, "You are right, umu! Regardless, men, sheathe your swords! It's over. Are you reinforcements from the capital? I thought the capital was sealed off. No matter, I commend you! It doesn't matter if you were once my enemy. I am merciful, so past mistakes are water under the bridge. More importantly, I praise the way you fought just now. I Nero Claudius, is impressed umu." The Empress says as she continues.

"For a girl to brandish a weapon larger than herself. Umu, I must say I like you! You showed such indescribable, aberrant beauty! Very good, I shall allow you to fight by my side. Revel in the ultimate honor! Still, you people sure dress in a strange fashion. Aren't you showing a little too much? Are you foreigners?"

I nod along with the rest of us as I state, "We come from lands far from here seeking a great evil that sullies this vibrant land, and we found you. Such a meeting must be fate, is it not?" The Empress, agreeing, says, "Yes, this meeting was fortunate indeed, umu!"

The Empress then says, "At any rate, this victory belongs to us. I will reward you handsomely! Oh, uh, sorry. I couldn't help myself just now. You'll have to wait for your reward since I have nothing but this sword. It will all be taken care of after we're back in Rome. Now then, follow me!"

I look to everyone and the servants other than Mash return to astral form and we follow the excitable young ruler. As we made our way to Rome (the city), we were soon barraged by questions from the Empress.

"So where exactly do you hail from, umu? Are all of you foreigners?" I nod as I explain, "Yes, we come from the Far East. I am Linus Ozias, and these two are my valued friends, Mash Kyrielight and Ritsuka Fujimaru. We originally came to Rome to see its glory and culture but found that this land holds a great evil manipulating events behind the scenes."

The Empress then asks, "And what great evil do you believe haunts these lands, Lord Ozias?" I then say, "I have my suspicions, but I sense the presence of a demon directing these forces. Its taint lies upon any who serve it." Mash then says, "Yes, Empress, we all have come to help Rome and save it from destruction."

Ritsuka meanwhile seems in a trance as while she is physically present, mentally she is not, which does not bode well, but such matters must be dealt with in private. But before we can continue, I sense many soldiers heading our way. Soon enough, one of the scouts Nero sent ahead comes back and yells, "Hostis ascende! Parate vosmetipsos." (Enemy Attack! Ready yourselves!)

Nero then says, "Damn those restless United Empire fools! How dare they interrupt my beautiful conversation! Let's go! You! Pink-haired girl, I order you to serve as my shield!" Mash then nods as she says, "It seems we are now under her command."

I nod as I look at Ritsuka and shake her slightly as I state, "Are you ready to fight?" The girl looks at me in the eyes and nods slowly as she takes out her silver horn pistols. All of the servants materialize as I look to Karna and say, "Protect Ritsuka. Nobu, let us show the fools the error in their information gathering."

I feel Karna nod mentally as Nobu's bloodlust showers over the enemy like conqueror's haki from One Piece, and as she takes out her katana and guns, she looks at me and says, "What are you standing there for? Let us drown them in their blood!" 

She laughs as Artoria helps Mash defend Nero with her moving about the battlefield using Mana bursts to move at supersonic speeds with Mash using her shield to ward off arrows and you may be asking why I am defending Nero. 

The reason is simple: she is the current emperor of this era and thus is still human and not a heroic spirit, and while she does have access to magic or magecraft in this instance, she is still much more susceptible to being harmed.

Nobu and I cut a swath through their ranks with blood spraying while Nobu says, "I can appreciate a master who is willing to get his hands dirty." I nod as I reply, "Life is messy, Nobu, and one cannot go through it entirely clean. I shall do what I must."

Nobu nods as she continues laughing with Karna, protecting Ritsuka, who, while putting up a fight, her opening is more numerous in her distracted state. Luckily, Karna against regular humans is like sending a SWAT team to kill an unarmed child. 

One soldier yells as he tries to slash at me, to which I parry his strike and send a wave of energy through him into other soldiers, with the energy arcing to nearby soldiers like a static shock. I then grab one of Nobu's muskets and fire one bullet, killing three more men. Nobu smiles as she says, "Your aim is impressive, but let us see who is deadlier."

