
25 New Friends

Waking up I was greeted with the 2pm sun over Egypt. The house helped with the heat but I was going to need an enchanted set of clothes. Opening my room door to find a white linen kilt and a white linen robe. Taking the items I switch out of my dark brown baggy pants. I was going to go shirtless but the linen robe had a cooling enchantment. Charm enchantments are the only way to enchant soft materials as runes need strong materials.

Once I was dressed I left my room to chat with Amun as Egypt should be in rebellion against the Caliphate. Exiting the room there's a hall way with two doors on each side. Following the hallway leads to a large atrium that has seating and a small pond in the middle. That is where I found my host smoking a hookah with 2 others. As I approach Amun offered me a chair. Taking an inhale I was surprised it wasn't tobacco in the hookah. Amun began by introducing himself saying "Good Day. Are you a child of Sekhmet?" Not knowing Egyptian gods I didn't agree. I answered "Know idea what that is." He explained that it was another term for vampire. I began by explaining "I come from the far north, I am a mage who wishes to learn Egyptian Runes but you call them Hyrogliphs. If you could point me towards your mages i would be thankful." Amun asked "and what do I get out of this?" Thinking I took a second to respond so he continued "We have Magi here and I know that information is expensive to Magi. So I will need an adequate offer to help you other wise your free to stay a few days as I have work to do."

The girl sitting beside him slapped his arm telling him not to be rude. She began to ask if I was a vampire to which I explained that I was a Dragon. Upon hearing my words Amuns eyes widened and his slow heart picked up speed. I pulled out my wings to show her. I then learned that the man next to me was Demetri and the woman was Kebi the mate to Amun. I offered to make him a portable home that could help protect his coven. If the box is destroyed than everyone would be kicked out but his coven still stands as the Voltori didn't attack Egypt until the Romanian coven was destroyed in the book. We made a deal for said box and some Rune and enchantment work as their Magis were hunted down by both Christians and Muslims.

Most of the remaining Magis are apart of the rebellion. Luckily I could ask Kebi to help translate the Rosetta Stone that was supposedly found by Napoleon. Amun had read the stone as it had three different languages inscribed, one was Hyrogliphs, one was Demotic Egyptian and the last was ancient Greek. Over the next week I began to compile a folder in my mind scape computer of each symbol and their meaning. Some of these Hyrogliphs could be useful but mostly the pillar was a decree by a king to reestablish his rule over Egypt 900 years prior.

After I had finished transcribing everything Amun delivered the items I would need to make a portable home. Using mage iron which was regular iron exposed to a mana vein I created a metal suit case. Opening the case I carved on each side a set of runes. Wind runes on two sides for air flow, space rune on each side to expand and a light rune on the top for a light source. I used a communication rune in the middle on a embedded crystal with the intent to allow it to affect the room. Upon closing the lid I could feel the iron draw in mana. Opening the lid i jump into the box which now has a square room 8 feet on each wall. Next to me sits the crystal much larger. I place my hand on the crystal and using my imagination I began to expand the room by a hundred feet in each direction. Jumping out of the box I close it and began delivering it to Amun. Finding him inside the dining room I place the box on the table and jump in. After entering I could see Amun following. I began by explaining how it worked and that they would need to build whatever they needed in the box. I explained once they have It designed how they like I will add more runes like water and fire for ease of use. I told him that if he wanted I could make a gate for them to use but they would need someone who can channel mana to activate the gates. Once they had that they could hide the box and just teleport in and out.

Amun was rather happy with the box as I had noticed the better I became at inscribing the better the runes reacted to mana. After our meeting we convened in the dining room with his coven that was rather larger than I had first noticed. They all sat around 3 large tables with amun sitting at the head of the middle table. His wife sitting infront of me as I sat beside him. He explained to his coven "this is lord Draconis" as he pointed to me. "He has gifted us with a portable residence, as of late our coven has been discussing leaving our residence as Egypt has begun another war which they will not win." Looking around I saw the blood red eyes as a few more vamps began to bring out blood. They began drinking as I opened my portable pouch pulling out a ration of bread to eat. As i ate I noticed the longing in some of their eyes as they could only drink blood. Hopefully with my intervention they wouldn't be slaughtered, hoping that fate would back off.

As we sat there a loud pop occurred and a man was standing near the door. He was wearing a white hood with a metal shoulder pads and a pair of dark pants. He had a sword, bow and shield filled with runes. His chest was exposed and that's when I saw it, it took a second as the man aproached then I subconsiouly said "The Eye of Horus." The man was wearing the garb of Assassins Creed Origins main character Bayek. The man grabbed his necklace softly as I met his eyes. Using soul sight I could see that he had 2 crystallized cores and a starting third core. So I was stronger but even a lion can be killed by a scorpion. Amun stood up embracing the man that was still eyeing me. The man sat beside kebi (amuns wife) saying nothing as amun said "We will discuss this later" talking to the rest of his coven. Each of them began to leave as Amuns brother stayed beside me.

Amun turned to the unknown man saying "This is Lord Draconis from the far north" introducing me. Turning to me he said "this Is the local protecter that we call a Magi by the name of Khemu." I knew that name as it was the son of Bayek who was supposed to have died around 4o BC to the Order of Ancients. Before I could speak Khemu spoke "Why did you send for me. I don't have time to entertain, the order Is using the rebellion to loot and kill those who worship the old gods." Amun waved his hand saying "that is why I asked for you and not another Magi. This man wished to learn the magic and glyphs of our land. He is rather strong and would be useful to your cause." Khemu turned to me while touching his sword. I nodded saying "Yes I come from the far north to learn the world's magics. I would be willing to trade or help you with your problems." Khemu let go of his sword as he said "Are you going to drop your mana sight? My badge is more than a trinket." I turned of my mana sight as Khemu began explaining his circumstance "I am one of the protectors of egypt. My family has served the Pharoahs and now we protect the people. The Caliphate left people here to maintain control and stop Rome from recapturing Egypt. There is an cult of Ammit who used magic to control those men and create Chaos. They are attempting to bring the goddess here. In my family my younger brother is a worshiper of Konshu, a moon God, that sent him visions of the future. An army of Crocodiles, the size of a boat, it walks on two legs. The creature used a breath attack in the vision, it had a decay breath that could rot you in seconds."

After listening to the story I hypothesis that followers of Konshu were Egyptian diviners. If the brother spoke true the monsters were likely DND Dracodiles with a breath attack. An army of Dracodiles would be a hard fight as normally a dungeon master would only have the party fight two at a time. I looked at Khemu while nodding said "If you agree to teach me some of your magic I will help you with this cult. All you need to do is contact me when you need. I am still going over the stone that amun allowed me to study." Khemu nodded as he stood up to leave. Before he apparated as a show of good faith I taught him how to cast a portal which he didn't know was possible.

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