
Chapter 20 - Cat’s out of the bag part 2


"Maybe this will get through to you?" She said with a saccharine smile after lashing across his lower back and ass, and that's when she cut loose.

Back to back, without remorse, and with growing sadistic glee, she riddled the bent over boy with lashing after lashing of her whip. Cracking him viciously again and again. Each one more intense than the last, taring apart what remained of his shirt from the back, and layering him with one nasty looking red mark after another, across his back and his rear, not letting up for a second as she struck out again and again.

"Wh-Whoa… this is insane…" Was all Garrett could think as she watched the brutal whipping unfold. Taking note of every wince Gohan gave from each lash on his body, and the unadulterated satisfaction on the beautiful homeroom teacher's face as she laid out one after another. Grunting like some sort of world class tennis player whacking the ball around in an intense back and forth! It wasn't hard to see that the woman was getting more and more aroused as this went on, enjoying getting to inflict this type of pain on him, the bluenette could even see her bloody nipples going erect through the latex of her BDSM outfit!

But the teacher wasn't even done displaying her depraved dominance over him, as she literally stomped her foot down on to his ass for good measure. A foot which she might add, was wearing a high heeled stiletto, before twisting back and forth with impunity, and given the look on his face, and the way he hissed audibly through the gag, the heel had definitely punctured into his anus, all while she continued her whipping frenzy. The sound of the whip cracking over his buttocks and back so loud by now she could likely hear it all the way down the hall, even with the door closed! The power behind each increasing still, sending her large breasts into a bouncing spree that damn near had them popping out of their confines from wild she was going.

"Fuck me…" She muttered lowly, barely audible to even the others next to her. This was pure lunacy…

When she had still been a first year, Garrett would freely admit that there were a couple times when the teacher turned dominatrix had seemed a little off. Whether it be the odd way she smiled, or the offhanded comments from time to time… but that alone would've never brought the girl to the conclusion that the woman had a side like… this!

Eventually the bondage loving teacher ceased her whippings, leaving Gohan's ass bright red with visible bruising, the brunette looking sublimely satisfied with her handiwork. "Okay, I think you've suffered enough lashings for the moment." She said, all while giving him one last twist of her stiletto inside his anus before pulling it out. "Get up now and lay yourself out on my desk."

Garrett saw the boy rise shakily to his feet after talking such a thorough ass whipping, and she almost felt sincere pity for him having to go through this.

That is of course, until she heard the ominous growl, which sounded more like a wild beast going into heat than it did a person. Eyes looking over his pained face, she saw the look in his eyes… they looked so… primal… hungry even… like an unfathomable aggression was being held back by strings at this point…

Even though it wasn't aimed at her, she found herself shivering just looking at his eyes. Something deep within her feeling drawn to it somehow, though she couldn't explain why.

All she did know right now was one thing… "He looks ready to snap…"

The boy seemed to say something through the gag, but none of the women watching caught what it was he said, all that they could see, was the pleading look that flashed over his eyes when he got into position, before he was silenced by the woman grabbing on to his meaty rod once more and giving it a tight squeeze. The way he wheezed from her touch not going unnoticed by anyone, as she gave it a few fervent strokes.

"Hmm? Were you trying to say something dear?" It was plainly obvious to the onlookers that she'd actually heard him, given the brief smirk that washed over her face, but clearly didn't care in the slightest. "Ara ara, I guess not. Oh well…"

The four women outside collectively swallowed this time, as their eyes centred once again on the half-saiyan's huge organ, standing as straight as a damn skyscraper , spasming uncontrollably in the brunette's sleek grip, as she lubricated his erect cock with his own pre-cum. She then mounted him not long after, likely seeing he was close to being finished.

Things hit an erotic crescendo, as she grabbed the head of his cock after tilting it over, rubbing it all over her palm and rolling it with her wrist, as she lowered her barely clad sex on to his shaft, and started grinding on him like an overly enthusiastic, pole dancing stripper! The whip getting placed to the side as she fondled his balls as well. Both parties moaning at her actions as the woman's juices running down on to her meaty pole as she really got into it.

This scene genuinely looked indistinguishable from a hardcore porno at this stage, one where the dominatrix relentlessly teased and tortured the male sexually until he broke.

"Ooh, I'll bet that feels so good~. Haah!... come on now, Gohan-kun, you look ready to burst!... Mhmm!... remember, if you cum, I'll have to punish you again!..." She moaned.

The four peepers saw it all with a weird sense of awe. The pleasured moans that escaped the woman as she grinded on his man-meat. Erect nipples grazing around the fabric holding them, looking as though they were drawing jagged lines through their confines, to the boy himself as his eyes alternating between clamped shut and snapped open and wide as unintelligible moans surfaced through the gag, being brought closer and closer to his release.

And then it happened, with one last squeeze of his little mushroom, grind of his shaft, and fondle of his balls, the floodgates were opened.

His orgasm hit him like a truck, a animalistic noise shooting through his throat that almost made the four onlookers jolt. His body appearing to be at its limit as Tomiko repositioned her hand to point the head of his spasming spear to the side.

When he finally came for real this time, those watching on couldn't help being overwhelmed in shock by the ludicrous amount that spewed forth. Even Aki, after seeing the state her dear friend's office had been left in, was still shocked to see how much was coming out, spraying forth on to and around a desk right in front of the teacher's own.

"Wh-What the fuck…!?" Azuki cursed in her head at the obscene quantity of semen that rushed out like a damn fire hose… pooling all over the floor, coating the desk, and even his left behind trousers and underwear in copious amounts hot, white seed. As the quantity of it splashing on the desk and floor increased, her nostrils caught a strong whiff of the odour it carried. "Sh-Shit… that's a strong smell…"

Somehow, despite it originating from the guy's freaking penis, it didn't smell bad at all. Rather, what it smelled like was impossible to pin down. The only thing that could be said about it, was just how overpowering the scent really was. Nose scrunching up instinctively, Azuki felt herself becoming lightheaded the more she smelt of it, the more it's scent pooled across her senses, it felt like butterflies were beating their wings inside her stomach, her cheeks darkening to a velvet red. Breaths suddenly feeling harder to take, as if the very air itself was becoming denser, becoming almost like a miasma as she breathed it in, from both her nose and her opened mouth.

