
The Final Line - Part 2

As if to prove Ironbane's point, those archers loosed a volley. Instinctively, the Sea Serpent men had already drawn up their shields to protect themselves upon seeing another row of bowmen, but the same was not true for the villagers behind them.



Several cries were tossed up into the air, as villagers were picked off even from their hiding places. One man was struck through the small window offered through the spokes of a large wagon wheel as he cowered behind it, and another was caught as he stuck his head outside a wagon door for a better look.

In response to the slaughter, Ironbane laughed. "Haha, you're a cruel man, Ergon. They're peasants, can you not see? Villagers of Karsam."

"They are rebels," Ergon responded shortly. "Rebels are to be annihilated. That is our duty, Ironbane. Have you forgotten it?"

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