
Where is the groom?

Luciana snuck some arrow into her new room to soak them in her vampire poison mixture, and left it there. She hoped to use it soon.

Meanwhile it was a day to Raziel and Evelyn's wedding, and the princess had not spoken to him since she was released. She was still angry at him for how he treated her, but she was still willing to marry him.

The servants were very busy in preparation for the wedding, while Evelyn was busy giving instructions to everyone. There were important guests from different range of nobilities, all wanting to attend the important event.

Raziel was in his room as he was asked by his father to give his duties to Lorenzo. He lay on the bed, wanting to sleep the day away in peace. But his peace was short lived when the door opened and his father stepped in.

"Raziel we need to talk."

What was it this time?

"Have you seen your future bride?" The king asked.

"No father."

"Did you ask of her?"

"I see no reason to." Raziel responded with a disinterested tone. "Did you have anything to say to me father?"

"I spoke to the king of Kazeera."

Raziel turned alerted at the mention of the kingdom. He turned to look at his father curiously.

"What did you talk to him about?" He asked.

"I told him how other kingdoms are planning against us."

Raziel narrowed his gaze at the king. As if he was not the cause of it. His father's unquenchable thirst to conquer every kingdom had made him gather enemies to their kingdom. Did he realize he was putting his people in danger?

"I asked for his help, but he refused to help me. He said he didn't want to put his army in danger by fighting against many kingdoms. Even though we have the most powerful army, he is afraid of their numbers." The king explained to his son.

"Did you realize that no kingdom would reject an opportunity to become our ally before? You were the one who started gathering enemies everywhere."

"I am doing it for you Raziel. When you become king, you will appreciate my efforts more."

Raziel shook his head. Instead he was using him to do his dirty jobs.

"So you just accepted what the king said?" He asked in doubt.

"No son. And that is why I am here." He then moved closer to him. "I want you to invade Kazeera, kill the king and make his army surrender."

"I am done doing that your majesty." Raziel said firmly. "I am not attacking Kazeera."

"Raziel I know that Kazeera is important to you, but listen to me. This is for the greater good." The king persuaded him, and Raziel stood up with disbelief in his eyes. He went to stand before his father, almost intimidatingly.

"How dare you ask that of me? Kazeera is mother's kingdom, and I will never attack it." There was controlled anger in his grey eyes.

"You will have to let go of that place someday. After all your mother is dead."

Raziel's hands turned to fists beside him, clenched so tight.

"She died because of you."

"You will have to stop blaming me one day. But we should focus on what is more important for now. You shall invade Kazeera and kill the king." His father said sternly.

"You do realize that the king is mother's elder brother, my uncle?"

"This is above family Raziel." The king said with a frown. "And you have been defiling my orders a lot lately. I am your king and you shall do as I say." Both men stared at each other, the tension between them so thick, it was almost tangible. Raziel didn't back down, but the king just gave him a pat on the shoulder before walking past him.

Raziel stared at the door his father just passed by with his hands still clenched at his sides, his mind running with thoughts. He then took a deep breath before going to lie back down.


A few hours passed by quickly, and it was already morning the next day, the day Prince Raziel and Princess Evelyn are to be married.

Evelyn had already took her time, having her bath in scented water. Her hair too had also been washed, and different scents were applied on it.

She was presently sitting on a chair in the dressing room connected to her room, while servants flocked around her, beautifying her.

She was dressed in layers and layers of a red dress, while her blonde hair was combed and stylishly adorned with gold, but she wasn't satisfied. If the servants had a choice, they would have left her, because nothing they did seemed to please her, and she would not hesitate to throw an insult, or slap, or threaten one of them.

"My princess... we are done." One of the maids said, and Evelyn turned to glare at her.

"You filthy thing, I will be your queen soon."

The servants couldn't help but pray that the prince did not marry her. They couldn't imagine her becoming their queen. She would kill them all. But they know that there was very little or no possibility at all that their wish would come to pass.

