
Ch. 73 - The final war between Humans and Monsters

[For those who don't know, the world is Hotel Transylvania but it is very far from canon as you can see that Dracula is still a child here.]


After Dracula brought the rat skull tea cups, Jin was tempted to vomit however, that would be disrespectful to Vlad and Dracula and would destroy his mysterious person persona, so he jugged it down and made his promised tea to Vlad.

Ever since he got Iroh's template, he's always had this urge to keep tea leaves with him every time, which made him a tea addict or something.

Don't even mention the fact that he can't start his morning without drinking his tea.

"This is Jasmine Tea, my favourite." Jin said as he used his fire bending powers to heat up both of the cups and gave the other one to Vlad.

"Jasmine Tea? This is the first time I've heard about it." Vlad commented as he drank the tea in one gulp, making Jin mentally shake his head in disappointment. Teas aren't supposed to be drunk down in one gulp, you're supposed to drink it slowly and savor the taste. Drinking a cup in one go would definitely make tea lovers frown on them.

"Vlad, you're supposed to drink it slowly, so you can savor the delicious aroma of the tea." Jin informed him before showing an example by drinking small bits of the tea before breathing out in satisfaction.

"Just like that. You follow me?" Jin said while Vlad was deep in thought and when he saw that his cup was empty, he sighed before speaking.

"Maybe next time." Vlad said as Dracula was standing behind him with complicated look in his eyes.

Just as they were enjoying theirselves in a cup of tea, a large bat suddenly flew inside while yelling with a loud and creepy voice.

"Pesky humans! Audur's son has called the attention of the King and launched a surprise attack on our settlement! Vlad, we must avenge our breathen!" The large bat said while landing in front of Vlad.

"Curse those Helsings! Don't they know how to just give up! Why do they breed like rabbits?! Helsings kept appearing one after another!" Vlad placed his cup down and said in reply before turning his head to Jin and asked.

"Jin, would you join us? It's time to teach those humans a lesson that they will never forget!" He asked however seeing that Jin shook his head, Vlad sighed in disappointment before saying one last word.

"Then please watch over Dracula, I'll make this quick!" Right after he said that, he then turned in his bat form and flew away followed by the large bat that glared at Jin first before following suit.

As the entire cave was left with only Jin and Dracula, a whole minute of awkward silence ensued them as Jin was the one to break off the awkward atmosphere.

"So, do you have anything interesting to do here?" Jin asked while Dracula seemed to be stunned at first before panicking and quickly tried to search around for anything interesting to play with.

"Uhm....Do you like to play some throwing stones?" Dracula said with an awkward smile as Jin can't help but feel that Dracula looks cute while he's still young unlike his older version where he looks like a creepy emo dude that is slowly entering his puberty.

'Though he's a bit socially awkward however I can't blame him though, from what I can see, the only person Dracula could have any social interaction with is no one other than his father, Vlad. And does Vlad look like someone good to talk with? Jin could make a vague guess that the only thing Vlad probably talked about with Dracula is anything related to human killings or intense training that is enough to kill him and anything related like that.

If there is someone you would like to talk with, then Vlad would be the least of your choices. He would only be considered if the entire life forms on earth except for him ceases to exist.

It's not like Jin has any bad blood with Vlad, however from his small recent interactions with him earlier, Jin could already deduce many things about Vlad.

Did he also mention that his breath stank? Toothbrush and toothpaste probably don't exist yet in this current time however, there must be some kind of hygiene practice somewhere, right?

"I do like playing stones however, I have something more fun." Jin replied as Dracula's eyes shone at the end of his words and immediately asked.

"What is it? Is it something more fun than throwing stones?" Dracula asked as Jin replied.

"Yes but first. Can you turn into your bat form?" Jin asked and after receiving a nod from Dracula, he continued.

"Well then, let's go and follow me." Jin said before levitating off the ground under Dracula's shocked eyes before ascending outside the volcano.

