
The Tournament

It was early in the morning, the bird were singing and the sun had just crested over the horizon; barely a sound echoed out through the Red Keep as its guests and residents all still slumbered. That was with the exception of Jace who still in the courtyard with his sword hacking against the training dummy. Sweat dripped down his face as he pushed himself.

'Faster!' He chided himself, his blade whistled through the air causing wood and straw to splinter off the dummy.

'Faster!' It wasn't fast enough. He was only eleven name days, his body was still growing and while he may be strong for someone his age he couldn't best a fully grown man. If he couldn't beat them with strength he would overwhelm them with speed, he'd outthink them. They would all underestimate him because of his size and he would use that to his advantage.

'Harder!' He replicated a sword strike that Maegor had shown him the night before, he moved his sword back while shifting his right foot forward. He then swung his sword around his head and aimed for a diagonal slash. With a grunt he sliced his sword into the wood, only this time the wood gave way and the top half broke off.

Breathing heavily Jace stepped back from the dummy surprised at his own strength.

"Don't get a big head boy," he heard a familiar voice say from behind him.

Jace turned to see Edryck walking into the courtyard with an apple in his hand. "You always follow me around nowadays?" Jace asked.

"You always wake up this early? Do you know how much I drank at the feast last night?" Edryck said as he took a bite out of the apple.

Jace chuckled as he rolled his eyes. "What did you mean when you said not to get a big head?" He asked as he started swinging at the dummy again.

Edryck pulled a seat out and sat down on as he rubbed his eyes. "From the look on your face you probably thought it was your strength that beheaded that dummy," he said.

"So? I did put a lot of power behind it," Jace replied with a little indignation.

"You did, but that's solid oak right there, and you're a child, even someone twice as big as you would struggle to accomplish that feat," Edryck said before taking a bite out of his apple.

"So you're saying I'm magical?" Jace mocked as he continued to batter the dummy. His muscles ached, but not much, he knew he shouldn't push himself before the tournament he just needed to get the technique he learned hammered into muscle memory.

Edryck chuckled before throwing the half eaten apple at Jace who managed to slice it in half with his blunted sword. "It's all about technique and control, you had the right positioning and speed to slice that apple in half as opposed to batting it away," Edryck said before holding out his hand and gesturing for Jace to give him the sword.

The young prince did and Edryck whipped the blade around a few times before squaring his stance. "Strength is easy to build, especially when you're young, however technique and control are much harder," he said while walking to a different dummy.

"A swordsman must balance his power and technique, if he can do that then..."

Edryck slashes his sword horizontally before switching his grip and doing it again only higher this time. The result was him cutting the dummy in half and then quartering it with his next swing. "Your strikes are all the more lethal," He said flourishing the blade once more.

Jaces eyes widened in shock. "Why did it take you so long to show me this?!" He said, annoyance seeping into his voice.

Edryck chuckled. "You're asking why I didn't show you this?" He said as he walked back to his seat. "It's because it's something I didn't imagine teaching you till you were at least sixteen name days, this is an advanced sword skill, very few swordsmen know it, but the ones that do are often considered great," he explained.

Jaces eyebrows creased. "So you're saying that my skill with the sword is that of a knight? Or better?" He asked.

Edryck tutted. "While what you did is difficult, it's not uncommon to do when you're younger," he stated.

"Why is that?" Jace asked.

"Because children are weak, the difference between technique and power is smaller," he said before standing up again.

He then threw the sword at Jace who caught it. "Swing your sword as hard as you can," he instructed.

Jace wasn't sure what point he was trying to make but he listened and squared his feet before launching a fast overhead strike.

Edryck nodded. "Now do it again, but this time I want you to change into a horizontal slash before your sword hits the ground," he said.

Jace repeated the swing, this time however he slowed down his blade before it hit the ground, then he slowed down some more when he switched his grip and slashed horizontally.

Edryck tutted again. "Don't slow down, use the same speed as your first swing," he said as he crossed his arms.

Jace breathed heavily before repeating it, but this time his sword slammed into the floor and he also unbalanced himself while trying to change swings. Annoyance filled Jace as he heard Edryck laughing at him, he ignored the man and tried again only for the same result to occur.

"Stop," Edryck said as he was about to try again. "Do it again but this time to slower," he said.

