
1st Decade of the government of Tsar Nicholas II (1914-1924

1st Decade of the government of Tsar Nicholas II (1914-1924).

It is obvious that there is an enormous historical, material and cultural continuity, but various historians during the reign of Tsar Nicholas II [1914-1962], and his successors [1963-Present], have made an important division in the categorization and understanding of the history of the Russian Empire.

The Romanov dynasty becomes rulers of the Tsardom of Russia with Tsar Michael I, whose reign begins around 1613 after the fall of the main Rurikid dynasty and the Time of Troubles, later the Russian Empire is formed under Peter I in 1721 (after the Great Northern War).

After Peter I come the governments of Catherine I, Peter II, Anna, Ivan VI, Elizabeth, Peter III, Catherine II, Paul, Alexander I, Nicholas I and finally Alexander II. A period that includes the years from 1721 to 1866 (145 years of different governments, some long and good reigns, and some short and bad ones...).

So with the assassination of Tsar Alexander II in 1866 comes the rise of Tsar Alexander III of Russia, whose rule is called the Alexandrian Period, a cultural honor not yet given to the historiography of earlier or later monarchs.

The main reasons for this event lie in the government of Tsar Nicholas II and the events that took place during the reigns of both monarchs.

Although Russia obviously remained Russia (as a concept of state, region and culture), the reign of Tsar Alexander III (one of the longest reigns in Russian history) is considered, due to its political, economic and social transformations, a period of great renewal and transformation.

Without Tsar Alexander III, there is no 'New Russia' as the reign of Nicholas II proclaims. So there is a clear distinction between an 'Old Russia' and a 'New Russia'.

If we combine the reigns of Alexander III and Nicholas II, we have a period of around 106 years (both monarchs with around 48 years of reign). Where changes occur that make the division between an Old Russia and a New Russia a somewhat logical consequence.

With this we see the end of feudalism and economic backwardness in the Russian Empire replaced by an industrial economy and the development of capitalism, various changes in the culture and social strata of Russian society as the material conditions of Russia change, and of course geo-political changes of all kinds (creation of the Russosphere and the foundations for the Covenant of Nations, the Anglo-Russian feud continues, Russia's entry into the Mediterranean and Middle East with the Ottoman end, and many more changes).

Russia had gone from being the Tsardom of Russia (around simply Eastern Europe), to an empire that included more than 5% of the land area of the Earth. An empire larger than the mighty Mongo Empire and bigger than Pluto, which competed economically with the most developed countries in the world and competed demographically with the giants of Asia (China and India).

Essentially, Tsar Alexander III laid the foundation for what became the rule of Tsar Nicholas II, who captured his father's legacy, expanded upon it, and created his own legacy alongside it.

But to understand the reign and legacy of Tsar Nicholas II, you have to analyze different parts of it.

The first decade of Tsar Nicholas II's reign was a relatively complicated one, Tsar Alexander III died in the closing stages of the Second Great War, leaving a 40-something Nicholas and the Second Duma in charge in a critical moment. The oldest monarch of Europe and also the Tsar of 3 distinct generations of Russians died, it was a sad and difficult moment for many people in Europe.

After taking the helm of the Russian government, Nicholas II saw the signing of the Treaty of Visegrad, achieved thanks to the agreement between the two sides (the London-Berlin Axis and the Allies - made up of America, Western Europe, Russia and others). The war was a neutral outcome, and 'peace' had not been fully won.

Nicholas had to deal with resolving the diplomatic consequences of the war on the geo-political stage, discussing the needs of post-war Russia, administrative issues, and dealing with the new situations that resulted from the war (such as the German population obtained by Russia and the Russosphere).

So with the war over came a period of reconstruction and stabilization, where the Russian government began to put things in order with various internal policies (fight against unemployment through the creation of job banks, reconstruction of infrastructure and new pensions for veterans or family members of veterans).

This resulted in an economy that recovered well and quickly, and one of the beginnings of the social programs for which Tsar Nicholas II is widely known.

But that is not the whole face of the government of the monarch, Tsar Nicholas II was a much harsher ruler than his father, even though he kept part of the silken glove with which his father reigned.

Nicholas did not hesitate to deport Germans from all-Russian acquisitions to West Germany (the Free Republic of Germany or socialist Germany, with which Russia enjoyed good relations due to a common enemy in the British), purged people in countries under his influence (Ethiopia for example), used the expanding Russian military force to support the interests of the Russosphere like other Imperialists interventions of the time (intervention in Rio Grande do Sul) and even carried out coups in countries of the Russian sphere to keep them under a 'proper' direction (Persia).

