
Xuan Yang: Their Games

Another wave of sheer disbelief washed over Xuan Muchen as he struggled to comprehend his grandson's defiance. 

He had always known that Xuan Yang harbored a certain disdain for the family's traditions and expectations, but had it not been natural for a young man of his age to rebel? 

Surely, in time, he would come to see the wisdom in following the whims of his elders, in embracing the path laid out for him by his forebears.

But as he gazed at Xuan Yang's unyielding expression, a sense of unease crept over him. Did his grandson not understand the importance of filial piety, of honoring one's family above all else? 

Had he not worked tirelessly to bring honor to their name through his academic achievements, almost overshadowing the scandalous antics of his father?

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