"What… the hell…?" Azuki could feel the effect it was having on her, she mustered up some surprise as she felt her nipples growing exceedingly hard within her uniform, and her core beginning to get warmer…

"Th-There's so much of it…" Minaya thought, eyes watching in disbelief and a growing bit of arousal that she continued to try and ignore, as she watched the hosing down of the floor and desk. "That smell… it's so strong…" The smell reaching her no less than it did Azuki, having a growing effect on her the longer it filtered through to her lungs, or washed off her face. Her face feeling like a burning furnace, her core having already been heated from earlier growing hotter as her senses were flooded by the aroma wafting from the growing pool of essence, making her knees feel even weaker by the second, nipples becoming as hard as pebbles within her uniform, same as the redhead.

"Good god… it's like watching a fire hose…" Garrett thought with similar feelings as her two cohorts. The smell blazing into her nose, fresh out of the oven so to speak. She felt herself quiver as she took it all in, the scent slamming into her like a tidal wave, drowning most of her senses out and rousing certain feelings in her body, like a highly potent pheromone. She had to bring her hand near her chest as she felt her heart start to race rapidly, cheeks turning several different shades of red from the previous, mind feeling like it was starting to swim in the tides, nipples going nearly as erect as the boy's dick, which still throbbed and spewed forth more ropes of cum under the busty brunette's grasp.

Out of all the girls though, Aki was perhaps the most effected, having already been flooded by this potent aroma before in her Minori's office. The current wave of it simply adding to what she had already been feeling. It was clear to the woman, even through the haze coming on to her, that this was far from normal, and that there must've been some unique property within the young man's copious amount of semen that was causing such an effect on her body. It was the only explanation really for why she could feel her body growing even hotter on the inside, her breaths becoming less even, mind slowly starting to sift into the gutter, the steadily unfolding dampness in her panties…

Soon enough though, after gushing out what must've been close to half a gallon of jizz, the flood finally came to an end, as his manhood finally teetered off.

There was silence for a couple seconds as everything died down, or it appeared to anyway, and Azuki, who notably seemed to be the least effected out of the bunch, tried to shake off the odd feelings welling up inside her. "Shit… I can't believe I just saw that…" It had certainly been something for sure, and if Gohan was in fact a pervert, this was certainly one hell of a unique way to punish him for it, though somehow she had serious doubt the woman had any real intention of punishing him at all for that. This just looked more like an excuse for her to go buck wild and full on sadist on someone… and Gohan had just so happened to be the unfortunate sod who got the short end of that stick.

"Sheesh… no wonder Minaya-san was having an odd feeling about this whole thing… fuck, she couldn't just make him paint the whole school or something? No, she had to get freaky and make him act as her damn bondage partner…"

Once again, she picked up the smell wafting powerfully off of the demi-saiyan's expended sperm pool, and the foreign feelings it wrought upon her body as a result. Her fingers quickly coming up to pinch it, so as not to breathe any more of it in, but it seemed to have little effect.

Regardless, the teacher's bondage teaser seemed to be over. Steeling herself as much as she could, and believing the worst of it to be over, the redhead pushed as much of the odd, bubbling feelings her body was having to the side, or at least tried to anyway, as she reached for the door handle again. Intent to actually let her presence be known this time, though for what, she wasn't exactly sure of anymore.

She never got the chance to, however.

"Ah… it seems you've made quite the mess…" The scantily clad dominatrix remarked, taking a look at the aftermath, before glancing down to the boy as he shifted beneath her.

Neither Azuki, nor any of the others could see the look that Gohan gave the woman, but they all saw the look she had on her face. The beatific, yet unsettling smile that immediately reminded the redhead of something. Hadn't she said that if he let go she would punish him for it? Oh boy, she wasn't sure how in god's name Gohan managed to expend that obscene amount of cum, but he had. That meant only one thing… and if anything, the look on her face gave it away. He'd just given her an excuse to whip him again for disobeying her… and she wasn't the only one who thought of that either, as the Garrett and Minaya had come to a similar conclusion.

Aki however, after seeing the aftermath of what he did to Minori, and hearing a growl surface from him that made her quiver from how utterly primal it sounded, had a completely different idea coming to mind as to what was soon going to happen.

"Hmm, I think it's time for us to continue, don't you?" Tomiko remarked, smiling like a devilish temptress after removing the boy's head harness and ball gag as he started to rise.

"She took it off?..."Azuki thought in brief confusion, wondering why she'd take it off after the only purpose of putting it on was so that no one could hear him. Had that changed now? Was she willing to take it a step further and whip him from that position on top of him with his harness removed, and let him be heard throughout the halls? Given what she'd just seen of the woman's dark side, it wouldn't be out of the question if she did so just to hear the pained noises he'd make without a filter this time, probably so she could get off even more than she already had to this farce of a punishment.

Sufficed to say, Azuki was dead wrong on that on…

Without any sort of warning, the boy took all onlookers, and even Tomiko herself by surprise, when he literally snapped the cuffs holding his hands back in two like they were wet tissue paper! Following it up daringly by thrusting his hands forward, one latching on to the outfit's top, and tearing it down with similar ease!

Boing! The brunette's large ode-to-joys bounced out free, in all their naked glory. The lower part of her mounds flesh rippling as they smacked off her collarbone, hard, erect, dusty pink nipples flicking out ecstatically from the centre of her pinkish areolas atop her lily-white globes. The perky pair now bared in full view, right before the widened eyes of Azuki, Garrett, and Minaya.

"What in the!?..." Was the redhead's abrupt thought, mirrored similarly by the other two, and partially by Aki as a sudden shift took place. They barely even heard Tomiko's gasp before their thoughts were halted as the boy jolted up in an instant!

He left no room to react as he struck, roughly grabbing her left breast with his hand. Kneading her succulent, soft boob flesh with his calloused fingers, which sunk deep into her tit's tender flesh without a lick of resistance. Copious amounts of pale, spongy flesh bulging out through his finger gaps, almost hiding his digits from view as it seeped over them. Her hard pebble poking into his groping palm as he gnashed her globe with his hand, changing its shape to his whim as he grabbed as much as he could. The mound large enough that a portion of her pliable flesh seeped out around his hand.

The four saw Tomiko's moan get cut off as the boy grabbed her by the back of the head and smashed his lips into hers in a searing kiss, which it didn't take long for the teacher to return, and with the slight slurping noises coming from the two it was clear that they were using their tongues as well. Getting into quite the fierce make-out session as the boy continued to roll he gelatinous globe in his hand, digging his digits into it's tender flesh deeper still.

If Azuki wasn't already gobsmacked from before, as were Garrett and Minaya, then she sure as hell was now! What in the actual fuck!? One moment it looks like she was about to punish him again after coaxing that insane amount of semen out of him, then in the next, they're locked in an intense kiss where they're trying to suck the other's face off!?

