
Where Is That Boss Music Coming From?

Entry 133:

Cu Chulainn POV:

You know, being a servant is definitely what one could describe as an experience as you not only feel like simply a part of yourself but connected on a greater level to an alternate dimension known as The Throne of Heroes. 

It's like your real heroic spirit self playing a game, and you are the avatar while also being the person playing simultaneously.

I still have my abilities to wield a lance while also now wielding greater power with my spells and primordial runes, and I am definitely no slouch when it comes to combat, as I was trained by the queen of the Land of Shadows herself even if that training almost killed me multiple times.

Yet when I look at my temporary master, a cold chill runs down my body as every instinct is yelling that he is dangerous. It's like looking at a monster in human skin.

But I knew from our interaction that Oz has not lied a single time servants can tell when a master is lying, and every word that comes out of his mouth is the whole truth.

In all honesty, I'd say I lucked out with my current master, as I feel like I could spam my magic spells for eternity and still keep using them. I could even use my Noble Phantasm as much as I want.

And even from the last couple of hours I've been with them, I can tell how integral Oz is to the group as he's their binding pillar in a way. By him simply being here, they're improving drastically.

The orange-haired girl, while a bit eccentric, can now direct the young Demi servant decently well, not anything to write home about, but decently well. Even that Director of theirs has started to come out of her shell a bit, but her current ego seems like it's held together by duct tape and hopes and prayers.

I do have to thank my temporary master for keeping this group together through his positive attitude, as his smile never really seems to leave his face, yet I can tell it's not fake as those who often smile usually hold in inner pain.

But occasionally, I can see an inkling of something more in his eyes, like a blinding flame that wishes to be unleashed not to burn everything in its surroundings but to comfort those that remain while warding off the dark.

He then proceeded to use a form of Space Magic that I've never seen before to create a tent of all things that is bigger on the inside than it is on the outside, and while that has been done before, not to this ease of use. 

But what surprised me the most was his ability to create matter similar to that of the first true magic.

It wasn't Denial Of Nothingness, as you could feel the world trying to deny the existence of what is being created. Still, instead of creating it from nothing, he's using energy and manipulating matter on a subatomic scale. I'm no scientist, but that is impressive.

Not only would he have to create all of the dimensions of everything he creates, but he would also have to understand the fabrics and different materials' chemical and physical composition. Yet he did it easily.

I sigh as I say, "You are one terrifying existence master." Oz just smiles and says, "I am not terrifying to my allies, Child of Light, but only to my enemies, and it seems like we are approaching our next one as I can feel the presence of the Archer watching us."

Yes, I've noticed his presence for a decent amount of time as we are currently approaching what looks like a run-down temple which holds the cave that leads to the greater grail and the mountain where this corruption originated from.

"Yes, master, I can sense him, but he's not moving. It's as if he's waiting for us." Oz then scoffs and says, "He believes he's pulling us into a trap." I then get confused as we are walking into it.

But as if sensing my very question, Oz then smirks and says, "And my friend, do you know what the best way to get rid of a trap is? To spring the trap."

I smile with excitement as while I have never truly enjoyed a battle, it still excites me to test myself against worthy opponents. "Do we have a plan of attack?"

Oz then looks at me and mentally sends his battle plans to the others as I smile and say, "Master, you are one of the most insane people I've ever met, and if we make it out of this, we will be the best of friends."

Oz then begins to laugh as we walk up the stairs towards the temple, and on top, we find a white-haired man holding a large bow. Oz says, "Well, well, well, what do we have here? A failed counter Guardian." This seems to register something in the servant's mind as his bow is notched.

"Emiya, was it? You can never truly become a hero of Justice can you, and this whole Singularity is defined by your existence as a failure."

As my master is taunting the shadow servant, I'm preparing my runes to cast a spell that will lock him into place he only needs a couple more seconds to keep him talking. "Look around you. Your city is in flames, and your family is dead. Does this remind you of a certain fire all those years ago?"

The Archer growls and lets loose his arrow, and as the giant mass of Mana approaches the master, he stands there as Mash appears in front of him, blocking the attack.

In all honesty, the arrow would have blown the young girl away, but Oz had placed a magic barrier right before it impacted her shield. 

"We stand upon the precipice of your failures once again what would your father think of what you've become? I think I know he would be disgusted and would fully be willing to shoot you dead."

He fires another arrow again but into the sky, as it splits into various other blue shining mana arrows, but before they appear, they simply dissipate a counterspell, perhaps? I only need a couple more seconds.

"Your aim is about as good as your ability to be original. What did that Golden King call you a faker? Yes, that definitely defines your existence as you are so unoriginal that you have to copy other's Noble phantasms, and you know what happens to those that are unoriginal?"

I smirk as the spell is ready, and fiery runes appear right under the Archer's feet. Before he can react, my master has already set upon him with that glowing red blade of his and unleashes an energy strike that cuts him in half vertically.

"Die as you lived corrupted guardian a failure to all you knew ." Oz then blasts the body away as it disintegrates. Marie then says, "Well done, everyone that was a perfectly executed plan, but I have to ask Oz, how did you know that servant as even I couldn't recognize him?"