Jace wanted to try again, but he knew Edryck would have him running around the Red Keep if he didn't listen. Jace repeated the exercise but this time did it slower, and in this iteration he smoothly transitioned from an overhead strike to a horizontal slash.

"You did it," Edryck said as he clapped his hands in applause.

"Only because I was slow," Jace said with a frown.

"Exactly, do you see now?" He said.

Jace paused for a moment before thinking, he then sighed and nodded. "I get the point..."

"When you get older and your power increases, so must your skill and technique with a sword, if you can match them both then you'll find that there isn't a swordman capable of beating you," Edryck stated.

"What you've done now is a good start, after the tournament I'll begin teaching you how to put the right power into your swings to get the sweet spot as I like to call it," he said with a grin. "But for now go wash up, your smell is putting me off my breakfast."

Jace shook his head in resignation before walking back to the rack and putting the training sword back on. From what he understood his strength was closer to his skill now, so he was able to perform almost perfect strikes —at least perfect strikes for a child. When he got older he'd need to make sure his strength matched his speed and technique, if it did he'd be unstoppable. Jace grinned as he made his way through the corridors of the Red keep.

The tournament would be the perfect way to test his speed and technique, and hopefully improve it. Maegor had said that true training happened in real battle and that he wouldn't learn anything sparring with people too afraid to hurt him. He wondered if he was ready for a true battle, everytime he thought he was he was brought back to memories of Valyria, of the pale men who rippled apart Corlys crew. Jace slapped himself in the face to cast these memories away. 'Fear won't dictate my actions...' he had decided this after he had come to Kings landing.

After coming back to his chambers Jace had instructed a servant to prepare him a bath. They did so hastily as it was a command from the future king, one of the servants even seemed to be flirting with him. Something that he'd began to notice since he'd gotten a bit older.


Not that he didn't notice them before, but he noticed certain aspects of them a lot more now. It wasn't too bad as he always burnt off his energy in the courtyard, but it was getting a bit difficult due to the girls he surrounded himself with. They all happened to be incredibly beautiful, Daella, Helaena, Sara, the Baratheon sisters, the Dornish Princess. There was no shortage of women that were not only beautiful, but seemed to like being close to him.

After the bath was ready Jace stripped his clothing and got inside, though before he did he looked at his body. He had grown taller these past few months, at least a few inches. He was somewhere around 5,4 ft he hoped this meant he'd be a lot taller when he grew up if he was this tall now. His body was still slender but he had packed on a bit of muscle during his training. His pale skin was slightly tanned making him look slightly dornish, but it seemed to make his sea blue eyes glow.

Getting in the tub Jace sighed as the water did its work and relaxed his muscles. He closed his eyes, he had his baths hotter than what was considered normal, most of his family did. They made him tired however; as he lay there in the bath he felt himself drifting off at least until the door was opened. His eyes snapped open and he looked towards the door. He raised his eyebrow as he saw Princess Aliandra walk into his room. She had a yellow dress with red embroidery inlaid, her long wavy chocolate curls fell down below her shoulders which were exposed by a hole in the dress.

"Princess I fear you may have the wrong room," Jace replied as he swallowed, Aliandra was much more developed than other girls he knew, she must've been fifteen or sixteen namedays, but she had a slender waist and broad hips. Her breasts were big enough that Jace imagined they might pour through the cracks of his hands were he to grab them.

"I believe this is the right place," she purred as she walked closer to the tub.

"I'm guessing Edryck let you inside," he said with a raised brow.

She smirked at him. "Edryck Dayne wouldn't refuse the Princess of Dorne, even if he's no longer in our lands," she said as her finger traced the rim of the bath. "I thought it may be wise if I come and improve relations between our two kingdoms," she breathed out as she stared intensely at Jaces naked body.

"Then perhaps you should speak to my mother, she is the heir," Jace replied. This didn't seem to stop Aliandra as her hand brushed against his and she started running her fingers across his arms.

"You never know... perhaps we will be married and join our kingdoms," she said as her smile started to grow.

Jace felt himself start to grow hard as Aliandra touched his body, this was something she noticed through the clear water and it made her lick her bottom lip.

"There are many attractive Targaryens... the Prince, the Princess... but you," she said as she started to push her dress off her shoulders and let it fall to the ground.

"I have wanted you the moment I saw you," she purred as her body was revealed to Jace. "When I tasted you at the feast... now I crave you," she said as she moved a leg over the wooden tub and squatted down inside.