It didn't end there though, as he pulled away a short bit later, a string of saliva connecting the two at the tip of their pink slabs, as both took in a breath of air. A split-second later, Gohan pulled her back in and smashed his lips on to her's again, shifting his body as he flipped their positions around on the desk, his body now hunched over hers, hand still mashing her firm, pillowy mountain, the woman not so much as yelping even a tad at the sudden paradigm shift. Only continuing to moan sensually into his mouth as he batted and grappled her tongue mercilessly all over her tight cavern. His other hand leaving her head as she laid down on the desk with her long flowing locks splayed out, and grabbing her other breast in similar fashion to the first, groping, kneading, and rolling it about in the same manner as his other hand.

Azuki and co were left dumbfounded once again as they witnessed it happen, watching Gohan go from subservient, to being like an animal in heat that was thirsty for it's chosen mate's body. They could see the boy's eyes now, and there was nothing of the guy they had been coming to know. The only thing present in those eyes was the insatiable lust, one which made each one of the four shiver once again.

None of the ladies watching were any stranger to lust. Azuki and Aki in particular getting quite a hefty amount of it from the male populace, the latter as a normal occurrence, and the former especially since her humiliating exposure during the cavalry. The redhead having even gotten a bit of it from several boys she passed by on her way here.

Compared to the look in the spiky-haired teen's eyes right now though… those looks were nothing in comparison, even combined it wasn't even close…


Startled somewhat by the familiar, harsh sound of a whip cracking over flesh, the four realised that Tomiko had grabbed her whip again, and was using it on the boy.

Initially, the boy didn't even budge. Barely acknowledging he was even struck, continuing to press into his kiss with the woman and wrestle her tongue, whilst groping her pale globes of fat to his heart's content.

But the woman pressed on and whipped him over and over again. Perhaps harder than any other time previous. The sickening sound of flesh being struck harshly by a latex whip permeating out of the room, and assaulting the four's ears as it became louder than ever. Making all but Minaya cringe despite the odd feelings still circulating through their bodies.

Those definitely had to hurt… and it was clear they were effective, as the boy slowed down the more she struck him. Quivering from each blow he received, as his efforts lost their fervidity, all while Tomiko began to resume control, from what they could see. Pushing back into the kiss with her own level of ferocity as she hooked an arm around his head, proceeding to dominate his mouth as a sadistic smile wormed it's way back on to her face.

For a moment, Azuki, Garrett, and Minaya started to think this had just been apart of the woman's plan all along. Hoping for the boy to snap and give in to his lust, all so she had even more reason to punish him like this. And to be fair to them, it certainly was appearing that way, as Tomiko began t reassert herself over him.

Aki knew better, for she saw the aggravation that flashed over his eyes. Something that her friend was well aware of.

All she was doing was making him mad…

She was proven right as ,sure enough, one of his hands shot away from her breast, leaving it to pop back into it's perky, round shape, jiggling giddily as his hand caught the whip on it's descent. Putting an end to the whipping, as his eyes blazed like an inferno.

Azuki, Garrett, and Minaya almost took a step back at the look or fire in his eyes.

Yet they barely twitched. Eyes fixed on what happened after, as he broke the kiss, with a string of saliva connecting them, growling through gritted teeth with his primal eyes scorching down on the woman as he yanked the whip out of her hand with ease. One would think Tomiko might be a little fearful for the look he was giving her, and Azuki certainly thought she might at least show some concern.

Instead, she licked her lips at the way he looked down at her, brandishing her own whip in his hand. His other remaining fixed on her left mound, but barely cupping it at this stage. She only looked to get even more aroused as her juices began to free flow in quite the stream down her thighs and on to the desk. "Oh that look in your eyes…ufufu… it gets me so worked up!..."

"Is she fucking serious!?" Azuki's already opened jaw damn near hit the floor at the insanity of it all. She was getting even more turned on from this! What the fuck was wrong with her!?

Steam was practically pooling out of Garrett's ears at how she said it, even after watching her make him cum like that not even a minute prior, this whole thing was somehow going even further. If she wasn't absolutely certain this was real, she may have pinched herself to confirm this was a dream, because this felt so unreal… She doubted even professional porn actresses could sound so elated…

As for Minaya, a trickle of perverted blood came down her left nostril as she watched with perhaps the most rapt attention of all. A part of her screaming to just walk away, while a larger part kept her rooted, zoning in on what the boy may do next.

They saw him slip down off the table, letting Tomiko's other tit pop back to it's original shape as he pulled his hand away, the imprint of his palms and fingers all over her once pale flesh as he grabbed her wrist and pulled her off the table. Massive F-cup melons bobbling as he brought her off the table. The brunette, utterly fearless before him, flashed a coy smile as both stilettoed feet touched down on the cum washed floor, and he grabbed her other wrist, holding them both above her head.

"My, so aggressive!... "

He paid no mind to her chatter, growling a little louder, sounding almost ape-like, as he twisted the bodacious beauty around and forcefully placed both of her gripped wrists down on the far end of the table, forcing her body to bend over it at the same time. Bare breasts squishing down on the hard wood as he held her there. He then turned his attention to the remaining section of her BDSM attire still covering lower half, hooked two free fingers from the hand gripping the whip along a part of the fabric around the small of her back, and didn't hesitate to pull on the useless obstruction, the material tearing off in a flash from her figure, as he tossed the tattered outfit behind him to the back of the classroom.

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They saw with their widened eyes how he stared down at her plump butt cheeks, as they jiggled like her breasts from the motion, capturing his bestial gaze like two large mounds of treasure would a pirate. His eyes marvelling at the magnificent round swell of her porcelain ass. Both mouth-watering half-moons equally as enticing as two massive marsh-mellows you couldn't wait to take a bite out of! The crack that separated them having a small, familiar puckered hole in the centre, not too far from her sopping wet pussy lips that laid just between her thighs, which were slick with her fluids already. The smell hitting him again, and he welcomed the sweet aroma that wafted from her juices.

"Oh, I see… I'm the one being punished now, aren't I…?" They heard her remark as she turned her head, a foxy grin crossed over her lips, as she began to wiggle her hips, making her tantalizing apple-bottom sway left and right provocatively. Easily catching his eyes as though her bubbly booty had cast a hypnotic spell on him for the moment. "Well then… go ahead. I've been such a bad, bad girl, after all…" She taunted coquettishly, eyeing him with an expectant, inviting gaze.

