
Greeting The Natives And An Instinctual Attraction

Entry 117:

Yasaka POV:

When my precious angel described the possibility of traveling to other worlds, I was excited as I had rarely been able to leave the city of Kyoto. Now, I am one of the first in our universe to traverse entire realities.

Kunou Is having the time of her life as she is taking a break from her studies to join us along with Ingvild, Rose, Ophis, and even Gaea, in this new world that Anakim calls Remnant.

The naming choice was odd as it described this world as a shadow of its former self, but as I stepped through the portal into the world, I could understand his viewpoint.

As I sensed the natural energy of this world, it wasn't entirely negative, but certain areas were the darkest and decrepit landscapes I've ever seen. And as he described the treatment of those closest to Yokai, I felt burning hatred in my heart.

Before I could say anything reckless, my lovely Angel, placed a hand on my head. "Do not worry, my love. We will fix it. I will make sure that." 

I smile as while many would take that as an arrogant statement, he has already proven it by changing our world so rapidly. Once, the Yokai faction was considered the weakest and bullied by the rest of the supernatural community.

And now the Yokai faction is prospering as well. We are not the greatest, but we are still within the top five.

Another reason I went on these trips was not only to enjoy a vacation from our world but also to discover new things to take back to our world.

Anakim knew this, but he didn't mind as he understood that while there is emotion, there must also be an aspect of logistics involved. 

As my significant other likes to say, adulting makes things a lot less fun. The split between his personalities is quite adorable as he has many sides to him: an innovator, a conqueror, a lover, a leader, and a jokester.

The lover part is exceptionally wonderful as when he takes us all to bed and has his way with us, I am left seeing Stars within the first couple of minutes, and in all honesty, I cannot live without his presence anymore. Simply being near him makes me feel stronger and loved.

As I know he will always support my choices, and I can feel his binding pulse with his fervent emotions for each one of us, and while it is a beautiful thing, it is also terrifying as he is fully willing to do what he describes as exterminatus at the most significant signs of threats to any of us.

But it is not possessiveness. It is simply love. As he explained himself, angels feel emotions much more strongly than other races due to their innate need to control themselves.

Even with my precious Angel's changes to Heaven, many of the other Angels fear showing any emotion other than stoicism or righteous emotion.

But when we discussed it, he simply said, "The angels have been living in a bottle for a long time, and eventually that bottle begins to crack and break, which is why there are so many Fallen, but even now, they are afraid as when an Angel Falls they not only lose their ability to access holy power but a part of themselves they can never really feel whole."

I could never imagine such a fate for any Yokai, but for now, it is time to meet with the delegation sent by the organization referred to as the White Fang, as I am somewhat excited to meet humans with animal traits.

However, when my angel discovered them, he started muttering about conventions and various animal lovers. I still love him, even with his little eccentricities.

As the gates to the citadel open and the delegation is let inside, I see many of the men admiring me but going no further, which is for their own good, of course.

"I welcome you all to Xenon, the city of peace, and ask you all to follow me as he is waiting." The woman, who I assume is the leader, asks, "Who are you referring to?"

I look at the woman and say with a little smile, "A being unlike anything you have ever seen before."

With that said, the woman almost scoffs and says, "I have seen many men throughout my time, Ambassador. How is he any different."

It's almost adorable the way she's denying what she can sense as even from here, and even though they cannot use magic, his presence can be felt across the city.

An invisible weight that brings both strength and comfort to anyone within the city as nothing in this world escapes his eye. But her rejection of the current reality will soon end as I lead them into the citadel and the throne room. 

The weight continues to build as they seem to struggle to even walk in his presence as I consider how much stronger I have become just by being connected to him.

I then stand in front of the door. "I asked that you all treat the being you're going to see past these doorways with the utmost respect as he can be your greatest enemy that would put the Grimm and Humanity to shame or the savior your people need."

They nod as I open the door to see Anakim in his full armored form, standing fourteen feet tall, surrounded by a holy aura that simultaneously comforts and suppresses those around him.

Anakim then beckons them forward. I then take the place at his side as he states, "I welcome you all to the Silver Citadel as I believe we have  business to discuss, but first, I hope you all remember how to breathe."

As he snaps his fingers, they all take a breath as they are almost forced to their knees at not even a percent of his strength, and as he stands, he offers a hand to the tiger woman, "I greet you, Sienna Khan, leader of the white fang in the light and hope our talks today may lead to a glorious future."

The woman nods, almost in a trance, as a profound blush appears on her face as Anakim returns to the throne. "I will be the first to admit that I am foreign to this world, but from what I am seeing, I am not impressed. In fact, I am almost appalled by the dissension between the races of this world."

His anger grows as the room grows darker, as if the light is innately connected to him, which it is as he breathes and says, "You all fight amongst yourselves while ignoring the true enemy, and that is stagnation as, eventually, it will not be the Grimm nor Humanity that ends all life on this world but the fact that none of you are progressing."

He then shakes his head and says, "I do not say this in order to make light of all of your struggles but simply point out what this situation looks like from an outside perspective, one that is not human nor grim nor Faunus."