Morally dubious decisions and measures in modern times and even for many people at that time, but Russia under Alexander III and Nicholas II had achieved things that other empires had failed to acknowledge.

'Soft power' is still power: Where does food come from? Where does work come from? Where do money and investments come from? Where do the goods you use come from? Where do the products you consume come from? In your day to day?

Technological, cultural and economic imperialism was one of the hallmarks of these 106 years of Russian governments, which precisely gave them an important advantage regarding its competitors and its sphere, this went beyond the accumulation and expansion of markets, it was actually a gigantic effort in construction and development of influence, economy and more sectors.

Those Russian exports - food resources, culture and financial capital, among other things - were all ways in which the Russian Empire gained power and influence, but also developed its sphere (so despite the heavy hand, the sphere was still aligned with Moscow's interests). Beyond the Russian military or diplomatic forces.

Under this concept, the Russian Empire effectively built and maintained an important sphere of influence, which Nicholas II evolved in 1920 (6 years after ascending the throne) into the world's first supranational military-political-economic body.

The Covenant of Nations.

Possibly one of the greatest legacies of Nicholas II, which is still standing today, having supported various changes throughout Eurasia (such as the second Russian industrial revolution, the great humanitarian campaigns of Tsar Nicholas II or socio-economic development of various regions).

Not everything was so perfect of course, almost all the projects and legacies of Alexander III and Nicholas II were long-term objectives, and obviously there were certain obstacles along the way.

Tsar Nicholas II suffered the Imperial Crisis (the partition of the Russian Right and the rise of the Left after the death of Premier Skobelev), which led to the Russian Civil War and thus to various developments within the internal politics of the Empire. Russian.

The Imperial Crisis had its negative and positive consequences, on the one hand Tsar Nicholas II had to take care of the reconstruction with the Duma and in the process the Tsar lost two of his sons (giving rise to problems between their children).

But on the other hand, fortunately Tsar Nicholas II had important allies, who would effectively dominate the rule of the Russian Empire together with him after the Russian civil war worked as a cause for change within Russia (First Stalinism occurred, purges of other type and numerous political changes as a result).

Tsar Nicholas II raised important questions about what Russia is, as a state and as a civilization, and what is to be a Russian citizen.

It was a time of Russian 'exceptionalism', with the cultural, socio-economic and political-military golden age represented by the Alexandrian period of great renewal.

But Tsar Nicholas II was a very down-to-earth person, and he understood that a golden age was not what defined or would define Russia.

The New Russia (новая россия/Novaya Rossiya) of Nicholas II was a concept that evolved from the Alexandrian Era, to stay in what Russia was and what is to the Russian citizen.

Russia was at the crossroads between Europe and Asia and maybe even America, without belonging precisely to any of these spaces, because Russia is a civilization, an order, a community and a world of its own (mixing the concept of Russkiy Mir and to a certain extent the Holy Rus of Alexandrian times), possessing different histories, values and developments to those that can be found in regions such as the Western Europe or East Asia.

So Russia was a center and a core of a Great Rodina (Великая Родина /Velikaya Rodina, Great Homeland), a nation of nations where there was a single political, economic and cultural space to achieve the common goals of civilization composed by several groups with important ties between the individual, the community (small homeland) and the state(great homeland).

It didn't matter if one was from Poland or Alyáska, if one lived in the Russian Arctic or in the southernmost territories, it didn't matter if one was Slavic, Christian, Muslim, Turkish or from another group. Everyone was united by the common goals, the common rights and responsabilities of a common citizenship of a common homeland, all need to advance in their quality of life in a common space where order, equity and development existed.

That was the response of Tsar Nicholas II, even all the innovation, military force, state repression and economy of the world, did not really matter if there was no common space or civilization that united all the individuals that made up the Russian Empire, nothing to drive them to stay together or reunite.

And this would only be achieved under a Great Homeland that unites everyone, and if one does look at the government of the monarch, the Tsar Nicholas II was making huge strides in this long-term endeavor with his father's legacy.

There were the beginnings of a great economic advance that would help Russian society, advances in infrastructure, communication and technology would connect the Empire like never before, Russian was developing as a language of inter-ethnic and inter-cultural communication and the quality of life of citizens continued to rise in various ways.

If it was not in the form of a higher salary, it was gradually in services and campaigns that fought against the enemies of a society (non-physical, but just as harmful, such as poverty, ignorance and problems in the quality of life).