It was a miracle Minaya didn't faint then and there. Same to Garrett as they saw her offer her own rump to the whip touting, muscular teen.

Even Aki nearly spluttered at this, having not personally seen her friend do something like that before.

"N-Now she's offering herself to him!?" Azuki's herself seemed more dumbfounded than ever. Her incredulity couldn't have possibly risen higher now. As if to make things worse, she only felt her body get even hotter on the inside as he took full control.

It got worse when he growled like an angry wolf, before giving her exactly what she asked for. The whip striking out in similar fashion to how she'd done it, the hard end landing flush with deafening crack over her exposed posterior.


They heard the woman gasp from the impact, her right butt cheek jiggling profusely, flesh rippling like a bed of water that just had a pebble thrown into it.

The boy only stopped for a split second, watching the way it rippled and jiggled enticingly, before he struck her again, this time on the other cheek.


The boy didn't give a damn though, even when they all heard her gasp again, before he lit her ass up with his own vicious whip strikes that held not a shred of remorse.











"Oh my goodness!" Tomiko skipped from each crack of the whip, body jolting over the table, breasts pushing down rougher against the top of the desk, rolling over it like two huge balls of pastry dough. Hard pink pebbles grating over the wood again and again as her rump was rapped with impunity. Her mouth falling open as gasp after gasp flew out of her throat. And yet through it all, she smiled like a horny slut. Somehow taking pleasure in her pain as her eyes became misted. Fingers gripping on the edge of the desk harder than a vice as her body shuddered from each strike. Her sweet nectar free-flowing down her legs like a river to the floor from her heavily aroused sex.

Far from letting up, the instinct driven boy snarled, increasing the speed and ferocity of his whipping as he grew more used to the feel and use of the whip. Lighting the busty beauty's booty up with thunderous strikes that practically crashed into her exposed cantaloupes one after the other with merciless gusto. Rapidly turning her constantly rippling, bouncy flesh a stark shade of red.

One would think this kind of abuse would make the woman whimper and sob in pained distress, but instead, Tomiko relished in her own agony. More so than she had for his. Feeling an odd, masochistic pleasure each time he clapped her plump rump.

"Ugh!...Ugh!... Ahh!... Ahh!... Yes!... Hahh!... That's it!... Hahh!... Don't Hahh!... hold back!... Ngnn!...Give it!… Ugh!... to me!... Hahh!... Harder!... Hagh!... I've!… Been!… Hah!... A-hah!... bad!... Bad girl!" She cried with glazed eyes, loving the reversal of roles, and accepting her fate as she gave in to him. Feeling a certain form of ecstasy from her punishment, and wanting it to be more intense.

"I-Is she getting off from this too!?" Azuki thought to herself in shocked disbelief, even after watching the show from before. Right eye twitching uncontrollably as she failed to fully comprehend the absolute depravity on display from the woman. "First I find out she's a closet sadist… and now she's a masochist too!?"

Had she been thrust into another world without realising? One that was tit's up and just completely devoid of normalcy? It was just about the only way she could come up with to describe away what was going on. Even if she found out that Gohan was a bit of a perv the other day, she never would've imagined she'd see him take part in something like this, and Miss Amado-san went without saying.

Before hers and the others eyes, he obliged her. Redoubling his pace, he might as well have shattered the damn sound barrier with how fast he went! The whip little more than a blur as he cracked it over her shaking booty, the deafening sound slamming into their ears, bouncing off the walls and reverberating around more than any of hers had, going well past the halls they stood leant outside in.








"Oh my… he's really letting her have it!..." Aki thought the obvious, feeling something begin to trickle down her legs as it went on, as the once saviour of earth battered her sadomasochistic colleague's ass with a relentless onslaught.

This level of strength, this ferocity… this was what Minori had been through when she'd had sex with him? No, she'd likely gotten a more zealous attack from Gohan then this. This looked like a mere warmup for the boy, something to get off his chest before he got down to what he really wanted from Tomiko after all that.

The pained pleasure his whipping gave Tomiko seemed to bring an odd sort of euphoria to her long-time friend, given her current expression, and how her mouth hung open with each jolt her body gave over the table. Tongue dangly out like some thoroughly fucked whore that had just taken the single greatest fucking of her life…

And he had yet to even go there with her…

Eventually, after about two minutes of relentless whipping, he finally stopped.

By this point, Tomiko had been reduced to shuddering moans, sweat pouring from her form, legs quivering more than the rest of her body, almost crumpling to her knees had she not had the desk for support as the boy removed his grip from her hands to observe his own handiwork.

The four girls watching did as well, and by god did he leave an impression, the boy even giving a pleased growl leaving her once perfectly pale ass a deep shade of velvet red. Clear bruising showing through more than his own had, showing how merciless he had been during his payback assault.

"Fucking hell… he let her have it…" Azuki cringed seeing the aftermath, though she couldn't really say the teacher didn't completely deserve it, but at the same time… jeez, was this whole thing over the top… she honestly didn't know what to think of the boy, or the teacher after watching that little show.

She saw him stare at her red ass for a little longer, before looking the woman up and down, then taking a glance to the whip in his hand. She idly wondered what he was thinking, as did the others, before she found her eyes trickling down to the most noticeable part of him right now.

If it wasn't for the fact she was pretty much blushing a dozen different shades of red right now, her cheeks would've burned at the sight of his cock again, with veins bulging out all around it as it stood up defiantly, hard as steel, even after he'd let loose such a torrent of his dick milk not too long ago.

Damn… was he actually still horny after all that? His cock was practically twitching more than a leaf did when it was buffeted by wind!

Wait… did he just pull that whip off his handle? Why would he…

"H-He's binding her wrists!" Was the collective thought of the four eavesdroppers, as they witnessed him tying her wrists together with the broken off strap, forcing her arms behind her head, bent at the elbow, as he wrapped it around her neck.

Tomiko giggled once more as he spun her around, forcing her massive marsh-mellows to pop back into their usual shape again with a pertinent wobble. "Oh my… binding my wrists behind my head?... how daring!"

When he reached down and picked up the head harness, her eyes simply shined with dark delight. "Ooh… gagging me too? And here I thought you'd love to hear me scream while you viol-mhmm!..."Her taunting words were silenced as the boy leaned, grabbing the back of her head and forcing it forward as he mashed his lips into hers one last time to shut her up with a fearsome kiss. His tongue wasting no time invading her moist cavern yet again, exploring every bit of her mouth as it found her own pink morsel. Diving into it and overwhelming it with slick and powerful it powerful movements, grappling and twisting it about like a pretzel right in front of the four sets of eyes spying in on them.

