

A muffled sobbing came from the corner of the room.

It had been hours already, but there were no signs that it would stop anytime soon.

It was just constant sobbing and sniffling, that even the rain banging on the windows couldn't conceal.

"Oh, will you shut up already?" a woman with long, mousy blond hair, with sad traces of a turquoise hair dye, couldn't take it any longer and snapped.

The sobbing woman in the corner curled up even more, covering her mouth with her hand, but she couldn't stop her tears from flowing.

It had been two days since Erin Schubert, Guo Wanli, Li Ming, and Shan Tiegang were banished from the shelter. And in those two days, they already had three close calls, where they were almost caught by zombies. Used to the comfort of the shelter, they didn't take it too well. Especially Guo Wanli, who was the most fragile in the group.

She spent the whole night crying, and even during the day, she couldn't stop sniffling.

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