

"Where are they!?" I yelled "I've already tried calling each of them at least five times. Caprikid, Miss Hound, search the city to find them."

"On it!" Answered Nathaniel and the two left

I glanced around looking at my shrinking team and noticed something odd.

"Where's Chloe?" I asked

"I think she was mad about the whole ignoring her thing and so she left." Alix said "it's probaly for the best anyway she was getting on my nerves." everyone else nodded in agreement

"Well that's the least of our worries. Rena Rouge and Carapace are stuck at the top of the Eiffel tower. Everyone follow my lead!" I yelled and started climbing up the tower.

I figured a team of superheroes would make it faster then the elevator but seeing as many had just gotten their powers I was very wrong. Ivan took the elevator and by the time we were up there he had already untied Alya and Nino.

"Alya you're Rena Rouge?" he asked

"In the flesh."

"Why does nobody seem to care I'm Carapace?"

"I've already told you Nino. If you wanted to keep your identity secret you should stop saying dude." Alya scolded

"Come on dude you know I can't stop." He saw me and the others standing to the side "Oh hey dudes. You come to save me cause this awesome dude already did."

"You just said dude three times." Alya informed him

"Did I? Oh yeah I did!"

Alya turned to me and rolled her eyes "so then what's the plan now that everyone knows your identity?"

"For you the plan is go home."

"Really? Don't you have another miraculous I could borrow or something? Maybe the one your wearing?"

I finally acknoladged the eagle necklace hanging on my chest "No this isn't mine. I'm simply borrowing it from a friend. Rember what happened when we kept passing around Alix's watch." I saw Alix perk up at the sound of her name but I shook my head slightly so she wouldn't blow her cover "It broke that's what happened."

"Yes but there's no Chloe this time."

"That's what you think" a voice said from behind me

I turned around to see none other than Chloe Bourgeois standing there but she wasn't herself. She was Antibug

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