This time, the woman had no way to even the playing field, but didn't really seem to care. Simply sagging into his embrace and pushing her soft boobies into his rock-solid pecs. The two malleable mammaries flattening out like a duo of thick pancakes, with her stiff, pointy pink tips poking into his skin. She deepened their latest kiss as much as she could. His pink muscle easily dominating and conquering hers this time around.

A sigh of contentment broke through the naked brunette's lips when the kiss broke a quarter of a minute later, another thin trail of saliva connecting their mouths together. The boy lasting no time putting the head harness over her know, gagging her mouth in with the same ball that had muzzled him, and he made sure it was well secured.

"Wh-What's he going to do to her now?..." Garrett thought in a mix of less than healthy curiosity, and a growing arousal over it all that she didn't even bother to deny anymore. She couldn't fathom why she was getting so worked up from this… well, actually she could. Bondage aside, she was seeing one of her first teacher's at Tenbi, along with the boy she was growing a serious interest in stark naked before her eyes. Mainly the boy though, because not only did he have the body of an Adonis, but a positively enormous endowment below the belt to boot. One somehow still primed and ready after expending a load of about ten normal men through multiple sessions…

A large gulp fell down her throat as she watched on with bated breath, fully engrossed in his actions.

That question was quickly answered, as the boy's eyes dove down to Tomiko's breasts…

Four sets of eyes captured it in their retinas, as he pushed her by shoulders on to he desk back first, his hands greedily grabbing her breasts once again after they popped back into shape, moulding them in his hands, singing fingers as deep into their succulent flesh as a predator's fangs would it's prey's hide. Rolling the doughy mounds with reckless abandon in his palms gleefully, before he leaned in and captured one of her exposed nipples in his lips. Grinding it with his teeth while prodding it with his tongue! His wrists continued to roll around her fleshy mounds as he did, the other nipple trapped between two fingers as he reshaped both her orbs to his liking, and all Tomiko could do was moan helplessly into her gag.

His slippery eel then swirled around her nub like an ice pop, before he went back to nibbling and prodding it. Suckling on the teat like it was a lifeline.

Seconds later he pulled away, leaving it red and slick with his spit as he focused his attention on the other nipple, giving it the same treatment as it's twin. Alternating between swirling around it with his tongue as he plopped it in his mouth, and nibbling it like a starving rabbit, before alternating to suckling it like a vacuum, and poking, prodding, and wrestling it with his pink muscle. All the while rolling the other breast around in his hand, mauling her smooth globe of fat with his dextrous, greedy fingers.

Knees rubbing together, legs slick with her own juices, it didn't take long for Tomiko's other nipple to show signs it was nearing it's limit. The boy pulled it out, and then mashed her two mounds of heaven together, taking both reddened pebbles into his mouth.

Azuki's mouth watered despite her best job to resist her own body acting against her, ogling the sight of him mangling her boobs to the point where they gave in. Milk shooting into his mouth like a pair of utters that had just been squeezed, and it wasn't hard to tell that the boy was lapping up every drop of her expended breast milk with the gusto of an infant child. An act of which just about every boy and their fathers probably would've killed to be in, drinking in the stunningly beautiful homeroom teacher's breast milk, whilst having their hands all over her Siamese twins.

Azuki had to shake her head as an image of her in the brunette's place entered her mind, imagining the young demi-saiyan going to town on her own naked fun bags, tasting them with as much gusto as he was doing right now…

…And that image was promptly squashed as soon as it did. A look of panic entering the redhead's equally beat red face. "Crap!… what in the hell am I thinking!?" Sure, the current scene in front of her was kinda hot, though she would never admit that to anyone, there was no way she would be having thoughts about something like normally! At least, she didn't think she would anyway… whatever the hell was permeating from the spiky-haired teen's excreted fluid was the leading factor in that, and her body feeling as hot as it did. She really had to get away from here, as it wasn't getting any better. She could get him later for their agreement…

If only her damn body would move for her right now!

Aki meanwhile, all she could feel was the pervasive heat throughout her body, and a small kindling of jealousy at her cohort. Not for the whipping, since she was neither a sadist or a masochist like Tomiko, but for having the boy's undivided sexual attention.

She'd had a thing for him from the start… and yet both of her friends and former teammates had struck out with him first… all because she had put that inclination to the side as she did her dutes and remained passive…

Th brunette's body was coated in her own sweat by this point, haggard breaths slipping through her gagged mouth as she no doubt recovered from the bestial boy's feasting.

What did manage to confuse just about every girl there, including Tomiko, was when he grabbed the detached handle of the whip, and started rubbing it between her legs, right up against her dripping wet sex. Lubricating it in her juices.

"I-Is he gonna make her suck on that?" was the purveying thought of the onlookers.

For a brief moment, they thought he may just remove the head harness and do exactly that as he pulled her up, making the woman taste herself like a depraved animal, no less than she'd probably made him feel like when she was at the reins.

They were dead wrong. Instead, Gohan pulled her off the table and wrapped one arm around her neck, hugging their bodies close, pressing her manhandled melons into his chest, with her head propped upon his muscular shoulder chin first. His eyes cast down to her velvety red, bubble-shaped butt and snaked his other hand with the handle down to it. Once there, he turned it so the flat bud faced her round ass, pointing it straight where he knew her puckered entrance was. He then pushed it between her rotund cheeks, rubbing it up roughly against the tiny, virgin hole, forcing it to steadily widen as he prodded harder.

"No fuckin way…" If it were a possibility, Azuki's eyes would've widened comically beyond the size of dinner plates, as would the other women for various reasons. "He's not about to...!?"

Before she could even finish that thought, it happened. After pressing it far up enough to where her back entrance had widened sufficiently, Gohan wasted little time pressing his palm against the bottom end of the handle, and forcefully shoved all seven inches worth of the cylindrical object with an exertive grunt right up her ass, impaling the vivacious vixen's anus full on!

"Holy crap, he actually did it! He put it right up her ass!..." Beads of sweat appeared on Azuki's and the others temples, hearing the way Tomiko mewled from the rough insertion, as the scene they'd walked into only seemed to get raunchier!

Nodding satisfactorily at his insertion, he shoved her back down on to the desk back-first and grabbed her damp thighs, spreading her legs open and giving him a clear path towards her dripping wet pussy. Getting between her open legs, he positioned the tip of his bulbous purple head right in front of her lower lips, and grabbed her wide, curvy hips to keep her steady.