Oz simply walks towards the cave as he says, "He was a servant I had heard about that one was able to summon and one that has appeared throughout history to correct certain events, and I was able to put the pieces together."

Again, this is not a lie but not the full truth. Such a mysterious master is both intriguing and terrifying, but it is in a human's nature to be curious, even as a heroic spirit.

As we walk into the cave that leads to the source of the corruption, he stops and looks at the orange-haired girl, whom I believe her name is Ritsuka. He asks, "Ritsuka, are you okay to continue? I've been sensing your circuits are going haywire, I would assume from overuse. Do you want to take a break before we continue?"

It seems he was able to notice which is good as a leader should be able to understand each one of their parity member's physical condition. The young orange-haired girl says, "I should be able to continue, but I'm going to need a couple of minutes."

Oz then walks over to the girl and places his hand on her shoulder. I feel him slowly transferring his power into her so as not to overwhelm her magical circuits. Although from the look in that girl's eye, I feel like she's definitely feeling the magic if you know what I mean.

Ah! To be young again, as it seems like the other members are holding slight blushes at this current development, I chuckle as it reminds me of the time I used to run away from that insane stalker Medb.

Marie then says, embarrassed "Mr. Ozias, This is a shameful display. We should not be doing this here!" Oz then smiles and says, "Don't be jealous, Director. It is unbecoming."

Oh man, if only I had this guy back when I was still alive, it would have been glorious, although I'm not sure if you would have survived "her" training.

"Unbecoming, I will show you unbecoming get over here, you perverted man!" I begin to laugh as the others chuckle as my master then proceeds to hide behind me and says, "Child of Light, assist your master!" 

I then immediately use a movement-based primordial rune to do a short-range teleportation away from that nonsense as Oz looks at me with a pure look of betrayal as he begins to get scolded by the young silver-haired woman.

"Listen here, you insane idiot! I have no idea how you were able to do all these things, but that does not mean you get to treat me like an ordinary civilian! I am the last of the Animusphere family, and I shall be treated as such. And as of this moment, all of you are currently under me, so I expect dedication and obedience. Do you not remember my speech!"

While I would have most likely ignored her or yelled in her face, Oz simply smiled and said, "I understand director but each and every one of us comes from different circumstances and we all deal with situations differently throughout this entire Singularity I've sensed the weight you've held on your shoulders let others help bear the weight and maybe read a couple of novels on social interaction."

The statement pauses the girl as she says, "Do not speak as if you understand. None of you do. No one is going to help us if we fail. And I do not need to read any novels as I am perfect at social interaction."

Oz then says, looking forward, "Then we simply fail together, do we not? Don't worry, you have us even if that includes Ritsuka. And regarding social interaction, it's okay to understand we all have problems when speaking to one another."

"I heard that Oz! I am amazing in my own right!" The girl says as Mash simply sighs and says, "We are all in this together, director even if we need to carry the delusional Master across the finish line."

The girl then reels back as she says, "Betrayal by my own servant Oz. I require comforting." Oz then pats the girl's head as he leans into it like a cat. The sight brings a smile to my face, and even if we are going to die, at least I'm not going to die alone with a bunch of dull people. 

At least, that's what I would think if my master wasn't here, as I can sense the amount of power he's holding back through our bond. It's like an endless tidal wave being held securely under tight lock and key as I see two weapons that glow with such power that it would even put Excalibur to the test.

I can't see any further as the weapons simply forced me out of the space as if they were alive. So many questions and so little time.

So we press on deeper into the cave, which then opens into a large cavern, and within is the greater grail shining with both a black and yellow light.

Standing between us and the end of this nightmare is a woman and black armor with red veins riding along the metal plating and pulsating as if it was alive.

Even from here, I can sense the amount of power she wields as she is somewhat connected to the greater grail, thus providing her a large amount of magical energy.

I can hear the orange-haired girl mutter something so silently I almost didn't hear it: "Boss battle time."

Yet, as the woman notices our presence as her sight lands on the young demi servant's shield, her eyes somewhat widen to an almost unnoticeable degree as she stares at our group. Then her berserker can be seen behind her Heracles has arrived to aid his new master.

I count my lucky stars that the Heracles we see before us is nothing but a shadow of his original Berserker self and, as such, does not have access to his 12 lives, but even then, he is a formidable foe.

The silence is deafening as the woman who wields the corrupted Excalibur speaks, "I would welcome you all for making it this far as while I have been unable to witness your exploits due to some unknown interference, I could sense your powers moving throughout the city."

She then points to Oz and the pink-haired demi servant Mash: "You two are the ones that interest me the most as one I can feel holds back so much power, and the other is learning how to use hers, and it feels familiar."

The woman then shakes her head and says, "It matters not, as all of you are going to die here today. I will find a way to restore them all, even if I must cut through the world to do it."

I have no idea who the "them" she refers to, but I may have some ideas based on her identity, with that being the original Arthur, or is it Artoria Pendragon? 

The power she wields builds as her Berserker growls in almost anticipation as Oz looks at me and says, "Caster, you and the others distract the corrupted king of knights while I deal with the Berserker. I shall join you all momentarily."

I nod as I rejoin the others and prepare for battle, and this will be a glorious end.

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