And of course, there were many other methods, such as constitutional reform whose National Congress sought to give more voice to minorities, Covenant bodies that formed an interconnected community even larger than Russia itself, and more.

List of several events, failures and success of the reign of the Tsar Augustus Nicholas II:

Nicholas Alexandrovich Romanov becomes Tsar Augustus Nicholas II with the death of his father, Tsar Augustus Alexander III (end of 1914)

First results of the Russian Navy aircraft carriers during the last years of the Second Great War (1915)

The Tripartite treaty (Siam, Russia and Japan) is signed - Vietnam is put under Japanese influence, Cambodia under Thai influence and Cambodia is a mutual condominium (1915)

Humanitarian intervention against the locust infestation of the Middle East (Palestine, Syria, Druzia and Greater Lebanon - 1915)

Russia adopts its foreign policy know as "Cooperativism" - Increase of the co-operation of Western Europe (Socialist europe) and Eastern Europe (Russosphere) against the British menace (1915)

Mongolian Cyrillic alphabet began to emerge as Russian influence in Mongol lands grew and said territories (Outer Mongolia and Inner Mongolia) modernize, at the same time Mongolian Socialists-Social Democrats grow in influence (1915)

Formation of the circle of trust of the Tsar, including in it General Brusilov, Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili "Stalin", Felix Dzerzhinsky "Iron Felix", Carl Gustaf Emil Mannerheim, Alexander Fyodorovich Kerensky, Damdin Sükhbaatar, Boris Viktorovich Savinkov and more (1915)

The Russian Empire recognize the Socialist Republic of Turkey under Mustafa Kemal Atatürk (1915)

Advance in diplomacy during the Second Great War/World War 2, which leds to the Visegrad Treaty to end the war (1915)

Formation of the Circle of Gangut by AlexanderV. Kolchak, what will in part lead to the Russian Civil War (1915)

The Treaty of Visegrad is signed, putting an end to the Second Great War on January 4th (1916)

Great Reconstruction Program (inspired in the Alexandrian economic reconstruction program in the Middle East) in the Northern Chinese states of the Russosphere, which include Inner Mongolia, the Islamic Federative Republic of Gansu, the State of Shanxi, the State of Shaanxi, the State of Henan, Republic of Zhili and the Republic of Shandong (1916)

The Russian navy heads to Rio Grande do Sul to prevent the country from unifying with the rebuilt Empire of Brazil of Dom Pedro III (1916)

The first 'Job Bank' (Биржа труда, Birzha Truda) or Public Employment Service in Post-War Russia is created, one of the measures that is the Russian forefront of the fight against unemployment (1916)

Thai Canal project (officially Kra Isthmus Canal) is completed in April 1 (1916)

The first Five-Year Plan of minister of Navy, Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich Romanov, is implemented (1916)

The new Russian territory of Königsberg is turned into Korol'grad (Корольград, King's City) by an imperial ukaz (1916)

Russian purge against Ethiopian factions against the new emperor Iyasu V (1916)

Investment in the development of the first High Speed Rail (высокоскоростная железная дорога / Vysokoskorostnaya Zheleznaya Doroga or VZD) of the Russian Empire, mass electrification in the post-war period, expansion of radio, state investments in science and other important modernizations (1916)

Reform in the African colonies of the Russian Empire, giving more representation-autonomy in the post-war period - also deportation of old citizens of the German colonial empire to the Free Republic of Germany (1916)

Firts design of a television system by Vladimir Kosmich Zworykin (1916), the base for the work of Boris Pavlovich Grabovsky (the Telefot, first electronic television)

Premier Mikhail Dmitriyevich Skobelev dies at age 73, launching the beginning of the Imperial Crisis (1917)

Brusilov military reforms (1917) - Implementation of the Molniyenosnaya Voyna (lightning war) and creation of the first Udarnyye Voyska (called assault battalions or ударных / udarnykh - shock, percussion or striking)

Economic boom of 1917, know as the July Days of the Russian Empire (1917)

Firm of the Yugoslav/Pan-Slavic treaties between Russia and the Slavic states of the Russosphere (1917)

Congress of August 1917 of the Russian Social Democratic Labout Party, I.V Stalin purges Grigory Zinoviev and his allies (1917)

Military Missions of the Russian Empire to the Qajar dynasty under Mohammad Ali Shah Qajar (1917)