They spared one look at each other, from what the eavesdropping lasses could see, before the once domineering 'mistress' anticipatingly hooked her legs around his waist, giving him full permission for what he was about to do.

He didn't let her wait any longer. Rearing his exuberantly large cock back for all to see, he yelled out with primal passion as he bucked his hips forward like an emboldened stallion, thrusting his monstrous ten-inch rod all the way into her tight, virgin cunt, burying it to the hilt inside of her compressive folds, and puncturing effortlessly through her cervix, deeply into her womb. All in one go.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh!" Tomiko screamed into the gag, feeling her virginity get taken away in one monumental thrust! The force of it so strong it made her whole body bounce before the several sets of eyes staring in, her huge breasts heaving up and jumping joyfully around her chest, crashing into one another and making the expansive sea of soft flesh ripple before ricocheting back in either direction, ruby red nipples drawing circles in the air before they settled back down with a pertinent jiggle. Eyes damn near rolling back into her skull from the sheer power of the entry thrust.

Gohan let ut a long growl of pleasure being buried inside her, remaining in place for a few seconds as he adjusted to the tightness of her folds.

Azuki, even after all that she'd seen so far, almost choked on her spit. "Th-Th-Their actually doing it on her desk now!?" didn't they know where they were!? In the 1st year homeroom!? H-Had they lost their damn minds?! She didn't care if this was happening when all other students would likely be too far away to hear, these two were practically begging to be found out!

And they had! By them!

Whether it was through sheer force of will or not, Azuki managed to finally tear her eyes away from the action going on for a brief instant and looked around at her fellow onlookers. None of which had turned away, all laser-focused on the baffling sexual escapade taking place in a freaking classroom of all things! Garrett's face was so red she could've passed for a freshly picked apple, with steam rising out of ears like someone had set a kettle to boil in her head. Minaya, she definitely wouldn't want to hear it later, but she looked indistinguishable from the boys that had started ogling her, and ogled the bodacious nurse like a bunch of lust craven dogs. As for the aforementioned nurse… she was breathing heavier than any of them like she'd just run a marathon, if only for the look on her face, which had to be one of the lewdest facial expressions Azuki had personally seen, and considering this was Aki-sensei, who could frequently bust out some of the most unintentionally erotic imagery just through simple every day actions most people did, that was saying something…

While the redhead's nose may have been unable to pick up any other smell, other than the overwhelming stench of Gohan's first release, that didn't stop her murky lilac pools from noticing the way each of her fellows legs came together at the knees as they stood, rubbing against one another as if to alleviate a burning itch between their legs. She knew the feeling, as she felt it herself, but since she was crouched with her legs so close already, it wasn't as bad as it could be if she were still standing.

Now, Azuki was by no means a pervert, but even she found herself ogling the older bluenette's long legs in particular, as something ran down her thighs almost like a diverging river. Looking up the woman's short, thin skirt, she saw the nurse's utterly soaked thong, which made her gulp heavily once again. "A-Aki-sensei… sh-she's so… wet right now…!"

Her eyes were drawn back to the scene when she heard Tomiko moan again through her gag. Lilac pools catching the brunette jolt over the table again, as the boy gave her a second thrust upon getting used to being inside of her folds.

Then came another, and another, and another! One hellacious, body rending thrust after another that sent the teacher reeling! The inside of the room becoming drowned in a cacophony of flesh slamming thunderously into flesh, grunts and moans from both involved resonating off the walls, echoing into the hallway like some sort of bastardised, erotic symphony. Gohan looking like he was borderline possessed by a demonic sex demon, as he vigorously pounded in and out of the elder Amado sister's pussy with the ferociousness of thunderclaps. Her eyes quickly glazing over from the intensity of his ungodly thrusts that looked to be sending literal shockwaves crawling up her bouncing figure! Her huge tits sent into a frenzy of bounces themselves with no sign of stopping, the sounds of the once milky white marsh-mellows slapping into each other again and again. Tender boob flesh melding together before rebounding away in the other direction, only to come right back and do it again when he slammed into her pussy once more only adding to the cacophonous mixture of noises being produced from the two.

Multiple cries of ecstasy were muffled, but still recognised by those watching even with the gag, juices pouring down her legs like splitting rivers more and more following each time he impaled his sword into her sheathe, drool cascading out of the corners of her lips even with the ball gag taking up most of the space in her oral cavern.

It didn't take much longer for her walls to clench around his pistoning organ, ball gag muffling her loud moan of carnal pleasure as her first orgasm hit her. Her snatch spraying out her essence as she came hard all over his pelvic region and lower abdomen, spewing out her cum like a sprinkler.

Instead of slowing down though, to the other women's surprise, he continued to piledrive in and out of her cave with increasing velocity. Pushing past the added pleasure her orgasm brought his cock.

"Hot damn…" Was the only thing Azuki could reasonably think watching the boy plough his teacher into next week. The boy merely hissing through grit teeth as his latest conquest's, not that Azuki knew that yet, orgasm came to an end, before gripping his teacher's hips as he pulled her off the table. His hands falling down to her jiggling ass, still bright red from his lashings as he brought her body close to his, holding her up by clutching on to each of her sizzling red half-moons, squeezing them to his delight, grabbing entire fistfuls of her tenderised flesh as he thrust up into her with the force of a battering ram! Venereal grunts escaping him as he drove his man-meat up and down, carving the shape of it into her folds before everyone's ogling eyes. "He's like an animal in there…"

His eyes took the time as he plundered her to admire her giant jubblies hopping, bobbing, swaying and rattling, until he couldn't take it anymore and decided to pull the woman towards him a little more as he dove his face into her juggling jugs. Rolling his face around in their supple flesh, feeling the spongy texture rub along his face as he shoved his head further in, squishing the protruding pillows down and enjoying how they rolled over his face every time he bounced her off his dick.

"G-Gohan-kun really likes Tomiko-chan's breasts…" Aki thought idly as her gaze took in every single detail. Watching as his face dove deeper and savoured the way her old teammate's fun-bags rolled up and down his head and face like cookie dough, before his mouth opened up and found one of her nipples again as his face brazenly rolled about within her heavenly cleavage, and he clamped down on it as soon as it grazed the side of his lips. Taking it and her areola inside his mouth and sucking down hard as though his very survival was dependant on obtaining a second drink of Tomiko's breast milk, even as he continued to relentlessly pummel the fallen maiden's sacred garden, balls slapping so hard against her glutes you'd swear he was beating a drum.

