
Poison Ivy

Pam took a deep breath and asked, "Am I boring you yet?"

Logan, "No, I am a little amazed at how calm you are, telling me about your tragic childhood though."

She smiled at him and said, "We haven't even started the true tragedy yet. The pattern continued with my parents, he would beat her and apologize by buying flowers and she would plant them making her garden rather large. Now that I understood what the garden was, I didn't want anything to do with it. A few months before I graduated, my mother disappeared. There were all the usual police reports, missing flyers, and a tearful husband. At the police station, they asked me questions with my dad present and I told them that they fought every couple of months, but my father was quick to say it was just how marriage was and that was the end of that."

"3 months later I graduated valedictorian, with a full scholarship to the University of Florida. I got in on my botany science project. A very nice professor named Jason Woodrow was plentiful with his praise for my work. The weather had been horrible all week with rainstorm after rainstorm. But I went out to my mother's garden anyway, I felt her absence very much that day. Walking along I was looking at the flowers and not watching my feet and ended up tripping. I told myself I was getting as clumsy as my mother, then I felt shame because I knew my mother wasn't really clumsy. When I looked back at what I had tripped over I saw it was a woman's shoe half buried. Thinking it was one of my mother's I pulled it up and I was very right. It was one of my mothers and it still had her foot in it."

My scream was heard by my neighbors who rushed to see what was wrong and seeing me holding a human leg they quickly called the police. It did turn out to be my mother, the police told me later that my father had beaten her to death and buried the body in the garden. The rain brought the body up enough for her to be found. While I was in the police station the officer I talked to about my parents fighting, found me and said that they were going to charge me with my mother's murder too. But he would help me so long as I never told anyone that I said anything to him about my parents fighting. Scared I would go to jail I kept my word and didn't say anything."

"My father was sentenced to life in jail, and I went to school. I majored in botany and toxicology and was still a very naïve little girl." Pamela laughed. "By the time I graduated Somme Cum Lade, I had fallen in love with my professor Jason Woodrow. So desperate for his love, I let him experiment on me and it was torture. He always spoke to me of his love for me and plants being equal so if he combined the two in me, we would live happily ever after." 

Pamela looked at me "God's telling you this makes me look so pathetic, but hey, I was young, and it was what I thought was normal after watching my parents."

Logan, "You don't have to continue if you don't want to." he said as he continued to stroke her hair.

Pam, "For the first time, I do want to tell someone. I haven't even told Ma...April all of this. But back to the story. Me, Woodro, and a few other botanists were doing a study of the swamps, but our funding was running out and the sponsors wanted answers. Everyone else left as time went by, but I stayed, to be there for Jason. His final experiment left me comatose, and he thought he had killed me, so he ran away. I woke up a few months later and had changed down to my very DNA. My blood had become replaced with chlorophyll; my sweat became poison, and I gained pheromonal powers. Also, a hatred for all men and most people, for them I would be Poison Ivy. I came back to Gotham and visited my mother's garden only to find that the local kids had turned it into a baseball field."

"Luckily, I was found by your friend April, she taught me some control and pointed out that I shouldn't hurt innocents when there were so many evil people in Gotham."

Logan, "With Chlorophyll for blood shouldn't you have green skin?"

Pam, "I have learned to control it recently and can change back whenever I want to. I am also more in tune with nature when I am green. I later learned that I was connected to The Green, what I learned was the flow of all plant life on Earth."

Logan, "What about other planets? Would you connect to their version of The Green also?"

Pam, "No, a friend called Swamp Thing was out in the universe, jumping from planet to planet, and never encountered The Green anywhere but here on Earth. Why do you ask?"

Logan, "No reason. The plane I was on took great joy in pointing out that it was the Cosmic Flow of The Red, a connection of all animal life in the cosmos. Also, I have definitely turned into animals that have never been on Earth before." As if to prove my point Morph turned into a Xenomorph and ran across my shoulders and head growling and hissing before collapsing back into his puddle form laughing like a toddler."   

Pam sat up, "Well Beast of The Red, I should get home to care for my plants before going to bed. I have an early morning tomorrow. I rather enjoyed spending time with you tonight. It has been a very long time since I enjoyed the company of a man."

Logan laughed, "Well you will have to enjoy my company a bit longer, my man code requires me to take you to your home on the first date. It's to show how caring and gentlemanly like I am." I laughed. "Besides, it is simply good manners to not let your date go out into a dangerous night alone."

Pam, "The nights here are no danger to me." she laughs.

Logan, "No, I am protecting the night from you if anything." He smiled back at her. 

They bantered back and forth as they walked back to their bike only to see a group of 8 or 10 bikes parked next to theirs and the riders standing in front of our bikes. 

"Did you see the ass on the one riding the red bike? My dick nearly poked a hole in my gas tank!"

"Where the fuck did those two wander off to? I ain't got all night, hey, there they are."

One of the bikers pointed at me and Pam and the whole group approached us. I stepped in front of Pam, only to be pulled back to her side. 

"You two got some nerve passing The Sons of Devils like you did earlier. Where are your tags that prove you paid the fees to ride through The Cauldron anyway."

Pam looked at me, "I know you would love a chance to beat them all up to prove your manhood for me on our first date but like I said my babies are waiting for me to water them so I will handle this one." When she finished talking to me, she pulled a small white pellet out of her pocket and crushed it into a fine powder.

"Beat it kid, you lost your bike and your girl tonight. She is going to be the property of The Sons tonight, and after we are done, she won't want anything but our Devil dicks." The group jeered at that and made shooing gestures at me. 

That one got my back up and a bit of rage boiling in my belly, but I trusted Pam and didn't want to interfere with what she was doing. 

Pam lifted her hand that had the powder in it and blew it toward the group, she even turned to make sure she got them all. 

"What the fuck, did you just blow coke at us? Don't worry bitch, we are amped enough by your body. We don't need no chemical help like that Pansy next to you."

Pam turned to me and started counting down from 5 and as soon as she got to 1, she said "New Pheromone Recipe, what do you think?" 

Logan looked over from Pam to the bikers and was surprised to see them making out with each other. It was a little off-putting to see these big burly bearded men making out and moaning in pleasure towards each other. Several had already started taking their partners' jackets off and rubbing their chests.

Logan, "Quick, let's get out of here before they get more clothes off. I really don't want that to be the memory I take away from our first date."

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