Evelyn stood up, and a human maid offered to help her walk, as she felt like her dress was too heavy for her. But Evelyn pushed the human away, sending her falling on her butt.

"What time is the wedding starting?" Evelyn asked the maids.

"One hour before it begins your highness." A maid answered.

"Have anyone of you seen my husband this morning?" She asked again.

"No your highness." They answered and she glared at them.

"Never useful." She hissed.

A moment later, a knock was heard on the door, followed by a female voice.

"Your highness, your parents, the king and queen of Baelington are here. The king demands to see you." The maid announced and quickly dashed out of there before the princess calls her to punish her.

Evelyn smiled on hearing that her parents were there. She stood up, not bothering to say anything to the maid behind her who was still busy with her hair. The manner in which she pushed the chair made the maid fall, and she walked past her.

Meanwhile Raziel was already dressed up in his room. Lorenzo who had been watching him in confusion couldn't help but ask;

"Are you sure you are not going to marry the princess?"

"I am not."

"But the ceremony is about to begin. The castle is filled with guests. The king would not be pleased if you do not marry the princess. And this might lead to a war between both kingdoms." Lorenzo explained nervously.

"It would only lead to war if I had agreed to marry her. I made it known from the beginning that I will not marry her. I even let her parents know."


"I thought you didn't like her." Raziel said to him.

"I never said that your highness."

"You are an open book Lorenzo." Raziel said, before squatting to wear his boots.

"Where are you going your highness?" Lorenzo asked curiously.

"I heard that the neighbouring village brought in new slaves. I want to buy them. Are you coming?"

Lorenzo looked confused. If he stayed, he would get in trouble with the king for not being able to convince the prince. If he went with him, oh well, he would also get into trouble. But at least the trouble would not begin at that very moment.

"I will go with you my prince." He said.


On another side of the castle, Evelyn was in a room that had been given to her parents to relax. The wedding was starting, and they needed to walk in with her after giving her their blessings. The princess was ecstatic as they walked to the hall. Raziel didn't like her now, but he must surely come to like her, and she would make sure that he would pay for everything he had done to her.

She even told her parents how Raziel had been to her, with the exception of locking her up in the dungeons. They had encouraged her to put up with him for sometime. Her mother then went ahead to let her know that as a wife, she should be extremely submissive, and do everything to please him, that way he would come to love her.

She was reminded by her father the things she would gain by marrying Raziel. She would be Queen of the post powerful kingdom, and she would get everything she wanted.

Speaking with her parents revitalized her, and she was charged with renewed vigour.

Her parents walked her into the tastefully decorated hall where the wedding was to take place. They got to the front seat reserved for the bride and groom, and met it empty. It was tradition that the groom arrive before the bride.

"Where is the prince?" Evelyn's father asked with a low voice.

Evelyn took a deep breath, not believing that Raziel would actually not show up, even though he made it clear that he would not marry her.

"I believe he's been delayed father."

Evelyn's mother placed a hand on her husband's shoulder, calming him.

"I should go see the king. This is disrespect. Is this how he is going to treat my daughter?" Evelyn's father fumed, but his wife was later able to convince him to wait. He could do whatever he wanted after the wedding.

Raziel's father too would be lying if he said he wasn't nervous. Raziel would actually not abandon his own wedding right? He has even sent a guard to look for him, but the guard was yet to return. He tried his best to put on a straight face.

After waiting for a while, the door opened and a man stepped in. Evelyn looked back in anticipation to see Raziel, but she saw someone else. A knight.

The knight walked to the front, making everyone wonder what he was doing.

"Your majesties, your highnesses, your graces..." He acknowledged every nobility present there. "I was sent by the prince..." He made a pause to look at the people's faces. They didn't look pleased at all. He swallowed, but continued.

"He said he has an important work to take care of, and you should continue the wedding without him." He finally said, leading to an uproar in the hall.

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