Creation of the Kremlin Wall Necropolis (Некрополь у Кремлёвской стены / Nekrópol u Kremlióvskoi steny - 1917)

South Sudan becomes part of the the Russian colonial empire in Africa, as Ha'il and Russia agree in the partition of Sudan (1917)

Creation of the Military formations of the Committee for State Security of the General Staff of the Russian Empire Armed Forces (Воинские формирования Комитета государственной безопасности Генерального штаба Вооруженных Сил Российской Империи /Voinskiye formirovaniya Komiteta gosudarstvennoy bezopasnosti General'nogo shtaba Vooruzhennykh Sil Rossiyskoy Imperii), which leds to the first Spetsnaz (1917)

All Russian Conference of Trade Unions (Всероссийская конференция профсоюзов / Vserossiyskaya konferentsiya profsoyuzov) mets in Moscow (1918)

Nicholas II becomes King of Madagaskar (1918)

Infrastructure ambition for the next 4 decades by Tsar Nicholas II, during a conversation with Nikola Tesla - "Every city with more than 1 million inhabitants has a VZD and every city between 200,000 and 500,000 inhabitants has some form of public transport service" (1918)

Central Institute of Aerohydrodynamics (TsAGI) is created in the city of Moscow by scientist-mechanic Nikolai Yegorovich Zhukovsky (1918)

January 15 of 1919, Russian operation leds to a coup in the Qajar dynasty, turning Persia into the Qajar-Eskandari dynasty under shah Iraj Eskandari (then 11-12 years old) and Soleiman Mirza Eskandari (regent who formed the National Consultative Assembly or Majlis)

Mosfilm film studio (Мосфильм) is created in the Moscow Film School (1919)

Civil war in Afghanistan, Russia mostly leaves the country while the British performed the now Third Anglo-Afghan war (1919)

Reform of the Militsiya/Police in the Russian Empire (1919)

Plans of Tsar Nicholas II for the future administrative divisions of the Russian Empire

Directive No. 00878 leds to the formation of the Closed Administrative Territorial Formation (Закры́тое администрати́вно-территориа́льное образова́ние, ЗАТО́/ZATO), with the purpose of greater protection of state secrets and the development of particular projects by the armed forces/defense services of the Russian Empire (1919)

Opening of the Military University of the Armed Forces of the Russian Empire (1919)

The beginning of the 'golden age of Finnish cinema' (1919)

Great public health campaign in the Russian Empire and the Northern Chinese states after a typhus epidemic in the Republic of China, this campaign is part of the fight against superstition in this regions (1919)

Census of 1920 in the Russian Empire - Total population: 342 million inhabitants

99.7% of the imperial population could read or write in their language-tongue, and some level of Russian (1920)

January 10, the Covenant of Nations is formed by 34 nations: The Russian Empire (including Finland), Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia, Albania, Kurdistan, Syria, Ionia, Cilicia, Alawite State, Greater Lebanon, Assyria, Druzia, Baghdad, Mesopotamia, Kuwait, Bali, Aceh, Lanfang, Thailand, Persia, Ethiopia, Federative Republic of Gansu, Inner Mongolia, Shanxi, Zhili, Shaanxi, Henan, and Shandong (1920)

Creation of the "General-Commission for Oil and Gas Exports", first international body dedicated to the coordination and unification of oil and gas extraction-export policies - In the process, the Treaty of Friendship and Economic Cooperation of the Emirate of Ha'il and the Covenant of Nations is signed (1920)

November elections of 1920 - The Russian Social Democratic Labour Party wins the elections, forming an important allience with the Trudoviks of Alexander Kerensky for the Fourth (IV) Duma, now with Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili (Stalin) as Premier.

The RSDLP victory is one the reasons of the Russian Civil War, led by the Directorate of Kolchak against leftist groups in Russia (1920 - Russian Civil War begins/ The civil war ends in 1922)

The genre know as 'Istern' (И́стерн) is developed in the Russian Empire as a result of the Russian Civil War, is similar to the Western in the United States or the Red Western in the Socialist Europe (1924, with the film 'Icy Land')

Premier Iosif V. Stalin carries out the First Stalinism and its purges during the Russian Civil War against enemies of Russia (1921)

Ural Offensive of the Russian Empire against the forces of the Directorate of Central Siberia (1921 - This leds to the death of Tsesarevich Nicholas of Russia and so to several consequences)

"Russification" of Inner Mongolia, that will led to the union between this country and the Russian Empire (which already had Outer Mongolia and Tuva for example - 1921)