"Wait for me!" Remembering that he was supposed to follow Jin, Dracula quickly turned into his bat form before following after Jin.


Outside the volcano, Jin remained stationary in the air as he waited for Dracula to catch up with his current altitude.

"Where are we going?" Dracula asked while staring at the wide forest. This is the first time he's outside his home without his father's permission.

"You see this stone right here?" Jin asked and then showed Dracula a pebble in his hand.

"Uhuh." Dracula nodded his head in confirmation.

"The moment this pebble landed down on the ground we raced from here to there." Jin explained while pointing at another mountain that is a few miles away from their current position. This was actually very fun to him as when he chased after Vlad earlier, only then did that make him realize how exciting it is to fly and have a race with someone.

"Oh, I'm so gonna win!" At this moment, Dracula was grinning widely in victory as he could already imagine himself stepping over Jin's defeated form as his face was full of pride.

"We'll see." Jin chuckled and replied before continuing.

"You ready?"

"I am born ready!" Dracula replied with a hint of thrill in his voice.

"Alright then, make sure you watch the pebble carefully, okay?" After giving one last piece of advice, Jin then dropped the pebble as they both kept their watchful eyes on the pebble, preparing themselves as the pebble was slowly inching towards the ground.

Thanks to their enhanced eye sight, they could clearly see the direction of where the pebble is and where it is going to fall.

Squinting their eyes, the moment the pebble finally landed on the ground, both Jin and Dracula quickly flashed away from their positions.

Jin was leaning his body straight forward in order to decrease the air resistance while Dracula, who doesn't have any idea about such things like air resistance and gravity, is flapping his wings madly, thinking that the harder he flapped his wings, the faster he would be.

"What the?!" However, Dracula was shocked when Jin flew past him like a rocket while waving his hand to him as a mock.

"So long, Drac!" Dracula heard Jin's voice even though he's already quite far away from him, making Dracula grumble in irritation and anger. Here he was thinking that he was the fastest and could easily win from the race since he was confident in his speed however, it didn't take long for Jin to crash all of his confidence without blinking an eye.

After a few more minutes or so, Dracula finally reached the other mountain where Jin was lying on the ground with his front facing the skies.

Dracula limply dragged his body over by his side while he was inhaling and exhaling before slumping off beside him.

"How was it? You had fun, right?" Jin grinned while he asked.

"Yeah....But I wonder how fast my father is, I've never seen him use his full speed in his bat form." Dracula said with melancholy as he stared up at the beautiful night sky. His words actually have a meaning which means that Vlad never truly gave time to his own son and instead, he's probably always outside either hunting humans or playing around, only coming back to their home to rest or train Dracula so he could be as strong as his father.

"Oh no, dear Dracles, Vlad is really fast like reallyyy fast!" Jin immediately came up with a nickname for Dracula and exaggerated Vlad's capabilities which caught Dracula's interest.

"So, you raced with him?! How was it? Did you win or did he win?" Dracula asked while his wide eyes were staring at Jin's eyes, urging Jin to hurry up and tell him already.

"No one. We both tied." As much as he wanted to say that Vlad won however he was a bit prideful so he showed off from the infamous Count Dracula. Though if they really continued their race earlier, even if Jin could match Vlad's speed, it would be impossible as Vlad is only using his stamina to fly which he probably has a lot of stamina while he only uses chi and his chi is literally limited to a certain extent, if he used his chi without having any reserves, it would cause him to pass out.

"Really?! Then he must just be so fast th-." Just as Dracula was speaking, they suddenly heard the sound of an explosion not far away from them.


Quickly turning around at the same time, both Jin and Dracula were shocked to see smokes and flames not far away from them, they could also hear the sounds of metals crashing against each other combined with yells of pain or encouragement.

'Is there a fight in there?' Jin wondered as he wanted to go there and investigate or just observe.


[Boys! The end of the week is near! Help me reach the top 10 in Power Rankings and you shall receive two chapters on Monday!]




[Next Chapter: Ch. 74 - Near Death!]

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