Nobu, with her katana in hand, fights even more ferociously, with her bright red hair glowing as if on fire, to which I continue to battle my way through the soldiers. Heads fly, and bodies pile up as I toss one soldier into a group of them, to which all of them fall like bowling pins.

Soon enough, the remaining soldiers fall, and Nobu, covered in blood, continues to smile as I feel lucky she is on our side. I hear Karna say mentally, "Master Ritsuka is alright. Shaken but alright." I send a thanks as he simply says, "I am doing my duty as a servant and a member of this team." I smile as Nero says.

"Somehow, we're out of danger. You ended up saving the day again. I'm sure it's not uncommon to be outnumbered in war, but being on the inferior side is no fun. So tiring! I really could use a good bath. Pink-haired girl, good work, and similarly faced girl,. Your swordsmanship is amazing."

Artoria simply nods as Mash blushes under the praise, but soon I say, "We are not out of the woods yet, Empress as I sense a more powerful presence." Romani then says [ A servant has been spotted! Be careful.]

Nero then says under breath, "It's him again." Her eyes then turn dark for a split second but soon return to normal. Then, a loud scream can be heard as the words that are said can barely be comprehended: "My beloved sister's child! I can sense you!"

Nero then looks towards the man with myriad emotions as she says, "Uncle! No. No, no, let me call you this now. You fool who inexplicably lost his way, aligning with the United Empire! "Caligula!"

Nero's Uncle, former emperor Gaius Caesar Augustus Germanicus or Caligula, was the emperor before Nero and his reign was as tyrannical as they come. 

There are few surviving sources about the reign of Caligula, though he is described as a noble and moderate emperor during the first six months of his rule. After this, the sources focus on his cruelty, sadism, extravagance, and sexual perversion, presenting him as an insane tyrant.

Now, he is but a mad dog within the berserker class, barely able to speak coherently. Mash then returns to Ritsuka's side as I stand with Karna in front of the Empress. Caligula then yells, "She is mine! Her blood calls to me! My insanity runs through her veins!"

I look at Karna and Artoria with Artoria standing before the mad emperor as she says, "Your bearing is not one king should hold but one of a mad dog that has lost his way. I would almost feel pity, but I know you would not understand it."

Artoria then blitzes the man as he takes out a sword and, without any grace or style, slams the sword into Excalibur, yelling like a man possessed. Artoria simply feints a strike toward the man's leg and as he dodges, slashes the man's chest grazing him.

The fight is quick, with ordinary soldiers unable to keep up with the fight, but as Artoria goes to stab the man, he suddenly vanishes via a command seal being used. Artoria then sheathes her blade and walks back to us as I say, "Well done your majesty." 

The king of knights then says, "What just occurred could rarely be considered a fight, but I do appreciate the compliment nonetheless."

Nero then says, "I never expected to see my Uncle again so soon after his death. He was once a great general. Now, he is that raving madman.*sigh* I, Nero Claudius, thank you for your aid. Once again, let us continue on our way."

We nod as I place Ritsuka on my shoulders, to her surprise, and as she looks at me, I simply say, "The first fight is always the hardest, especially for those not born nor ready to take another life, but rarely are we ready to do so do not feel bad focus on the here and now."

The girl then sighs and says, "You know most girls don't like stubborn types." I then respond, "You are not like most girls in a good way. Your eccentricities truly allow you to stand out. remember that any of us are willing to talk. Just enjoy the ride."

The Empress then says, "Wait a minute! I should be allowed to ride as well, umu!" I sigh as she climbs on my other shoulder with her men, just looking done with life as if expecting this display. The Empress then says excitedly as Nobu laughs in my mind. "Onward, Lord Ozias to Roma!"

I smile as we continue walking towards one of civilization's pinnacles glowing in the distance. With Mash staying by my side to make sure they do not fall.

( I do hope I am getting these servants' personalities somewhat right, but for now, here is the chapter, and there is more to come, and to my fellow Nero lovers, let us say Umu in her name.)

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