
Why angels envied humans. [1/2]

For humans, dying simply meant going to the afterlife. Even though it had its problems, there was still something beautiful about leaving a piece of yourself to those who died. Being forgotten, on the other hand, was the harshest punishment for anyone.

Constance Faye was a rather small person, perhaps about 5'4", yet the burden she carried was immense. This woman had a regret so powerful that it made her a Reaper. 

{Snapshot} allowed her to see random snippets of a person's life. It was pretty obvious who she wanted to use this skill on. And yet, against her will, the target of her affection refused to acknowledge her.

The one friend who was supposed to be her comfort left the world. Even worse, she was erased by the Reapers because she was a danger to Zach. How cruel. I remember his words the day he challenged me to go to war with the Saviors. 

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