Her mind felt like it had become inebriated by this point. She knew it was wrong to be thinking of this now seeing how off the rails the situation had gotten, but she couldn't help wondering how it would feel like if he did all of that to her…

A second orgasm careened out of the depraved teacher not much time later, walls clamping down again as it came out stronger than her first, spraying another helping of her own cum all over his pelvic region from her convulsing clit. The nipple his mouth captured joining it soon thereafter, another helping of numerous ropes of milk squirting boisterously into his waiting mouth, which the boy gladly guzzled in front of everyone like an addict taking their next fix.

All Tomiko could do still, was moan as he explored every bit of her sexy body teetered off, along with her nipple's second dose of milk, his mouth letting her thoroughly milked bud pop out, as he paused mid thrust inside of her.

"He stopped…" The four dames thought. Before they could question if whether or not the boy was about to finish or not, the half-breed kicked it into another gear.

He sidestepped past her desk before roughly pressing her back up against the wall, earning a muffled groan from the temptress in his grasp. The quad of peepers could tell her bound wrists were stuck uncomfortably between her head and the wall due to this, but Tomiko just disregarded that almost immediately as he resumed thrusting up inside her womanly cavern. His face mushing itself back into her bubbling, bouncy cleavage, massaging his face with her expansive, silky smooth boob flesh with a heightened level of enthusiasm. Lips soon finding the other cherry, plucking it in his mouth, and giving it the same treatment. Running his wet dorsal all over it, suckling the sensitive nub with impunity, and chewing on it here and there for good measure.

Soon enough, it hit it's limit again and rewarded the youth's ministrations with it's own second helping of milk, which seeing as this was his third dose of it, he clearly loved tasting as he drank it all down without even the tiniest drop escaping him.

The four watched in immutable silence, total awe even, as he popped that nipple out too once it ran dry, hanging his head back to enjoy the way her glorious rack bounce like crazy on her chest as he pile-drove through her battered snatch for several minutes more. One orgasm after another being coaxed out of her in the process, spraying cum on to his pelvis again and again to the point where one could easily lose track of how many times she actually climaxed.

Eventually though, the boy finally hit his own limit. His cock noticeably spasming before every pair of eyes that watched as he thrusted in and out with enough horsepower to rival Hercules, signifying his coming release.

"Haaaaaaaaaaaaaggggghhhhhhhh!" The roar he gave was loud, likely reaching across all floors of the building with incomprehensible sexual elation, as he drove his organ as deep as he could into her battered pussy with ground crushing force! The expressions ingrained on the two sexual partners faces saying more than words could describe how intense their next conjoint orgasm was.

"Aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!" Tomiko's eyes rolled back into her head in immense bliss as she screamed with ear-splitting rapture through her ball gag, to the point where her voice turned hoarse. Her clit twitching severely as her cum and juices spurted out madly over his abs. Lathering them in her essence.

Gohan returned the favour, as his next batch of cum shot out of his cock like a cannon.

The more of his viscous liquid gushed into her womb, the more her gut began to bloat… and bloat… and bloat!...

Collectively, regardless of difference in how they were prior, and even after witnessing his first excretion, the three students and the nurse felt their eyes nearly bulge comically out of their sockets, as they saw how Tomiko's gut just inflated like a balloon! Utterly lost for words as she grew so big over the course of half-a-minute, she made a heavily pregnant woman look slim by comparison! The boy's cum literally sloshing about noticeably within her enlarged gut.

How in the hell did she not burst from that…

Tomiko's legs unhooked from his waist, almost dangling like limp noodles as the only thing holding her up was Gohan himself. The boy's hands, for the time being, melding into both of her battered butt cheeks, clutching them like soft cushions.

That had certainly been one hell of a scene to watch anyway.

Azuki let out a silent breath she didn't know she was holding. "Guess it's finally over…" In her mind it had to be. That had been his second release, and he'd just filled her up like an extra large water balloon. That had to be at least as much as the first release judging from how obscenely bloated she'd become, if not even more so. The brunette looked utterly spent too, like she had nothing left to give, and after something like that, Azuki didn't blame her. Nor did Aki, Minaya, and Garrett.

Surely it had to be the same for Gohan. I mean, it had to be after he let loose that much cum.

The sound of something dropping to the floor caught the four women's attention next. The handle that he'd shoved up her rectum was now on the floor, having been pulled out with one of his hands from what they could tell.

The four assumed that meant it was over, as why else would he remove that from her ass if he wasn't finished himself?

None of them saw the predatorial smile he flashed before Tomiko's eyes, nor took proper notice in the moment that his member hadn't softened in the least…

When Gohan pulled away from the wall, they believed he would set the woman down after giving her such a hardcore pounding…

Instead, the boy turned her around and pressed her back into his chest as he pulled his cock out, before hooking his arms beneath her legs and spreading them wide as he hoisted her up above the ground, pointing her directly at her desk…

Hold on… he wasn't about to…!?

The floodgates opened like a magnificent dam! Her pulverised clit pointed in their direction as well, as his gallon worth of cum started to spill back out! Her bloated gut began to recede back as his jizz gushed out like a geyser from her snatch, dousing and washing all over her desk, and pooling on to the floor around it. Joining up with his previous excreted fluid still coating the floor and beyond. Enough to where the pool of hot seed managed to pool over to the door, reaching right next to the tips of Azuki's shoes as the immense odour that had permeated from the room before, following his initial ejaculation at the once dominant vixen's mercy, began to intensify! The smell becoming almost twice as powerful as previous, assaulting the four's nostrils with a renewed vigour!

Through it all, Azuki felt as though her mind was starting to swim with the fishes, while she and the others, as far as she could tell, still managed to maintain themselves around it, though it definitely got harder to do so. Her eyes, feeling cloudy now, saw the young half-breed rubbing the tip of his still erect meat-stick up against the barely conscious brunette's other hole, even as his cum still gushed out of her plundered pussy.

No way… there's no way he still had gas left after expending that much of his spunk… and how was he still hard after that either!?

As soon as the last vestiges of his sperm had rushed back out, bringing her gut back to it's normal look, he let out a guttural sound, taking that as his signal to go as he reeled his massive cobra back, before yelling to the heavens above with fiendish exuberance as he gave a mighty thrust upwards. Forcing the woman's heavy eyes to snap wider than they ever had as he impaled his full length into her anus!