First flight of a Kaluga-1, first sub-orbital rocket of the World, made by Konstantin Tsiolkovsky (1921 - the rocket isn't technically finnished until 1931, ten years later)

The movie King Kong is released in the Russian Empire (1921)

Campaign of Omsk and the Campaign of the Irtysh and Ob rivers, in the final stages of the Russian Civil War (1921)

Genrikh Thuku becomes a delegate from the Keniya colony in Moscow (1921)

June 27, Tsar Nicholas II and his government present to the Fourth (IV) Duma, put to a vote the final ratification of the "Указ о Cуверенитете Российской Империи" (Ukaz or Suverenitete Rossiyskoy Imperii of Sovereignty of the Russian Empire) - Constitutional reform in the Russian Empire (1922)

The Talkie of Joseph Tykociński-Tykociner is presented, the first sound-film systems in Russia after 1924 come from this Talkie (1922)

End of the Russian Civil War (1922)

The Forestry Office of Central Asia and hundreds of workers, accompanied by millions of volunteers, managed to plant 13.37 million trees for the Green Wall of Central Asia (around 1923)

Reform in the conscription law in the Russian Empire (1923)

The beginnings of Affirmative Action in the Russian Empire thanks to the work of the National Congress of the Russian Citizens (1923)

The referendum of Inner Mongolia in 1923 leds to the region joining the Russian Empire as the Autonomous Oblast of Inner Mongolia.

Grand Duchess Maria and Crown Prince Nicholas of Romania marry - Death of Empress Elena of Russia (1923)

New Russian Industrial Revolution with the development of the high-speed rail/VZD of Russia, the advance of the Covenant of Nations and various infrastructure projects in the Russian Empire-Russosphere (1923-1926)

Death of Tsesarevich Mikhail (second child of Tsar Nicholas II - 1923)

Reforms of the Succession Laws of the Russian Empire under Nicholas II (1923)

The ushanka-hat becomes popular in Russia and parts of the Russosphere in the post-civil war period (1923)

Creation of the VDNKh - Vystavka Dostizheniy Narodnogo Khozyaystva (Выставка достижений народного хозяйства / Exhibition of Achievements of National Economy), a national exhibition open almost all year round for educational and tourist purposes, that shows economic-scientific advances in the territories of the Russian Empire (1923)

Krakow riot of 1923, marking a historical division between an Old Poland and a New Poland within the Russian Empire.

The Medved' T-24 is completed (1924)

February 28, agreement by Grand Duchess Maria of Russia and Crown Prince Nicholas of Romania that solves the possible problems of succession in Russia and Romania - Accepted by Tsar Nicholas II and King Ferdinand I (1924).

Campaign of Strategy Against Poverty in a Prosperous Society in the Covenant of Nations, led by Tsar Nicholas II and the Bank of the Covenant in Moscow - One of the biggest campaigns against poverty in the modern world (1924)

Patriarch Tikhon of Moscow and All of Russia and Tsar-Augustus Nicholas II confirmed a brief reorganization and help to reconstruction of the institution of the church after the Russian civil war, due to the know popular church movements in the Russian Empire (1924)

Central Asia's Baby Boomer generation starts during his reign due to the advance of the Green Wall of Central Asia

Deputy Premier L. V. Kamenev vs Premier I. V. Stalin, faction fight inside the RSDLP (ends with victory of Premier Stalin - 1924)

The Great Game reaches deeper into Tibet as the Russians develop the Red Shambhala doctrine (1924)

Konstantin Nikolaevich Romanov born (1924- ????), child of Maria Nikolaevna Romanova and Nicholas of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen, giving rise to the line of Maria Nikolaevna in the House of Romanov (1924)

The Petrograd Flood Prevention Facility Complex is built (1924), also there are several expansions of the Moscow metro along his reign.

First post-civil war All-Russian Women's Congress, presenting the first signs of division in Russian Feminism (1924)

Official foundation of the movement know as 'Nou Romanismul/Nou Românism' (New Romanism) in the Russian city of Tatarbunar, Bessarabia/Moldova (1924)

Trotskyism truly begins as a movement in the Russian Empire (1924)

First 10-year anniversary of the reign of Tsar Nicholas II (end of 1924)

(OOC: There isn't ALL but still a long list with a lot of points from the main sections, literally 85 bullet points only from some of the main sections of the TL - it doesn't include minor things from the International section that sometimes appear, like the fossil eggs of Mongolia).

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