
Limitless and Siren's {Fates} Cheat Sheet. (Spoilers)

Reaper/Graveyard ID: Limitless 

{Fate}: {Rewind} 

Real name: John Smith 

Battlefront: Hell's Eden (Formerly North America)


1. {Rewind} - Invalidates the current state of the user and recreates {Auto} state in {Save} coordinates. Target: Single. Gained in Chapter: 5. 

Supplemental {Fates}: {Auto} - save state of User. {Save} - coordinates designation for {Rewind}. 

2. {Reload} - Partial {Rewind} that recreates only anything defined as "ammunition" from {Auto} state. Target: Single. Gained in Chapter: 11. 

3. {Regen} - Partial {Rewind} that recreates only anything defined as "Self" from {Auto} state. Target: Single. Gained in Chapter: 30. 


4. {Replace} - {Rewind} variant that allows a temporary {Save} | Does not have a cooldown but instead uses charges. Target: Single. Gained in Chapter: 173. 

5. {Recursion} - {Rewind} variant based on a condition. Until the condition is fulfilled, {Rewind} cost and cooldown will not be applied. Target: Army. Gained in Chapter: 411.

{Entropy}: {Fast Forward} 

1. {Fast Forward} - Invalidates the current state of the user and recreates {Record} log in the duration specified by {Pause}. Target: Single. Gained in Chapter: 1007. 

Supplemental {Entropies}: {Record} - begins a recording session to detect the actions of a user. {Pause} - compiles the recording to a log that can be used by {Fast Forward}.


Reaper/Graveyard ID: Freyja 

{Fate}: {Withstand} 

Real name: Liv Ivaldi 

Battlefront: Hell's Eden (Formerly Antarctica/The North)


1. {Withstand} - Invalidates externally applied force below a certain threshold. Target: Single. Gained in Chapter: 22. 

2. {Endure} - Invalidates internally applied force below a certain threshold. Target: Single. Gained in Chapter: 22. 

3. {Counter} - Releases all collected force onto a target. Target: Single. Gained in Chapter: 30 

Supplemental {Fates}: {Suffer} - collects force using the user's body. Target: Single. Gained in Chapter: 30. 


4. {Block} - creates a coating of soul on the target that invalidates force received below a certain threshold. Target: Single. Gained in Chapter: 65. 

5. {Shelter} - Generates an upgraded version of {Block} as a malleable material rather than a coating. Target: Single. Gained in Chapter: 398. 

6. {Reinforce} - Grants upgraded {Shelter} constructed armor to all allies in range. Target: Army. Gained in Chapter: 735. 


Reaper/Graveyard ID: Ishtar 

{Fate}: {Store} 

Real name: Lilly Browning 

Battlefront: Hell's Eden (Formerly North America)


1. {Store} - Allows inanimate objects in contact with the body to be stored in subspace. Target: Single. Gained in Chapter: 45. 

2. {Retrieve} - Allows inanimate objects to be taken from subspace onto the user's body. Target: Single. Gained in Chapter: 45. 

3. {Stock} - Allows inanimate objects around the user to be stored in subspace. Target: Single/Army. Gained in Chapter: 45. 


4. {Withdraw} - Allows inanimate objects to be taken from subspace to the space around the user. Target: Single/Army. Gained in Chapter: 45. 

5. {Portal} - Creates a one-way subspace doorway that allows living objects to pass. Spawns around the user. Target: Single. Gained in Chapter: 235. 

6. {Blink} - Combat variant of {Portal}. Target: Single. Gained in Chapter: 402. 


7. {Gate} - Upgraded one-way {Portal} that no longer has a size or target limit. Spawns around the user. Target: N/A. Gained in Chapter: 734. 


Reaper/Graveyard ID: Rhiannon 

{Fate}: {Carry} 

Real name: Robyn Lithgow 

Battlefront: Hell's Eden (Formerly Australia)


1. {Carry} - Reduces the weight of the target by a significant amount. Target: Single. Gained in Chapter: 22. 

2. {Pack} - Further reduces the weight of the target when carried by someone with {Carry}. 

Target: Single. Gained in Chapter: 22. 

