
Shared Bath (4) [R18]

Mikael, baffled by the sudden pause, inquired, "Are you done?" But Nicolaus didn't immediately respond. Hence, Mikael looked back over his shoulder.

But before Mikael could turn to see what had captured Nicolaus's attention, he found himself gently turned over.

Nicolaus brushed aside the earlier concerns and told a lie, saying, "Nothing. I just noticed your mark's fading." He traced a finger along the nape of Mikael's neck, the touch leaving a faint, tingling sensation.

Mikael shot up his brows and asked, "Bond marks fade?"

"You sound pretty pleased 'bout it," Nicolaus remarked, placing the towel on the side of the pool beside Mikael's nightgown, shifting the focus away from the sudden interruption.

However, Nicolaus couldn't shake the nagging feeling that someone was lurking just outside the bathroom door.

But he was no longer a fool.

In a world full of countless schemes and spies, Nicolaus had become quite skilled at playing these games. He was determined to give the eavesdropper a little performance to remember, something they could gleefully report back to their superior.

His hand, which had previously been on Mikael's neck, descended and slipped into the water, finding its way to Mikael's thigh.

A subtle shiver coursed through Mikael's body at the unexpected touch. 

"M, My lord?" Mikael's reaction was priceless, his ears instantly painted a rosy shade of crimson, and he blinked up at Nicolaus in surprise.

But his reaction was nothing short of adorable for Nicolaus.

"You seemed rather pleased that your mark is fading. Care to explain why?"

A devilish smirk danced on Nicolaus' lips as he quirked an eyebrow, his gaze locked with Mikael's. His fingers still gently traced the contours of Mikael's thigh underwater.

Mikael's eyes darted toward Nicolaus, his initial surprise giving way to contemplation. For a moment, it seemed like he was about to say something, parting his lips as if ready to answer. 

Yet, after briefly moistening his lips with his tongue, he looked away, unable to find the words, and his silence became a quiet admission.

Nicolaus couldn't help but find Mikael's resistance rather endearing. It was as if he was dealing with a stubborn creature that constantly rebelled against him in the most charming of ways.

With a soft smile, he leaned closer to Mikael. "I missed you. Don't you miss me?"

Mikael's ears could not register the abrupt shift. He was so taken aback by Nicolaus's tone that his jaw practically dived right into the pool. His eyes widened, and his eyebrows shot up as he struggled to comprehend what was happening.

He stammered in disbelief, "What's gotten into you, my lord?"

"My lord, my lord. You keep calling me that." Nicolaus shook his head, feigning his displeasure. He leaned in closer, his tone softening. "We have been married for two weeks now, wife. When are you going to stop calling me that?"

Mikael, his heart pounding, pulled himself away from Nicolaus's grasp in the pool and started to swim away. He had a nagging feeling that something was amiss; Nicolaus was acting differently, and he needed some distance to collect his thoughts.

He retorted, "There's nothing wrong with me calling you 'my lord.' After all, our arrangement is just about being married on paper and giving you a child, right? It's our deal–"

"You talk too much." Before he could finish his sentence, Nicolaus suddenly caught Mikael's arm and pulled him closer. 

Their bodies collided with a splash, their faces inching closer swiftly, and Nicolaus initiated a deep kiss.

His lips met Mikael's with hunger. He slipped his tongue with finesses as he caught Mikael in surprise. His tongue explored every hidden corner, venturing into Mikael's mouth.

Nicolaus' hand cupped Mikael's face, guiding the kiss as their mouths melded. Simultaneously, his other hand traced a path to Mikael's waist, drawing him nearer until their bodies were intimately close, their lower abdomens pressed together.

His lips continued their exploration while his hand trailed along the curve of Mikael's back, effectively sending tingling sensations down his spine.

"...Hng." Involuntarily, a low moan that escaped Mikael. His brows were furrowed as he was caught in the seductive intensity.

Breaking away from their kiss, a glistening thread of saliva lingered momentarily between their lips.

Nicolaus whispered with a husky tone, his warm breath teasing Mikael's nose, "That's right. We have to do 'it' more often if we're going to have a child."

Mikael blushed, wondering if Nicolaus had any shame for his straightforward words. He couldn't help but think, 'Doesn't he have any shame?'

But Nicolaus went on, locking Mikael into his arms so that he could not struggle away, "Why don't we pick up where we left off before I went for the pier, hm?"1

Mikael squinted his eyes, trying to decipher Nicolaus' hint, until the memory suddenly hit him like a bolt of lightning. He stammered, "Th, That!"

At that moment, it was evident that whoever lingered behind the door was also growing increasingly flustered. Nicolaus could sense their hesitation as they retreated a bit, creating a bit more distance between themselves and the door.

Nicolaus brought his hands on Mikael's rear cheeks, and with strength, he lifted him from the water, creating a soft ripple as he did so. He then settled Mikael on the step of the pool, where Nicolaus was sitting initially.

In this new position, Mikael found himself on all fours: his knees at the stair step, his arms draping along the side of the pool.

Maintaining the lie, Nicolaus commented, "First, let me make your bond mark more visible."

He hovered above Mikael and planted a bite on Mikael's nape, where the bond mark had been clearly visible all along. At the same time, Nicolaus also emitted a bit of his pheromones.


A gasp escaped from Mikael, feeling like jelly as he clumsily lost his balance and ended up sprawled on the bathroom floor. Luckily, Nicolaus was quick to react and caught his torse, giving him support.

Nicolaus cast a discreet look towards the door, and it appeared that the intruder had departed after overhearing the 'conversation' inside the bathroom.

Taking a brief pause to make absolutely certain, Nicolaus drew back from hovering over Mikael and stepped back, moving his gaze to the door for one last check. 

Afterward, he was now confident that the eavesdropper had indeed vacated.

Meanwhile, Mikael was slowly making his way out of the pool, but it seemed like he was having a bit of trouble with it.

Noticing Mikael's struggle, Nicolaus inquired, "What's wrong?"

It wasn't until Mikael propped his knee on the edge of the pool that Nicolaus observed the delicate redness gracing Mikael's knee, the result of kneeling on the pool's stair steps.

Concern etched on his features, Nicolaus was about to extend a helping hand. However, Mikael brushed his assistance aside, muttering stubbornly. "I, I can do it on my own." 

However, Nicolaus was not having it. He lifted Mikael and settled him onto the edge of the pool, where he could sit in comfort. 

"Hck!" Mikael moved swiftly, positioning his hands on his lower abdomen, discreetly shielding his decency.

It was only at that moment that Nicolaus realized that Mikael's state of arousal betrayed him with a hardened rod.

Oopsie. Sorry to cut you here. (ง ื▿ ื)ว

hayaacreators' thoughts
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