
Almost There

Xu Hu Zhe's perspective:

With each passing day, the terrain became more and more sweltering. It was clearly fall, the peak of harvest, but winter was coming soon. Living in the central plains of Donghua must be difficult.

Xu Hu Zhe felt disheartened by the weather. What would it be like to live in the South? Would it be hotter or not?

The weather wasn't the biggest issue he faced. It was more like a gateway into the chaos that seemed to be descending on their kingdom and continent.

Since Xu Feng…disappeared…Xuan Jian and Xuan Yang hadn't pushed him to the side like he first believed. Instead, both men had allowed him into their conversations more and more.

Yes, he trained with Xuan Jian's men, he even considered them like brothers—stronger than any connection he'd had with the 'brothers' he'd gained on the streets of Yilin—but it was more than that.

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