
Big Ger's Don't Cry

As Xu Feng lay in the warm embrace of Xuan Yang and residual warmth from Xuan Jian faded, he couldn't help but feel a strange mix of emotions. Shame, embarrassment, and a lingering sense of vulnerability swirled within him. 


He had just cried like a baby, sobbing uncontrollably until he could barely catch his breath. Even as a child, he had been known for his emotional restraint and the ability to control his feelings. 


This sudden outburst shattered his own perceptions of who he was.


'I don't know ger.' Rang in his head on repeat.


In any other circumstance, he might have been mortified by his own lack of composure, but he couldn't deny the reality of the past day and a half. The existence of a younger brother, Xu Zeng, was a revelation that shook him to his core. 


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