

Luciana didn't realize how tight she was hugging the vampire prince until she heard him groan. She immediately pulled away.

"You are injured. Let me see." She took his hand, searching him.

Raziel held a lazy grin on his lips.

"You don't know how cute you are when you worry like this."

His gaze then lifted to the three guards who had also come forward after Luciana. They had their heads bowed.

"We have no excuse your highness. We deserve to be punished." Luke stated on behalf of the three of them.

He gave them a nod that they seemed to understand the meaning behind it, before taking Luciana's hand and taking her away.

They entered one of the rooms in the building.

"You should clean up." Luciana said. His body was covered in sweat and blood, and he had stained her with it too when she hugged him.

"That's why I came here. You should probably clean up too. Sorry for the blood stains. You couldn't resist hugging me."

He then began to take off his armour.

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