
Is It Wrong to Serve Justice in the Dungeon?

Tác giả: Good_Doggo2001
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Tóm tắt

Rika Takahashi, a spirited Japanese high school girl, finds her life tragically cut short when she valiantly tries to save her dear friend Haruka from a fatal truck accident and failed to do so. However, fate has other plans in store for her. Rika awakens in a mystical world known as Orario, a land teeming with gods, magic, and adventurers. Reborn into this unfamiliar realm, Rika soon discovers that she has been granted a second chance at life. As she navigates the bustling streets of Orario, she finds herself in a precarious situation, only to be saved by the Astraea Familia—an all-female exploration Familia. The captain of the Astraea Familia, the wise and formidable Alise Lovell, recognizes the potential in Rika and offers her a place within their ranks. Embracing her new identity, Rika takes on the name Kiara, signifying her rebirth in this fantastical world. She becomes an integral member of the Astraea Familia, honing her skills in combat, magic, and investigative prowess under the watchful eye of Captain Alise. Together with her fellow adventurers, each possessing unique strengths and backgrounds, Kiara prepare herself to fight against the forces of Evils that threatens the peace of Orario.

6 thẻ
Chapter 1Injustice Departure

Justice. It's a concept that has always fascinated me, its meaning woven intricately into the fabric of society. As I sit here, pondering its depths, I find myself questioning its true essence.

But before I delve deeper into that, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Rika Takahashi, a high school girl attending St. Midori High School, and it is within the halls of this educational institution that I strive to embody justice in all its forms.

The school is more than just a place of education. It is my sanctuary of justice.

I have taken it upon myself to be the defender of the weak, the voice of the voiceless. Whenever I witness bullying or injustice, I intervene with the unwavering determination of a knight, making sure that fairness and kindness prevail.

The school staff members have come to rely on me, knowing that I will be there to help them in any way I can. Whether it's assisting with administrative tasks or lending a listening ear, I am always ready to support them in their pursuit of a harmonious educational environment.

And the teachers...oh, the teachers. I strive to be a model student, embodying the virtues they instill in us. From active participation in class discussions to completing assignments diligently, I aim to be an exemplary student who inspires others to follow suit.

But amidst my pursuit of justice and my duties at school, there is one person who has always been by my side—my best friend, Haruka.

Oh, Haruka, with her quick wit and clever remarks, she is a ray of sunshine in my life.

"Hey, Haruka! How'd your English essay turn out?" I would ask her eagerly.

"Oh, you know, Rika. I slayed it like a literary ninja! My words were so slick, they practically did the Macarena on the page!" she would exclaim, her eyes twinkling with mischief.

"That's incredible, Haruka! Your writing is pure magic. Can't wait to get my hands on it!" I would reply, a genuine smile spreading across my face.

Haruka's personality is a delightful contrast to my own. Her lightheartedness and quick thinking never cease to amaze me. She adds a touch of playfulness to our friendship, keeping me grounded and reminding me that life should be enjoyed to its fullest.

As I reflect on our bond, I realize that justice is not just a concept to be understood and pursued—it is also a way of connecting with others and uplifting them.

It is through my interactions with Haruka that I learn the true meaning of empathy and the importance of supporting one another.

This is just the beginning of our story, where justice intertwines with friendship, and the power to make a difference resides within the hearts of two high school girls.


The following day at school unfolded like a well-rehearsed routine. Teachers entered the classroom, imparting their knowledge with passion and dedication.

Lessons flowed seamlessly, accompanied by the familiar sound of scribbling pencils and the occasional rustle of turning pages. The day was punctuated by the distribution of assignments, the stepping stones to our academic growth.

While the structure of the school day remained consistent, Haruka, my ever-energetic best friend, added her own unique flavor to the mix. Her quippish remarks and witty comebacks were like bursts of color on a blank canvas. With her playful banter and infectious laughter, she had the uncanny ability to light up any room.

There was never a dull moment when she was around, and she brought an undeniable liveliness to our classroom.

As the final bell rang, signaling the end of school session, we bid farewell to our teachers and classmates.

Haruka and I, like two peas in a pod, embarked on separate paths home. While we may have physically parted ways, our connection remained strong, woven together by shared experiences and unbreakable bonds.

In my free time, I devoted myself to community service, an extension of my unwavering sense of justice.

I took it upon myself to clean the streets, working tirelessly to remove litter and create a clean environment for all.

Whenever I encountered local store owners burdened with heavy loads, I gladly offered a helping hand, assisting them in carrying their wares with ease.

I remained vigilant and observant, keeping an eye out for any signs of trouble or distress within the neighborhood.

Engaging in these acts of service not only boosted my own sense of justice but also fostered a sense of unity within the community. Each small act contributed to a collective effort, promoting harmony and a safe environment for all residents.

It was during these moments of service that I truly felt the impact of justice, not just in grand gestures, but also in the everyday acts of kindness that shaped our interactions.

As the sun set, casting a warm golden glow over the streets, I returned home, carrying with me the satisfaction of knowing that I had made a difference, no matter how small.

These moments of service further solidified my resolve to continue pursuing justice in all aspects of my life, as it was through these actions that I could tangibly contribute to a better world.


However, one fateful day, tragedy struck, shattering the tranquility of our lives.

Engaged in my usual community service, I spotted Haruka in the distance. Eager to catch her attention, I called out her name, but she remained unaware, lost in the melodies flowing through her earphones.

"Sigh, typical Haruka," I muttered to myself, chuckling at her blissful obliviousness.

*Honk* *honk*

As I approached, my heart sank, for in that moment, a cacophony of honking filled the air, signaling the approach of an oncoming truck.

It raced toward Haruka, who stood frozen in shock, paralyzed by the sight before her.

"Haruka, look out!" I cried desperately, hoping to snap her out of her daze.

However, she remained motionless, her eyes still locked on the approaching truck.

Time seemed to slow as I sprinted toward her, pouring every ounce of strength and determination into my desperate rescue attempt.

But alas, all of my efforts were in vain.

*Honk* *Honk*

The truck's deafening horn blared, drowning out all hope of salvation.


The world turned into a whirlwind of chaos, pain, and despair. Both Haruka and I were struck by the unforgiving force of the truck, our bodies crushed under its weight.

Lying on the ground, broken and battered, I gazed upon Haruka's lifeless form beside me. The sight tore at my heart.

"H-Haruka..." I whispered weakly, attempting to drag myself closer to her, but my broken body refused to obey.

In the midst of the haze, a sense of injustice filled my being. This wasn't how it was supposed to end—for us, for our friendship. It was an unfair twist of fate, a cruel injustice that robbed us of our future.

As consciousness slipped away, I clung to a flicker of determination. I refused to accept this as the end. Our journey together was not meant to conclude in tragedy.

With a final surge of willpower, I whispered into the void, "I will not let this injustice prevail. I will find a way to make things right next time."

And with those whispered words, everything went black, leaving behind a lingering promise that justice would be sought, even in the face of despair.

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