
Part 3 - Realisation

272 AC

Tywin led the twins through the castle. They were very excited to see their mother and their baby brother. They were six years old this year. That meant that there was quite a big gap between them and their brother. Even though that might not seem like much, but when you consider that they're both twins it changes things. They're like bread and butter, inseparable. This means that they are very close and already developed together.

It's going to be hard for a new child to integrate into their family, with the strong bond these two share.

"Remember, silence. Your mother needs her rest and your baby brother does too. You have a few minutes.", Tywin said once again.

"Yes, Father.", said Cersei.

"Ok.", simply added Jamie.

Tywin slowly opened the door and let the twins inside. He entered after them and silently closed the door. With a wave of his hand, he told them to follow him.

Jamie and Cersei walked up to the bed and looked at their mother. Cersei looked at her for a moment and then shifted her attention to the small head with a few orange-golden hairs. She walked around the bed and closely studied the new addition to their family.

Jamie on the other hand wanted to first make sure that his mother was well and only noticed the baby because of his sister. After holding his mother's hand, he also joined Cersei and looked at their brother.

Tywin observed all of them, as he stood next to the bed. He wasn't very happy right now. His son was like a puppy. He followed what his sister did without question. She'll have quite a lot of power over him if he doesn't man up soon. As always, it's up to Tywin to deal with the problems and solve them.

(Cersei POV)

It was a hard day for us. Mother promised to bring us to King's Landing this year for the Anniversary Tourney but she got pregnant surprisingly. Mother told her it was surprising as she didn't see Father very much this year. She didn't understand what that had to do with anything though. Nevertheless, it was a hard day for us.

I didn't understand though ... why was it hard? Father told us it was hard for mother because the birth was dangerous, however, she didn't know what that meant. She only saw that her mother didn't look as beautiful as she normally did. Her hair was dishevelled and she looked exhausted with sweat on her face.

I didn't want to see her like this. My mother was a lady with perfect decorum and one of the ladies-in-waiting for Queen Rhaella. But now ... never mind.

As I look around for my new brother, I see a small bundle of linen that is located next to my mother. She was expecting a crib for the baby, that's what she had been told by the Septa at least. But there was nothing inside it.

But what was this bundle then?

As I approach it, I understand that this is our baby brother. Jamie and I are finally big brothers and big sisters to younger siblings.

His head is so small and he looks so vulnerable. The eyes are closed but his face seems to twitch from time to time.

I notice a few strands of orange-golden hair on his small head. He looks cute, but not as beautiful as Jamie though. Hopefully, he grows fast so that I can make him do things for me. I'm the older sister after all...

I'll make sure to teach him how to be graceful like mother showed me.

(Jamie POV)

When Father let us in the bedroom of him and Mother, I see her lying there. She looks so exhausted like she was fighting with swords the whole day. I still don't understand how it was a hard birth for my mother. Why would it be hard for her? What does she do? How does the baby get from her belly outside? I guess it doesn't matter.

I want to make sure she's alright and grab her hand. I look back to Father to make sure he's alright with me holding mothers hand. I see him nod ever so slightly and then grab mothers hand very gently. She doesn't look good. According to Father, she was in danger during birth but now everything will be ok. I'm glad. I don't know what we'd do if she ever died and left us alone. I'd only have Cersei then ... And Father... I guess.

Father scares me sometimes. He has that scary look and he almost never smiles at me. I want to make him proud but it's very hard. Mother on the other hand smiles at me and encourages me, no matter what I do. She sees my hard work and I love that.

Cersei understands me as well. We're very close and the maids say, we look very much alike that they had trouble keeping us apart sometimes. Hehe ... that's funny.

I see Cersei walk around the bed to something small in linen lying next to Mother. Aha, that's our baby brother.

I must see him as well. Cersei always has good ideas. Well, not always but somehow she can always convince me anyway. So I'm not surprised that she saw the baby first. I walk to her and look at our brother ... Escanor. A strange name, in my opinion. I hope he'll grow strong so that I can teach him how to use a sword. I started a few months ago and my teacher says I'm a natural and that I have talent. So I want to teach my brother in the future.

But in the end, Father will decide what goes and what doesn't. After all ... he's the Lord of House Lannister.

(Escanor POV)

Finally!!! Finally, I managed to open my eyes.

But I don't see it very well. I can only make out blurry silhouettes. I blink a few times and slowly it gets better. I wonder where I am. The voices are very faint like these people are telling each other secrets.

I manage to understand some things though. 'careful, brother, Cersei ... annister ....'


Gold-blond hair, two small children and a woman that seems to be lying on a bed and a tall man ... oh god.

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