Jace felt his heart start to beat, though it didn't compare to the pulsing that happened beneath the surface of the water. "I won't dishonour you Princess Aliandra," Jace said as he caught her hand which was aimed straight for his manhood.

Aliandra pouted. "Don't you want to foster good relations with Dorne," she said as she leaned forward, close enough that he could feel her breath on his face.

Jace looked at her lips which were red and plump, that moment of hesitation was all she needed and she crossed the distance between them pressing her lips against his own. She moaned as her tongue shot out of her mouth and forced its way into his mouth. Jace had never kissed a girl before, and right now he was cursing himself for never trying it. She tasted like spiced apples, her lips and tongue were warm, she even moved his hand so he was touching her breasts. Though when she started moving her hand down his chest heading directly for his cock, he grabbed it again and then pushed her back.

Aliandras face was flushed and she was panting, she looked slightly crazed as she looked at him. "Mmmmm stop teasing me Jace... you can have me any way you want," she said before turning around in the tub and bending over the rim. She had quite a large behind, and Jace had to control himself from taking her up on the offer.

"You're beautiful, and your offer is tempting, but my heart belongs to another," Jace said as he moved out of the tub.

Aliandra bit her lip as she followed him out of the tub. "Men say that, but they are all the same," she said as she pushed her body against his.

"When you feel a tight pussy wrapped around your cock... you'll feel differently," she said as she moved his hand down to her womanhood.

He felt himself grow harder as his hand touched the soft forest of black curls that surrounded her cunt. "Enough Princess, you'll find I'm not as easily broken as most men," Jace said as he moved past her and to his wardrobe as he dried off and began to find clothing.

Aliandra smirked and moved onto his bed, crawling on all fours as she looked back at him. "You are strong... but I like a challenge," she hummed as she sniffed his sheets. She moved off the bed before slipping her dress back on. "We shall see more of each other before I go back to Dorne... perhaps I'll join you in bed with the one who has your heart," she said as she licked her lips. She then left his room leaving Jaden alone. He hoped his hardness would go away soon, it felt like he was trying to conceal a dagger in his trousers.

'I'm going to kill Edryck...'


Kings landing bustled with activity as the first day of the melee was scheduled to start. Traders from all over Westeros and even across the narrow sea filled the streets, peddling their wares as they took advantage of the influx of people coming to Kings Landing. You wouldn't find an inn or house empty, so many people from small folk to sell swords, from hedge knights to young lords had come for the celebration of both the kings name day and the tournament itself. Even Jace found himself making some coin, by renting out the numerous rooms he had. He owned quite a few buildings surrounding his initial purchase now and all those buildings were full.

In fact so many people had come that the melee would have to take longer than it was originally scheduled. At first it was believed that it would only take a single day to hold it, but with the sheer number of people signing up to fight, and the small coliseum that was built only having enough space for ten platforms, it would take longer than what they had. It was no issue, a longer tournament meant more gold coming into Kings Landing. The Master of Coin was most happy about that considering the prizes that were being dolled out.

Outside of Kings landing where the wooden coliseum had been constructed there were thousands of tents surrounding it. Inhabiting them were those participating who couldn't find an inn as well as small folk from outlying towns and villages. Other things that surrounded the coliseum were numerous stalls, mostly food, but also clothing, weapons, jewellery, lots of it from across the narrow sea and very enticing to the eye.

Jace even saw a man claiming to be the seller of the wine he had created, he had quickly put Hugh to work on that and a while later the stall disappeared and soon his own one came out. Hugh was pretty efficient when it came to violence, not that Jace had ever told the man to his face. In the coliseum itself the seating had been arranged so there were 4 rows of sitting that encircled the area, in front of that was a space of about ten metres where people could stand. Constructed above the seating area was an open box that housed the royal family and whomever they invited up there with them.

At the moment servants and organisers were readying the arena for the melee. While they did this everyone talked and ate, it was close to noon so people ate lunch together. Viserys talked with the Prince Qoren Martell, while Rhaenyra talked with Corlys and Rhaenys. Queen Alicent was busy trying to find her daughter who had mysteriously disappeared.

Though if she looked outside the coliseum she would find her wayward daughter who was currently linking arms with Jace as he escorted her and Daella around the stands surrounding the coliseum. Following them was Edryck, normally they'd have a Kingsguard with them but Helaena had managed to give him the slip as she left.

