

The early morning quiet of the shipping dock is disturbed by the sounds of a large loading crane lifting Conex shipping containers onto a waiting boat. The calm waters of the bay are just beginning to light as the horizon shows what is known as a false dawn.


 The side of the Conex's being loaded show a label of Confidential stamped with the symbol of the Crime Syndicate, for those that knew what to look for. Couldn't have the minor things like thieves or Port Police mistaking the containers as ones that were fair game to steal or even look into.


 The brightly colored costume of red and yellow that Johnny Quick wore insured anyone not involved with the loading processes kept a large distance between that particular dock and themselves.


 Johnny smiled at each Conex that was loaded onto the ship, each container held 4 large ballistic missiles each one worth just under two million. The pleasure he felt at watching eight million dollars hit his bank account each and every time a container hit the boat deck was immeasurable.


 Maybe if he hadn't been so focused on the loading, Johnny would have felt the disturbance in the Speen Force he was connected to each time he shoots up his drug of choice. None of the other costumed figures in attendance had a chance to react when a strong wind hit the side of the most recent Connex to be lifted off the dock to be moved to the ship.


 The wind appeared to push several regular guards into the water and then start to circle the shipping container until it started to spin and tangle its lifting chain. After several full spins, the chains give way and the container falls to the dock and spills open, releasing the four missiles out onto the dock.


 As the wind died down a figure can be seen admiring the fallen container. His red and silver outfit was a close copy of Johnny Quicks outfit, but it had a cowl that covered his head and most of his face, unlike the simple glasses Johnny preferred and where Johnny had yellow this figure had silver.


 "Good thing these missiles weren't Armed, or we'd be missing Arms and Legs!!!" Silverflash spread his arms out seemingly proud of his joke.


 Archer (Green Arrow but in red) was the first to react as he let loose a volley of red arrows at the figure from his high vantagepoint.


 "BWA. Bwwaahhhaaha! Good one mate, but now you need to die." Johnny slapped his leg in appreciation of the good joke.


 As the arrows shot towards him, Silverflash reached out and caught one. "Seriously? Arrows?" He quickly threw the arrow away just in case they were trick ones like that dick that worked for SHIELD.


 Archer continued to fire arrow after arrow at the red and silver figure, working to get him in range of the Scream Queen.


 Unknown to the figures on the dock a rather large green fin was making its way towards the ship through the water. As the Archer continued firing his arrows, a Chinese style dragon rose from under the surface of the ocean. Its body easily three times as wide across as a man's body, its height towering nearly 50 feet above the lone figure of Archer.


 J'onn let out a mighty roar to pull the attention away from Silverflash. {I see why Logan enjoys this ability, letting out a roar is quite fun.} J'onn's eyes glow red in his excitement as he quickly wraps his coils around the figure of Archer and carefully squeezes until the man passes out.


 Before J'onn can let the figure go, a sonic scream slammed into his body. J'onn turned away, {UGH, bigger ears it not helpful right now though.} J'onn reverts to his normal form and clutched his head in pain.


 Seeing his partner in trouble, Silverflash quickly pinpoints where the sound is coming from and sees a short haired blond girl in a black trench coat and glasses screaming at J'onn. He quickly runs towards her and picks her up in a bridal carry. The sudden movement causes her to stop screaming in surprise, so Silverflash runs her out into the open water, moving fast enough to stay on top of the water and then he quickly stops and runs in place for a moment.


 "There is only one good place for a girl to be a screamer. Here's a clue, it's when she is wet, but not from the ocean." As soon as he said that he dropped the girl into the ocean and ran back on the surface of the water to the dock to help J'onn. 


 J'onn was kneeling on the boat after being blasted by the sonic scream, clutching his head in an attempt to clear his head. He felt the deck rumble as he could make out the vibrations of very heavy footsteps coming near.


 Just as his head cleared enough to hear again, he heard, "Sick on Friday, Died on Saturday, Buried on Sunday. Borne again, Mondays child, Solomon Grundy… Crush!!!" 


 J'onn looked up to see a grey monstrosity in tattered black cloths charging his way with ill intent on his eyes. He figured he could move out of the way easy enough but then he noticed a red and yellow streak headed his way from the other side. Seeing as it didn't have the silver flashes accompanied by his friend, he knew it was the evil speedster, his observations proved true as the figure stopped to coordinate his attack with his Made Man.


 Seeing the speedster's legs tense up ready to charge, J'onn decided to stick close to the large grey figure approaching him and as it threw a punch, J'onn used the monstrosities momentum to spin him and throw him in the path of the speedster who started running his way. 


 Neither being able to react in time, the pair slammed together. J'onn flew up into the air and looked around. Seeing many Conex shipping crates tied down to the deck, and knowing they held advanced weapons he decided to take them out of the hands of everyone and dove towards the deck of the ship.


 Just be fore he hit the deck he increased his density to the max, and his body became a cannonball tearing through every level of the ship until he felt himself emersed in salt water. Once under the boat, he swam a short way down and flew up through the boat once again making holes large enough to sink the boat in moments.


 Johnny felt the boat going down and shouted out, "Right then, abandon ship if you can." Seeing that there was no saving the cargo and feeling his Speed drug wearing off, he quickly ran away over the surface of the Ocean, leaving his crew behind to fend for themselves.


-(Scene Shift)-


 A few states away, a red and gold figure is quietly hovering over a truck delivery warehouse, "Sir, I have scanned the building and detected 13 heat signatures believed to be human. They are all armed and overseeing the automated manufacturing of a chemical compound that I find to be an abomination of science. It seems to be some sort of short-term euphoric liquid drug, with an addiction rate over 98.9 percent on first usage."


 "Can you tell if there would be any harmful effects of said drug is heated to the point of vapor?"


 "Running calculations now, one moment Sir." 


 "Jarvis says we have 13 inside and I count 4 outside including the driver of the truck that looks about ready to depart. He is running some last-minute calculations on the drugs, are you ready to bring the storm Wonder Woman? And might I add, you look very fetching in the early morning sun. What say we stop for a bite of breakfast and drinks after this is done?"


 "Drop the rouge act Tony, it holds no interest to me. Nor do you." Wonder Woman began to call on her powers, as the early morning sky suddenly darkens, and the winds begin to pick up.


 "Not one of your smoother approaches Sir. The addition of Wonder Woman's rain will dilute the drugs vapors to the point it will have no effect on the surroundings even at a high volume. It is safe to proceed Sir."


 "OK my fair lady, lets drop the sky on them." Iron man targets the trailer hitch and fires a laser that separates the trailer from the cab of the truck. "It's always fun to watch a trailer fall on the roof of a building, don't you think Ororo?"


 Wonder Woman smiles and forms a twister around the trailer, lifting it into the air and allowing it to crash through the roof of the warehouse.

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