He snaps his fingers again, and we find ourselves on the top of the tower that shows the shattered moon as he reaches out, and his power of control manifests as the moon is then repaired as if it was never broken.

"This is but a percent of my abilities as I am not here to not just end the threat of the Grim nor the conflict between humans and furnace. I am here to uplift all of you and show you all the true potential that lies within all mortals."

Anakim then returns all of them to the throne room as Sienna Khan looks both terrified and simultaneously aroused. Well, it is understandable, as Anakim has that effect on others.

The woman then bows before him as she says, "I recognize your power, but I do not know your name. May I request we have an identity to name you by?"

Anakim smiles as he bids her rise and says, "I am Anakim, a God Of Creation, a being that can create worlds from dust and can also end worlds with a snap of my fingers, but now I offer you all to join me and help me create a new world, a better world."

Sienna smiles and says, "We will join you, Lord Anakim, and I hope we all may benefit from it."

Anakim just stands and places his hand on her shoulder and says, "There is no need for titles among peers as we are all in this together, and while you may not be able to repair celestial bodies, each of you will have a role, and I thank you for the chance to improve this world."

The other members of the delegation almost laugh at the idea of being a peer to this being, but they cannot seem to find any platitudes in his words. Sienna looks practically ready to explode in excitement, but her stoic nature helps her regain her composure.

Oh, it is going to be fun having her around as Rose these days is so hard to tease, and even the young Leviathan has begun to adapt to my little tricks, and I can't prank my own daughter nor the Infinite Dragon God she usually has attached at the hip.

Who thought I would say such a statement after only a year? My angel is truly great, and I will make sure that everyone else knows it. And as much as I know my angel does not wish to be worshiped, I believe he is worthy of it.

"But don't mention this to him," I think to myself, as it may be funny for him to find out eventually.

Anakim then beckons them all to the banquet hall and creates food prepared by himself, which causes the delegation's clothes to explode somehow as they all yell out in embarrassment while Anakim laughs with his classic laugh that sounds both beautiful and infectious.

My precious angel then has enough fun and snaps his fingers again and recreates all of their clothing, and soon enough, once the festivities end, a written contract is created and signed as the White Fang shall still remain in control of Sienna Khan.

But now they have an ally or, more likely, a leader to focus their movement around as soon enough, this island shall become a hub of trade in unity among humans and Faunus.

Anakim looks to Sienna, saying, "There will be a decent amount of work ahead of Sienna, and I hope you will aid me in this endeavor." The tiger woman says in a  light tone, "There is always work to be done, but with us united, I feel true change is coming."

The two then clink their glasses together as the delegation is sent to the guest rooms, and as Anakim and I return to our quarters, he says, "I saw how you were looking at Sienna. Try not to bully her too much. She still needed to function in a respectable capacity, my cunning fox."

Oh, it seems I've been found out. I wonder what's going to happen now? Anakim gives me his classic grin that sends shivers down  my spine as he whispers, "It's just you and me tonight, my fox, and I am not going to be letting you go, and as this is your vacation, you're going to be spending a lot of time in this room."

With only a few touches, pleasure begins to fill my entire being as I can only think of one sentence before everything goes blank: "I truly can't live without this now, can I?"

Luckily, the rooms are soundproofed, as the noises would keep anyone awake for miles.

Sienna Khan POV:

You know, whenever someone tells me they've had a religious experience, I almost laugh in their face as it seemed like there were no gods and no one to help us, and those that used the story of the brothers of light and dark never had an answer for why they weren't here.

I would laugh as no God would allow the treatment of my people to continue as they are left slaves and abused even after the wars that tore our species apart.

I have been to the mines where they treat the Faunus workers worse than the dirt they dig, and I've read reports of humans hunting them down for sport.

But as I stood in front of that man, no that God, I saw what true power was as with his mere presence, I could not even breathe until he allowed us to, and his might seemed paradoxical in nature as it was all-encompassing yet bright.

When he mentioned the fact that he did not require worship when we were signing the contract, I almost gave him a questioning look, and he said, as if sensing my confusion, "If I were to be worshiped, they would raise me up on a pedestal and do you know what happens to a person that's raised upon a pedestal is shown to be weak?"

"People will refuse to believe in him, and while I understand that some may seek to worship me seeking purpose or direction, I do not wish worship to become an all-encompassing factor when I uplift this world."

This thought process is understandable but a bit naive, in my opinion, as even amongst my delegation, I can feel their thoughts beginning to drift toward the experience we just had.

None will forget what has happened for the rest of their lives, as simply being in his presence was as close to a religious experience as I could perceive.

Just by being near him, I can feel my mind opening to possibility as I can feel the impossible becoming possible. Now I really hope Adam Taurus isn't doing anything stupid in the city of Vale, as I do not want a God after my head."

For now, I lay in a bed more comfortable than I've ever been in as my eyes closed almost immediately, and I feel truly at peace.

Change is approaching, and I hope this world is prepared for it.

Who knows, as his wife was seemingly giving me odd looks, and I hope she may be open to sharing as with his form, he definitely cannot be unable to please.

"No bad thoughts! You just entered an alliance. Do not think of his toned, muscled, and large form- Stop It!" I fight with myself as the night droned on.

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