
As The Storm Passed Part II

“I am more interested in the quest announced by the system. The one that allows us to form a contract with a card.” Tan smiled as Blanche and Earl started playing the board game Tan had already quitted.

“Hmm... that sounds interesting to me too,” Nicki agreed and walked toward Snow.

“Little information is available right now. Currently, only a few forums discuss the creation of Bonded cards and it's a low-level one, like goblins. Most of them are in the starter town. According to those who did higher-level quests, the trial varies depending on the card, Boss.” The red-haired woman looked at the monitor. On the digital screen, her hand moved to the discussion board.

“This genius Cal has no card worthy of him.” Those few words made Edward turn to look at him. Aya sat with a smile on her face and looked at Taka.

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