
The light dragon of Razenhide Part IV

“Summon!” Leviathan, Demon of Envy appeared. One of the Seven Deadly Sins roared in the middle of the battlefield. The water dragon of Leviathan sent out a threatening aura. The wind blowing over Columgale Castle made a loud noise. The number of the two troops was dwindling fast.


(Unique Card) Leviathan (Complete) (31 stars ✰30)


Type: Summon


Race: Demon

Element: Water


One of the Seven Deadly Sins. The water dragon of envy who commands a great mass of water. When activated, it will appear in its true form.

- When Leviathan enters the battlefield, activate ‘Sinful Wave’. It attacks all enemies and has a 100% chance to reduce 30% of their speed and a severe poisoned state, reduces their HP by 10% every 15 seconds for a minute. Double this skill damage when used near water.


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