3. {Hike} - Reduces air resistance and drag of target. Target: Single. Gained in Chapter: 27. 


4. {Ascend} - Allows for temporary flight. Target: Single. Gained in Chapter: 68. 

5. {Crush} - Allows temporary manipulation of gravity. Target: Single/Army. Gained in Chapter: 399. 

6. {Float} - temporarily releases targets from gravity. Target: Single/Army. Gained in Chapter: 755. 


Reaper/Graveyard ID: Vela 

{Fate}: {Listen} 

Real name: Josephine Benelli 

Battlefront: Hell's Eden (Formerly Europe)


1. {Listen} - Significant increase in the user's ability to hear sound waves. Target: Single. Gained in Chapter: 14. 

2. {Interpret} - Allows translation of any language one hears. Target: Single. Gained in Chapter: 14. 

3. {Dampen} - Reduces sound waves generated by an object. Target: Single. Gained in Chapter: 30. 


4. {Announce} - Significantly increase the sound waves generated by a target. Target: Single. Gained in Chapter: 80. 

5. {Sonar} - Gains the ability to detect Reapers and objects with soul by using them like sound waves. Target: N/A. Gained in Chapter: 399. 

6. {Echo} - Gains the ability to artificially create sound without a source. Target: N/A. Gained in Chapter: 747. 


7. {Thrall} - Unconditional enslavement of any being with a weaker death resonance than user. Target: Single/Army. Gained in Chapter: 867. 


Reaper/Graveyard ID: Minerva 

{Fate}: {Code} 

Real name: Isabella Taurus 

Battlefront: Hell's Eden (Formerly South America)


1. {Code} - Grants the ability to process the world like a machine. Target: Single. Gained in Chapter: 7. 

2. {Connect} - Allows the user to interface with any electronic device. Target: Single. Gained in Chapter: 11. 

3. {Shutdown} - Allows forceful deactivation of any circuit. Target: Single. Gained in Chapter: 29. 


4. {Program} - Gains the ability to create preprogrammed actions using {Fates}. Target: N/A. Gained in Chapter: 235. 

5. {Calculate} - Significant increase in the mental processing power of the user. Target: N/A. Gained in Chapter: 406. 

6. {Replicate} - Gains the ability to recreate a non-biological object if the user has a complete understanding of its inner workings. Lasts for one battle. Target: Single. Gained in Chapter: 759. 


Reaper/Graveyard ID: Satis 

{Fate}: {Perceive} 

Real name: Jasmine Denel 

Battlefront: Hell's Eden (Formerly Africa)


1. {Perceive} - Significant increase in the user's ability to see and observe. Target: Single. Gained in Chapter: 14. 

2. {Aim} - Grants automatic ballistic prediction. Target: Single. Gained in Chapter: 14. 

3. {Snipe} - Grants automatic ballistic correction. Target: Single. Gained in Chapter: 27. 


4. {Imaging} - Grants the ability to observe objects using various methodologies in visual spectrum. Target: N/A. Gained in Chapter: 80. 

5. {Flash} - Releases a flare that overloads the visual receptors of any who observes it. Target: N/A. Gained in Chapter: 394. 

6. {Insight} - Gains the ability to read from the Akashic Records. Reveals the true status of any object or target. Target: N/A. Gained in Chapter: 738. 


Reaper/Graveyard ID: Inari 

{Fate}: {Eat} 

Real name: Aki Miroku 

Battlefront: Hell's Eden (Formerly Asia)


1. {Eat} - Grants the ability to increase the calorie ratio of food by a factor of 1000. Target: Single. Gained in Chapter: 22. 

2. {Gather} - Grants user photographic memory. Target: N/A. Gained in Chapter: 22. 

3. {Digest} - Grants user poison resistance. Target: Single. Gained in Chapter: 30. 


4. {Carve} - Increases damage to targets recorded in {Gather}. Target: Single. Gained in Chapter: 161. 

5. {Butcher} - Grants the ability to draw from or give stamina to targets recorded in {Gather}. Target: Single. Gained in Chapter: 399. 

6. {Dope} - Empowers user's base abilities using excess stamina from targets marked with {Carve}. Can be stacked up to ten times. Target: Single. Gained in Chapter: 757. 


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