
Chapter 29

"Now, I think congratulations is in order." His friend's voice boomed in the room, suddenly reminding him of his present circumstance.

Quickly, he let go of her lips. But honestly, it was with a slight reluctance. But his hands seemed to stay where they were, still holding on to her.

"Aren't we going out to celebrate?" Travis continued, but Damon could hear the taunting in his voice as his friend clamped his hands around his shoulders.

He guessed he should expect that reaction from his friend after his stunt. What was he thinking, kissing her like that?

But clearly, he was not in his right mind as he finally let go of his new wife, facing the Judge and thanking him for officiating the marriage on such short notice.

"Of course, I already reserved a table at The Bistro Steakhouse." He informed his friend, ensuring that the girls also heard his announcement.

It was already lunch, after all.

He had already anticipated they would need to continue this celebration to keep up with the facade. Still, he did not see the need for a big celebration, especially when he had no intention of telling his family, not just yet.

"A lunch out. Really?" His friend looked at him incredulously as they walked out of the courthouse with his new wife walking ahead of them, together with her friend.

"What do you want? A big wedding reception?" Damon sarcastically answered his best man. "You know that this is just a business transaction."

And he was not going to treat it as anything else. He would not fall into the trap of thinking this could be anything but more than that.

"Yeah!" His friend said maliciously, looking at him with those suspicious eyes. "You keep telling yourself that."

His friend had an expression that told him he knew something that he did not. But he was used to his friend's acting like he knew more than he did.

"What do you mean by that?" Still, Damon hated it when his friend tried to psychoanalyze him.

His friend had always been his equal. They had competed in many things, including women and businesses.

Travis had beaten him in some situations, but that was not always the situation. He still believed he was better than him in all aspects.

"I don't think you are being honest with yourself." Travis shrugged his shoulders. "Just saying." His friend turned in the direction of his car.

He could only laugh at the ridiculous suggestion of his friend. Of course, he found her attractive, but that was it. There was nothing more to that.

Then, his eyes looked at the two women in front of them. They seemed to be in a deep conversation just like them.


"What was that?" Thalia grabbed her friend by the arm as they walked out of the establishment after her friend had just married that handsome stranger.

"What?" Jules looked at her friend, pretending to be confused. But she might already have a clear idea of what she was asking.

What was she thinking, kissing him like that?

She must have lost her mind. The kiss should have been short and meaningless. Instead, it felt like she did not want it to end.

"The kiss." Her friend whispered in her ears, keeping her voice down so as not to let the men behind them hear their conversation. "I am talking about that passionate kiss. What was that all about?"


She silently hissed at herself, angry and frustrated that she had no answer to that question. But it happened, and there was nothing she could do to change that.

"It is just for show." She explained to her friend, hoping that she sounded convincing. However, even she found her reason unsubstantial.

"I will give you both a standing ovation for that amazing performance. Because you certainly fooled me." Thalia raised her right brow at her, followed by a silly smile, telling her she seriously suspected something was amiss.

Knowing her friend, she doubted she had deceived her. Nevertheless, how could she tell her friend the truth when she did not understand her situation?

She guessed everything around her had happened too fast. Her brain was having a hard time coping with the changes.

"It was just a kiss for the benefit of the judge." She dismissed the idea that it could mean something more.

She believed she was just exhausted since she hardly slept last night. Or the other nights since Oliver had the accident. Therefore, her brain must still be on a haywire.

"Ok. If you say so." Her friend still did not sound convinced as her hands squeezed her arms. "Still, I still think you make a lovely couple." She repeated what she already told her earlier.

"We are not a couple. And we will never be a real one." She told her friend, but she believed she told herself more.

"I am just saying I hope you know what you are doing because the last thing I want to see is you getting hurt." Thalia smiled at her. But this time, her eyes showed more concern than anything else.

Jules placed her hand on top of her friend, assuring her that she had everything under control. "Thanks." But she was not about to have this argument with her about this topic in front of her fake husband.

Besides, she could already see her husband's chauffered car waiting for them. The driver had already had the doors opened.


"I don't know what you are talking about," Damon told his friend as he looked away from the woman that he would have to share his life for as long as the contract was in place.

Hopefully, not that long, if he could do something about it.

"Hey, Thalia, right?" Travis shouted to the girl walking alongside his wife. "Do you want to ride with me and give this newlywed some time alone?"

His friend shrugged his shoulder as his eyes focused on the woman who had caught his attention.

Damon did not know if the offer was to give him some privacy with his wife or to hit on his wife's beautiful friend. But knowing Travis, it might be the latter.

"That sounds like a good idea." The other girl turned to look at them. "I guess we should leave the two of you alone."

"We will just meet you at the restaurant." He added, leaving him to think about his other statement when the woman seemed to agree with his suggestion.

Soon, his friend escorted Thalia to his awaiting car while he walked closer to his wife. Again, she was his wife only on paper.

He solely needed her for appearances and the paperwork, just like their arrangement. Although, as much as he did not want to admit, his friend might be onto something.


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