"Look at these Jace!" Helaena said as she pulled him over to what looked like jewels in the shape of bugs. "So pretty..." Helaena said as she was entranced by them, she looked at a particular dragon fly that seemed to shine between blue and green.

"You have such strange taste Helaena,"Daella said as she rolled her eyes, though she did look at the few non bug jewels they had.

"You should see her collection, you'll never want to see another bug again," Jace said with a chuckle as he looked over Helaenas shoulder to see what she was looking at.

"They are rather pretty... so simple in nature... like a stone or a blade of grass, yet so complex," Helaena said with a dreamy voice.

Jace looked over to the owner who already had a smile on their face. He held up three fingers, just put up two, the owner frowned but seeing that they wore the coat of arms of House Targaryen he acquiesced. After he nodded Jace fished out two gold pieces and handed it to him. Jace then took the jewel that Helaena looked at and placed it in her hands. This seemed to snap her out of her dream like state and she looked up at him in shock.

"Jace... I-"

"What the bloody fuck are you doing here," a voice interrupted them.

Jace and Helaena turned around to see Sara Snow walking toward them, she had her Raven black hair tied behind her head and was wearing a tight wight tunic with riding trousers and boots. Jace smiled when he saw her. "If I saw up in the box any longer my arse would be stuck to the seat," he replied getting a chuckle from Sara and the girls.

Sara walked up to him and punched his shoulder. "Would suit you the poncy prick that you are," she said with a grin.

"That's the future king you're speaking to," Jace said with a grin.

"Then I weep for the Kingdom when that day comes," she replied.

"Why don't you join us, we were just going to get something to eat from one of the stalls," Jace asked.

Sara scratched her head looking a bit unsure "I don't know... I was gonna go and see if I could find my brother."

Daella stepped forward grabbing her arm "Come on Sara you must, we can all find your brother later," she said. With her gentle smile and her sparkling purple eyes anyone would have a difficult time saying no to Daella.

Sara sighed "Fine... but what did I tell you about grabbing my arm like that I'm not a lady to link arms with and have tea in the royal gardens," she said pulling her arm from her grasp.

Daella pouted. "Jace is holding Helaena's arm," she said.

Sara smirked. "Yeah I noticed," she said.

"You're gonna pay for that in sparring," Jace said as he started walking ahead with Helaena.

The four of them started exploring the different stalls together while laughing and joining around. The food they tried was incredible with spices and flavours that had never touched their tastebuds before. Even Daella who had lived in Essos prior to coming to Westeros had never sampled so many delicacies. As they passed from stall to stall Jace found his purse growing slimmer as he spent more and more coin, but he didn't much care. Seeing the smiles on their faces and the laughter they all had was a memory that was priceless to him.

They had even found a small area where stalls had set up games you could play. If you won you'd get a prize, the first one had a bow and arrow set up and the goal was to hit the bullseye on a swinging target from twenty yards. Sara eager to prove herself the better archer —as Jace had mocked her for losing to him in a spar— took up the bow and hit the bullseye on the first arrow, and then hit it again with the two spare arrows she was given. Daella and Helaena both cheered for her as she made the shots, even Jace was impressed.

The owner reluctantly parted with three prizes which were dolls of varying sizes. She gave two to Helaena and Daella and the other she suspiciously kept to herself. However before Jace could make fun of her for it she sent him a warning glare. Jace wisely closed his mouth, though he would find a way to make fun of her for it later. As the morning dragged on a horn sounded out signalling the arrival of noon and the start of the melee, or at least the signal for all those participating to make their way to the arena.

"We should get back to the box now," Jace said to all of them. The girls turned and pouted at him, though Sara's one looked like a threat.

"They'll already be wondering where we are, we can come back tomorrow," Jace said grabbing both Helaena and Daella's hand. Both girls melted as soon as Jace grabbed them and they no longer thought about fighting against him.

"Are you not coming?" Jace said to Sara who looked to be slinking away.

"I'm a bastard Jace, they won't want me in the royal box," Sara said with a smile, though it was hard not to hear the bitterness in her voice.

"You have three royals here who do want you in the royal box, so stop brooding and get over here," Jace said letting go of Daella and pulling Sara along. She could've slipped out of his wrist but she chose not to and happily let him drag her along. When they entered the arena Jace let go of both of them. "Edryck take them back up to the box, I forgot to grab something," he said to her.

