
Contender Part III

Alex was like a well-oiled machine, his heart was pumping blood to every inch of his body, and it was working harder than usual due to the strenuous two rounds of combat he had just engaged in. No doubt the man was sweating, but he was far from exhausted.

His cardio, perhaps enhanced by his skill [Incubus] which allowed him to engage in sexual intercourse for longer than any ordinary man, thus in a way of increasing his stamina to superhuman levels, was a daunting thing to witness. At least from Ismails' perspective, who was, despite his usual performance, gassed out as he sat on the stool, exhausted beyond all comprehension.

The man's corner shouted at him. Telling him he needed to finish Alex in the third round. Because if not, the fight would end with his defeat. And though Ismail also knew this, he just simply couldn't wrap his head around the idea of how he would achieve such a thing.


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