A hoarse gasp shot out of Tomiko's gagged mouth from the boy's impalement, his rod going balls deep into her defenceless rectum, the massive phallus stretching the somewhat spread open tube even wider than before, as his balls slapped roughly against her beat red ass.

The boy hissed like a snake as his pelvis python felt the constriction of her anal canal, balls tingling from how much it choked his dick. The expression of sheer pleasure showing on his face a sign that he almost lost it then and there.

As he adjusted inside her compact cavern, the four women watching were left in disbelief yet again, this time over the boy's stamina and endurance. To have done all that already, and to still have energy for more? Talk about a one-of-a-kind freak of nature!

Hold on a sec… were their eyes playing tricks on them, or was he actually starting to glow!?

Azuki most of all couldn't believe that was real, and thought that to be her own eyes fooling her for a second, but the longer she looked, the more she realised it wasn't a trick.

Gohan… he really was starting to glow now! His entire outline practically shimmering like a diamond with a golden hue!

She hadn't the faintest clue how he was doing it, or what was causing it, but she couldn't deny the almost ethereal presence it gave the shredded teen. She could feel it from here, prickling against her skin like the fumes emitting from his viscous white discharge all over the floor of the room, the student's desk, and the teacher's too.

Azuki was so focused on it, she forgot about said fumes wafting into her and her companions faces. Unbeknownst to her currently, a dampness beginning to form on her panties, as it did for Minaya and Garrett as well.

All of them were too enthralled, regardless of their differences in personality or usual quirks, as the demi-saiyan got to work one last time. Pulling himself down before stabbing his manly sword all the way back up her anal cavity, making it spasm as he damn near punched through her rectum into her intestine.

Adjusting properly, he picked up the pace, and started thrusting in and out, moaning like an animal in heat as his joystick pounded her asshole inside out, bludgeoning her innards with each successive thrust drilling it's way up her restrictive tunnel. Thrusts becoming increasingly fast as he started to match his previous tempo.

After a minute, the boy switched it up by getting to the side of her desk and bending her over it whilst still hammering away into her tight ass, pushing her front on to the cum soaked desk. Her legs hung limply, feet barely grazing the ground as her globes of fat squished down and rolled about on the desk as he pressed her down, boob flesh bulging out in every other direction as the two doughy mounds became slathered in his dispensed essence, as did numerous locks of her auburn hair and most of her face.

If the boy, even in his bestial state, had bothered to look straight for more than a second, he would've seen the stunned, awe-ridden eyes of four women he knew. Two of which, that being the redhead and older bluenette having caught his fancy more than once.

He continued to smear his latest muse into the semen slathered desk as he ploughed her jukebox doggy-style. Picking up the speed and ferocity of his thrusts even more, ramming into her rectum over and over with such force that her increasingly limp body rattled and bobbed violently over the cum-rinsed desk.

Even with all the cum lathering her hair and face, the four women spying in could still make out her rapidly blinking eyes, as her consciousness faded in and out. One thrust knocking her out, before another barrelled in like a battering ram and jolted her awake.

This continued for several more minutes, until the golden hue coating his outline became more pronounced, and he leaned over into her back, wrapping his arms around her waist without a care in the world for the licks of his own seed getting on them, as he propped himself over her body and beefed up his tempo. Slamming his bulging muscle in and out of her now battle-beaten anal canal with heightening force, almost doubling beyond the intense battering he'd given the principal. His thrusts now so strong individually, that Tomiko's feet were hoisted a few inches off the floor each time he crashed into her ass. Balls smacking against her pudgy cheeks so audibly it rang past the room in an echo, though not as loudly as half-saiyan's moans of raptured exultation, as his balls clenched one final time.

"Grraaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" He roared to the skies above in immense, earth scorching ecstasy, giving one final, penultimate plunge into the deepest depths of her rectum. Smashing through the tiny opening that had held against his barrage up to now and partially entering close to her stomach. His coal black orbs flashing a startling teal for an instant as his last orgasm fell on him like an avalanche. His cock spasming as the signal for his last release, as a huge gallon load of cum gushed out like an angry volcano.

After filling her stomach up to the brim, to the point where her gut started to bloat outwards again, he made to pull out.

As he was pulling out though, his gushing seed started spewing out from the elder Amado sibling's stretched out sphincter, cascading down her luscious legs and bubbling about over both her cheeks. Once his head was the last to come out with a satisfying pop!, he continued ejaculating all over her body. Showering the bent over teacher-turned-cum dumpster from head-to-toe with a large dosage of his lively yogurt. Blasting and showering her body all over with semen like a fully-powered firehose as his excess seed that he'd dumped into her stomach came oozing out of her asshole.

By now, the auburn-haired babe quickly slipped into the realm of the unconscious, as the young half-breed's final orgasm simmered down. His cock choking out a couple more ropes of his piping hot man-milk over her limp, jizz-covered body after as his half-minute long climax came to end.

The onlooking women watched as his penis finally went flaccid after a third outing, all while the damnable aroma released from his essence grew again, now essentially close to three times as potent as it was initially.

And they all felt it…

With the show well and truly over now, none of the girls knew what to do anymore. Too shell-shocked from what their eyes had just witnessed, not too mention what the bodies were experiencing for the first time in their lives as a result of it all.

All except for Aki, who by some miracle managed to gain some form of her wits about her now that it had truly come to an end. Her throat felt like she swallowed a knot as she gulped. Cheeks blazing with fire, beads of sweat trickling down her temple, and her nether regions left so soaking wet, that rivers of her own juices ran down her legs like they were in a race to the floor. Two small puddles of liquid formed beneath her heels as she shook herself out of her growing arousal.

Or at least, she tried to anyway, as she got Azuki to move back out of the way, along with Minaya. The scarlet haired fighter wobbling a little as she stood up fully, the burning in her loins almost unbearable for her, but she ignored it still. Far too shocked out of her damn mind from the kinky sex show she'd just stumbled into to care about her treacherous body.

Somewhat timidly, the nurse gripped the handle of the door, before sliding it wide open, as she'd intended to do from the start, before she allowed herself to become engrossed. Her lack of action allowing such a scene to go as far as it did, shame at not doing so being mixed with a heightened amount of jealousy, having witnessed the kind of ride her unconscious cohort had gotten, coupled with what she knew happened with him and Minori hours before.

Gohan, panting in exertion after his latest sexual encounter, froze at the sound of the door sliding open.

Aki saw him stiffen up like a plank, and after what he'd just taken part in, she didn't blame him. Her mouth moving even as she struggled to think of what to properly say to the naked youth.



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