Edryck rolled his eyes but nodded nonetheless. "Yes my Prince," he said before stepping forward.

Daella looked slightly suspicious of his actions while Sara looked very suspicious. Helaena knew what he was doing so her frown was even worse than the former two. "Come on little ladies let's go before they send a search party," Edryck said saving Jace from further scrutiny.

However before Helaena left she moved towards Jace and hugged him tightly. She then moved back and looked up to him her purple eyes sparkling. "Be careful, you better not get hurt," she said before she pushed herself up on her tip toes and kissed his cheek. Jace felt his heart flutter as he felt the slight wetness pressed against his face.

"I'll be fine... I promise," he said as he found himself entranced by her. Helaena looked at him equally as entranced, she moved closer working up the courage to kiss him again.

"Come on Princess, let's go before your mother burns down Kings landing,"

Edryck said snapping them both out of their moment. Helaena nodded before touching his chest once more and then leaving. Jace sent a glare towards Edryck who winked at him before going upstairs with the rest of them.

Jace left the coliseum before meeting up at the stall with Hugh Hammer who had the armour he would be using. The armour he was using was mostly leather with only the chest, abs and shoulders containing steel. Jaces greatest attribute was his speed so he would do all he could to capitalise on that. The helmet he had was a plain great helm with two small slits. He was entering as a mystery knight and so his identity needed to be kept secret, he can't imagine anyone in his family being happy to see him fight. 'Especially in the blood melee,' he thought to himself as he got changed.

"Are you sure this is a good idea my prince?" Hugh asked.

"No, but it's how I'll improve as a warrior," Jace replied as he put his helmet on.

"Make sure to deliver a bottle of blood wine to the upper dais, I want the rest to be sold out by the end of the day," Jace instructed.

"Yes Prince," Hugh said bowing his head.

Jace then made his way back to the entrance where the combatants went. He felt nervous as he grasped his slip of paper that held the royal seal, this was how you identified a fighter. Every fight they would mark an x on your slip if you won, if you lost you'd lose your slip of paper. This was the most efficient way they could find when dealing with hundreds —nearly thousands— of people.

When Jace emerged into the area with the hundreds of other combatants he felt excitement fill his body. He blood began to run hot and any nervousness he had disappeared, he wanted to fight he needed to. Somewhere in the arena Cregan stood, he had decided to join the tournament with Jace. He hoped they'd meet, he wanted to see how his friend fought with more on the line than just a spar.

"Next!" A man shouted and Jace moved up. He handed the man his slip the man authenticated it before handing it back. "Go to arena 2 just down at the other end, line up and be prepared to be called up to fight."

Jace nodded before walking past him his fists clenched as he prepared for his first fight. He knows he told Helaena he probably wouldn't win, but he would give it all he had.


Sitting in his office transcribing various old texts sat Grand Maester Orwyle. He had decided not to attend the tournament as he was not interested in all that bloodshed, it went against all that he stood for.

'And to think the King has found a way to make it worse!' He thought to himself. Blood melee, what a barbaric practice, he couldn't imagine he'd be allowed to relax this day. By nightfall he imagined there would be dozens of injured either by the sword or mauled by the creatures the King had gathered.

Orwyle felt a shiver as the wind blew against his skin he looked up and watched the candle flicker slightly. "A man has need of your service Grand Maester Orwyle," A voice said nearly making him fall out of his chair.

The Grand Maester turned around towards the window and saw a man with shoulder length brown hair a wide jaw and dark eyes, the only noticeable thing about him was a sliver of silver hair on his head. "Who are you!" Orwyle spat. "I'll call the guards!"

"The chains are forged, and the fire will fall," the man said.

Orwyles eyes widened. "And when it does the realms will be free," he responded.

"What do you need from me?" Orwyle asked.

"A man needs a route into the dragon pit," he replied.

Orwyles eyes widened. "Is it time? Have they finally perfected it?" He asked.

"That's what this one is here to see," he replied.

"Tell this one when you have accomplished it," he said before disappearing out of the window.

Orwyle smiled before leaving his officer and going upstairs to the rookery. He needed to send off some more letters.

(AN: So the tournament has started and Jace will be fighting in it. This one was more of a development chapter. Gonna be some action happening next chapter. Gonna be prettyyyyy coool. Anyways I hope you enjoyed it.)

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