
Blade 4 {Final chapter}

{Mount Justice, Hunter's room}

"Get a pen and note from your shelf and drawers we are going to write the names of your abilities and how it works" Diana said

"A shelf in my room?" Hunter asked looking around the room only to find a shelf which reached the roof of his room right beside the table filled with textbooks and notes "Just what do I want to use all these for" Hunter asked "Isn't it obvious, it's for school of course" Diana said "But I don't need to go to school, I could just start working at Star labs or at the museum with you" Hunter said

"You are too young to work with me at the museum and also at star labs or anywhere at all as a matter of fact" Diana said

"You know I don't need to be an adult to start work at star labs after all it's the intelligence that they need not the age" Hunter said

"You are going to school" Diana said stressing each word to make her message clear

"Fine but be ready to get called always about me getting suspended or expelled from school" Hunter said which made Diana giggle

"It's the truth mom and it's not funny so ensure that your phone isn't on silence" Hunter said

"Oh if I get called once I'll break your whole bones and if you get expelled you will work with me at the museum where I'll break your bones at every free time so I hope you do well at school and also gain new friends" Diana said "I can assure you, I'll come home with straight A's, Win awards for with all might and get home early with all haste by the time I start attending school" Hunter said in a very serious tone while feeling cold all of a sudden spine

"Good boy now go get the note and the pen after all I can't stay here for eternity" Diana ordered Hunter and he quickly got the book and pen to Diana who was sat at his table while he stood beside her

"Now for your list of powers.

Firstly, you have superhuman reflexes, speed, sense, strength, stamina and eyesight which both me, Barry and Beatriz have

Secondly, you possess pyrokinesis which makes you create fire in form of feathers" Diana paused before she threw a lighter at Hunter which almost made his top get caught by fire but he raised his hands to block the lighter which made the lighter flame follow his hand motion going upwards which turned on

the building fire alarm system "What the hell was that for" Hunter said with anger "Sorry about that but I guess you could control flames also and you got it from Beatriz" Diana said "What how is that possible, I couldn't do that when you were beating I mean getting to know my powers outside" Hunter said

"I don't know all I know is that you are a person of great potential my son and I will help you make use of it well.

So thirdly, you can absorb heat from time which slows it down but exposes your body to extreme cold, this can be called the combination of the ability of Barry to move through time and the pyrokinesis of Beatriz" Diana said "Well that should be about all of my abilities so how do we name them" Hunter said "You don't need to name the first few abilities I said or wait you don't need to name any at all I'll just call the second one pyrokinesis and the last one slowing time in your file, it feels just right to name the ability that and less stressful so let's pick an here name for you" Diana said "No and also you suck at naming" Hunter said "Then how do you want to name them" Diana asked "I don't need to name the first few you said but the second should be named ignition while the third severed universe after all it gives me a feeling of control over the surrounding area when I use it" Hunter said "Whatever you pick, it's your abilities after all and not mine, so how about you pick an hero name" Diana said

"Why don't I just use Hunter" Hunter said confused "Because that is your civilian/villain name not your hero name" Diana said "Hmmm let me think, how about Blade" Hunter said

"Sounds nice but why did you pick it has your name" Diana asked "Well I was made a weapon rather a blade of destruction, then I became a blade to face destruction when I was found, I use a blade to fight and I'm also the one with the strongest attack on this my new team so I'll go with it" Hunter said

"Well said then you code name shall be blade then, so I have to go now see you tomorrow and be ready for a long and tedious training tomorrow" Diana said before leaving the room for the Zeta tubes

"See you later then I guess" Hunter said

"Yes see you later" Diana said before taking her leave, leaving Superboy, Megan and Hunter alone in the base "So what do we do next" Hunter asked "Stay out of my way" the boy of steel said

"Okay I was not planning on staying in your way before, what of you Megan" Hunter asked the Martian "Oh you mean me" Megan asked

"Of course it's you" Hunter said "How about I teach you how to cook" Megan said

"Seriously Megan, teach me how to cook" Hunter said with his eyebrows raised

"Yes after all we have nothing doing" Megan said nodded her head "Well your words are true so let's go" Hunter said before moving to the kitchen with Megan


{Gotham city, The Bat cave}

"The information give to me on Hunter is great, it shows he has superhuman abilities and he's speed is a the speedster level except that he is not connected to the speed force, and also it seems he has the potential to grow and evolve endlessly which makes him a great threat if he goes rogue I need to find his weakness" Batman or now Bruce Wayne said to himself facing the bat computer

"You knew that you could defeat him if you drag out the battle with him" Nightwing said coming out of the shadows"It's not what I am thinking about Dick" Bruce said "Oh then what is on your mind then Bruce" Dick Grayson asked his former mentor which made him silent "You think I don't know you Bruce, whenever you see a person with ability who is under your control you look for the person weakness the same way you do to Superman carrying a bunch of Kryptonite wherever you go, you know I won't be surprised if you end up with a cancer like Luthor" Nightwing said

"It's not like that dick, you don't understand, it has to be done for everyone's safety" Bruce said "I still don't get how team works with you with all these your trust issues which you refuse to change but I'm not here for that any of that anyways I hear to talk to you about the fire which happened at Cadmus" Dick said

"I am listening" Bruce said

{A/R: Do you guys think Batman will be able to find out our MC weakness and why is it that Hunter can't leave with wonder woman, if you want to know then how about you don't go anywhere and keep reading the book. Also I realized that Zatanna is the love interest almost everyone is say so she's likely going to be the love interest}

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