
Vibrant Greenhouse pt.1

Xu Feng couldn't help but appreciate the ring's presence. It seemed to have a knack for leading him to valuable things, people, and opportunities. 


Perhaps it could assist them in finding a transportation talisman, though he couldn't help but feel that he might be dreaming too big this time.


"Thanks," he whispered to the ring, his voice a soft acknowledgment of its continued assistance. Despite the challenges and uncertainties that lay ahead, he had faith that the ring would continue to guide him towards a solution.


With a mischievous grin, Xu Feng couldn't help but marvel at the ring's conduct. In many novels, immortal objects were often portrayed as haughty and aloof, but this particular ring seemed down to earth and agreeable. 


It had become his treasure that was also a treasure hunting companion, and he cherished it more than ever.


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