
Chapter 47


"You in a hotel room with your ex lover! am I not enough? am I not richer? I'm I not fine enough, didn't I give you everything? money? cars? jewelry? clothes? child? what do you still want tell me, what do you want?!"

Lin Yna's eyes which were teary made no impact on him, he didn't even dare to look her in the eyes

"N... no no, I only went to... to tell... I " Lin Yna was confused, she didn't know what to say at all, she was really confused

"You went to tell him what? or you went to make love with him? why didn't I hear did you bribe the guards not to tell me?"

Lin Yna shook her head, that day she had said it was her grandfather she met with, but it was actually Qin Qing, she met with him because she needed to clear him her feelings

Lin Yna sat on the floor as she just let him yell loudly at her

"Don't blame me if something happens to him"

Hearing this her eyes widened, what would happen? what would he now do? what was he going to even do

"Ginze no!! he didn't do anything, if you want you can punish me instead, punish me!" Lin Yna said as she hugged Ginze but the latter had immediately flung her away

Her back hited the stool and she let out a loud cry of pains, the wood were indeed strong, so she felt so much pains

The guards heard this and walked into the room immediately , they saw madam on the floor as tears were all over her eyes, when Sir just didn't even stare at her..

They went back outside with the thoughts that sir usually beat up madam but outside is always a doting man

"Ginze... Ahh, Ginze I... ahhh"

Ginze closed his eyes tightly and walked to her, he was sorry but right she would only hate him and like that Qin Qing more, afterall she always loved that man, and had even begged for him

He stood her up before carefully placing her down the bed, "I'm sorry I was just angry.. "..

Her face was twisted in pain as she bit her lower lips slowly, this man wanted to kill her right?

"Go... go away from me! you don't trust me at all!"Lin Yna said just in a slight whisper but her voice could clearly be heard

"I'm sorry, I trust you, I just don't trust him, why would he break off the engagement after seeing you? or else you both had done something together"

Lin Yna sighed as she stared away from him, Ginze noticed this and turned her face towards him

"Tell me what are you hiding from me? tell me!"

"Go Away I'm not hiding anything, you let the guards see us like that it was weird" Lin Yna reminded and he nodded, he already knew what to tell them

"I'll talk to both of them!" Lin Yna nodded and sighed

"Massage my back! beside I told you I have a good brain picking people, didn't I? now I'm married to you and you alone, live with that!" She said as she placed her lips on his

Soon after he massaged her back she was already falling asleep in his arms

"Tell me what you're hiding" He said and she shook her head before pretending to fall into a deep slumber, afterall she was avoiding this question, she had so much works she can't abandon as well


"Nian meet grandmother!" Lin Yna said and Nian nodded slowly, he already even knew before her

He walked towards Su Che who wanted to carry him up but couldn't, only Ginze could carry him up like he was light

"Mother don't break your waist, he's quite a heavy one we got here" Lin Yna said as she played with his hair

indeed this boy got Al his father features the only thing he got from his mother was the little silly brain and stubbornness as well, others are actually from his father, including his height

"Grandmother it's my birthday in 5days time, my mother forgot!" Nian said

No... no Lin Yna could not forget such a day he'd be turning 4, and her mother would be here to celebrate it as well

"Oh well then that day would be one where you'll tell me what ever you want, I cross my heart to fulfill it!" Su Che said and Nian nodded before leaving both women

"I didn't forget".

Su Che nodded with a light smile as she let Lin Yna seat beside her

"You gave birth to Ginze again? won't you also bring about yourself?!"

"Mother!!" Lin Yna blushed immediately as she smiled brightly, she also wanted herself so badly, someone that she would always put under her brother's care

"Hmm? Hehehe, I'll let go have time with Ginze now, he's here, I heard the car sound"

Lin Yna pouted lightly and held her mother's hand

"Hmm? yes dear?"

"Take Nian among, meanwhile ** ******** "


After mother had left Ginze lead me to the room upstairs and pinned me to the door immediately

"Ginze... Ginze I don't want to do anything with you!"

Lin Yna blurted out and Ginze stared at her slowly, did he hear her right, did she blankly reject her?

He turned to leave but she held him back that instant as she stared at him

"The doctor said it's not really good for me, we've been making out alot recently"

Ginze kept staring deeply at her and she hugged him while hiding her blush as she said no words

"Why did you go see the doctor?''

Lin Yna shook her head slowly, "It's nothing serious, my thighs had been hurting me recently, so I just...

"Let's go to a much perfect hospital!" Ginze said but Lin Yna frowned and shook her head slowly

"No no... I'm okay, I've just been stressing my thighs lately" Ginze nodded and kissed her cheeks, was this what she was hiding?

"Then be on top!"

"Don't be shameless you pervert!" Yna said as she pushed him away, he smiled at her red face before capturing her lips that instant, her lips... it always tasted like jelly, Everytime, his hands went up to her Breast as he pressed it a bit, surprisingly her breast were getting big and huge


Written by Sharon Raj

Printed by Sharon Raj

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